Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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Thanks to Brotherreese

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Illinois Politics 101

It does not surprise or bother me that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Tried to sell Obama's senate seat, or that he strong armed a Chicago news paper to get rid of editorial staff. As well as trying to angle himself into a high paying cushy union job. This is what the American people and the people of Illinois expect from there elected officials. From the Daley family to the history of the corrupt unions, and the Mob, the thug mentality of Illinois politics is astounding. Blagojevich is just one of a long line of Illinois Governors to make the perp walk. This is the normal day to day operations of Politik Chicago style.

What really pisses me off is the accusation that he tried to black mail a children's hospital for a campaign donation, in return the Governor would make sure that state funding for the hospital would not get cut off. This man deserves to be sentenced to death by sodomy.

The Question off course is what did Obama know, when did he know it, and what did he promise Blagojevich. We need full judicary hearings on this matter now. Obama cut his political teeth in the streets of Chicago. he was trained by the best politically corrupt minds in Chicago. I don't think this is the change all the Obamabots were looking for O' merciful one.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Chaos is what I thrive on. It makes my heart go a million miles a minute with out the use of any outside chemicals. Chaos is not wanting to ride the roller coaster, but needing too, just to see if this is going to be the time it goes off the rails. Secretly hoping it does. Chaos is an aphrodisiac that is stronger than any hormone inducing pheromone that can be spritzed behind ones ear or on the nape of the neck. Chaos is having a thousand things crammed into your mind, and the thrill of knowing only you can put it in order. Chaos is putting flame to cigarette and cigarette to lips all the well knowing that you should not. Chaos is making sure there is room in your mind so that there will always be a place for the memories of just two random days one autumn that you do not want to forget. Once chaos infects your blood stream it attaches to your soul, never to let go. Don’t confuse chaos with adrenaline, although the two mix well together they are different. If you cannot take the chaos there is no need to stand in line for a ticket. It is not for everyone. This is fact. The risks are there, and the fall could be hard. But I like roller coasters.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why I Hate Most People

This story confirms the reason I hate most people. I will follow this story till the end, because nothing gets my blood boiling more than abuse of the elderly and children. Even my sick twisted mind cannot think of a punishment gruesome enough to fit the crime of these bitches. Just bring them to my house and I'll put a 40 cal slug in each of their heads. At least we would no longer have to share oxygen with these two pieces of sub human waste.

This from the smoking gun:

DECEMBER 2--"A group of teenagers working at a Minnesota nursing home abused and sexually humiliated elderly residents suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia, prosecutors allege. The six young female caregivers were named yesterday in criminal complaints charging them with a variety of cruel behavior at the Good Samaritan Society nursing home in Albert Lee, a city in southern Minnesota. Only two of those charged--Brianna Broitzman, 19, and Ashton Larson, 18--are named in the complaints since they were not minors when the alleged abuse occurred. According to District Court complaints filed against Broitzman (pictured above left) and Larson (above right), nursing home residents were spat upon, spanked, improperly touched, and tormented by the teenagers earlier this year. Excerpts of the misdemeanor complaints can be found below. Broitzman allegedly poked one resident's breasts, spit into the mouth of another elderly person, and "put her bare butt" in the face of a Good Samaritan Society resident identified as "S.W." Larson once "inserted her finger into a resident's rectum," spit water on another "vulnerable adult," and would deliberately bathe a resident in a rough manner so the elderly man would get an erection. The minor caregivers are identified in the complaints by their initials and dates of birth. Broitzman, charged with 11 criminal counts, and Larson, charged with 10 counts, face a year in jail or up to a year in jail on each of the raps."

Just one year in jail on each count? Outrageous! These whores should never be allowed to see the light of day again. Burn them at the stake, or impale them on live TV. Remove their eyes and pour molten lead in the sockets. Place them in a wood chipper feet first. Draw and quarter them. The fact that these crimes are considered misdemeanors makes me want to puke blood.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lunch With Freinds.

I had lunch with and old friend from high school today. I must say that it brought back a flood of memories for me. In High school she was kind of like a therapist to us misguided souls who roamed the halls of our alma mater. I'm glad we got back in touch because she is someone who really knows how to listen and give feed back on matters of great importance to the trivial. Think Sigmund Freud with a paint brush, and a much hotter body.

I am always interested when I see folks from my youth who I have lost touch with, just to see how the years between have changed them. I'm glad to say that Kimbo is still the same free spirit person that she was all those years ago, to quote George Harrison.

I hope it's not another 17 years before we see each other again, as a 45 minute lunch is not sufficient for the conversations that must be explored.

Monday, November 17, 2008

One Has To Wonder....

Citigroup layoffs trump global economic plan

WASHINGTON (AP) — Another round of massive layoffs at Citigroup and more bad financial news Monday led investors to shrug off the lengthy action plan from world leaders designed to address a sagging global economy.

Citigroup said it will cut about 53,000 more jobs in coming quarters as the banking giant struggles to deal with massive losses from deteriorating debt.

Citigroup has announced another round off layoffs to the tune off 53000 employees. This begs the question; were these people really needed in the first place? The answer is obviously no. Mind you I doubt these were skilled workers to begin with, mostly white collier types who sit in front of a computer screen all day. Which will make it a lot harder for these people to find work. This country seems to have an abundance of college graduates with cushy jobs that require little or no experience or skills just a piece of paper that says you went to college. I would venture a guess that very few of these former employees have any real world skills they could take with them to a another job. I doubt they could set up a 3rd shift production line at the tire plant, or fix a motor drive on a conveyor belt if it went out.

"So Mr. Jones I see you were with Citigroup for the last five years, how are your heat exchanger trouble shooting skills. Well if a sitting in front of a computer reading spread sheets position opens up I will give you a call."

There is an old saying not sure who said it and I paraphrase, "Success is going to come knocking at your door one day, only you might not recognize it because it will be dressed in overalls and covered in grease."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

30 Years Ago This Month Another Great Man Brought About Change

It was 30 Years ago this month Reverend Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple dispatched over 900 of his followers to the great beyond by mixing Kool-Aid and cyanide together. Jim was a great orator who along with his charisma could have entire crowds in tears just with his words. I am so glad that we don't have any public figures today that have this kind of power of people that they just blindly follow, and believe every word that comes out of his mouth. It would definitively be a shame if that person was elected president of the most powerful country on the face of the earth.
Jim Jones preyed on the poor, weak, and down trodden to amass his power over them. Promises of no financial worries, were made to them. they were told to give up all there possessions and money to the church and the church would take care of them. I am just so glad that this could never happen in this day and time.

And So It Begins

We are starting to see just what kind of people "The One" is going to surround himself with. This from IDB:

Another Brick In 'The Wall'?

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, November 11, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Transition: Jamie Gorelick may be back, this time as attorney general. It was her "wall of separation" that that left us blind pre-9/11. And let's not forget her admirable service at Fannie Mae.

"Not many people can claim to have been at the center of arguably the greatest financial disaster and greatest national security disaster in American history. But Gorelick, said to be on the short list for attorney general by the New York Times, can. Surely that qualifies her for further government service.

Gorelick earned an estimated $26 million serving as vice chair of Fannie Mae from 1998 to 2003. In 1998, according to the Washington Post , Gorelick received a bonus of $779,625, despite a scandal in which employees falsified signatures on accounting transactions to manipulate books to meet 1998 earning targets.

In 2003, she got a "Friends of Angelo" sweetheart mortgage deal from Countrywide Financial for almost $1 million. Her $960,000 mortgage refinancing in 2003 was handled through a program reserved for influential figures and friends of Countrywide's chief executive at the time, Angelo Mozilo.

Countrywide's loans on preferential terms to influential figures are the subject of a federal grand jury investigation in Los Angeles, according to people involved in the inquiry. So Gorelick is in fact under investigation by the department she might soon be running.

On March 25, 2002, BusinessWeek quoted Gorelick as saying: "We believe we are managed safely. Fannie Mae is among the handful of top-quality institutions." One year later, government regulators accused Fannie Mae of improper accounting to the tune of $9 billion in unrecorded losses. This keen financial oversight set the stage for the financial meltdown to follow.

Before Fannie Mae, Gorelick was deputy attorney general in the Clinton Justice Department and architect of the policy that established a wall between intelligence and law enforcement, making "connecting the dots" before 9/11 a virtual impossibility.

Gorelick was the author of a 1995 memo that helped establish what former Attorney General John Ashcroft testified was the "single greatest structural cause" for Sept. 11, which was "the wall that segregated criminal investigators and intelligence agents."

"Government erected this wall," Ashcroft said. "Government buttressed this wall. And before Sept. 11, government was blinded by this wall."

Gorelick later was a member of the 9/11 Commission, a participant in the very events being investigated. At the commission hearings, she pummeled Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, not with questions but with accusations of malfeasance, asking Rice why her office failed to "connect the dots."

Gorelick made the accusations knowing that she herself issued the memo ordering the FBI to erect a legal wall between itself and the CIA, preventing them from sharing information, making it impossible to collect the dots, much less connect them. She should have been a witness, not a panel member.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, who in 1998 brought an indictment against bin Laden and a deputy, Mohammed Atef, for the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, wrote two scathing memos to Attorney General Janet Reno on the wall Gorelick built with Reno's approval.

On June 13, 1995, White wrote Reno: "The most effective way to combat terrorism is with as few labels and walls as possible so that whenever permissible, the right and left hands are communicating."

According to a New York Post report, White was so upset after Reno and Gorelick refused to tear down Gorelick's wall barring information-sharing between intelligence and law enforcement that she wrote a second, still-secret memo, saying their wall hindered law enforcement and could cost lives.

In this time of financial crisis and war on terror, it would be more than a little ironic if an old Clinton crony, someone who played a detrimental role in both, would be rewarded again with a key role in government. Maybe it's true that the more things "change" the more they remain the same."

If this is the kind of scum that "The One" is going to put in charge then what hope do we have?
I will say it again, we are all doomed.

So When Can I Start Making Fun Of President Huggy Bear?

Would someone please let me know when the moratorium on making fun of President Huggy Bear (or Shaft, or Link from The Mod Squad I still have yet to decide) is over? I have a lot of material to get of my chest. Sooner or later this guy is going to need to be knocked off his pedestal. So far though he still seems to be off limits. Since he was elected I have yet to hear one joke from the late night shows or any other comedian. What is going on? Is this man some kind of sacred cow that cannot be touched? please don't tell me they think they are going to get 4 years of mileage out of Bush/McCain/Palin jokes. It reminds me of the Muslims who want to behead people for any mention of Muhammad. No matter what you may think of the man, messiah, savior, the one, he is still just a politician. Which means he is a few links lower than a child rapist on the food chain of life. Or, are they scared? After the whole Imus fiasco of 2007, the last thing, Letterman, Leno, or Stewart want is to have to kiss the bare asses of Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton on live TV.

More importantly, will the subjects be able to tell the emperor that he wears no clothes? When he does fuck up will the media report it? Or is this guy gonna get a free pass for the next four years? So far it's looking like it's gonna be a long honeymoon. But sooner or later, we are gonna have to pull out, wipe up, rip the bag off her head, and look the girl we picked up at closing time at the bar in the eye. And her taxi is not showing up for 4 more years. And guys as we all know this can be awkward.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. If you have a chance take time out to thank a veteran for serving our country.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The American dream died tonight. We will soon be slaves to the all powerfull Obama and his repressive government. I was not expecting it to be the landslide it turned out to be. The silver lining, if there is one, is that The Obama and Bidden will no longer be US Senaters. So that is good. Obama has basicly promised to punish the "rich" and the "corupt corperations". Unfortunaly we work for the "rich" and "corupt corperations". Massive unemployment awaits us in the next year. Obama, acording to his words seems hell bent on expanding a class of people that is completly reliant on the government for every want and need they have. We are doomed. I guess I will just continue to bitterly cling to my guns.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Home Stretch

Well we are down to the last 24 or so hours of the longest campaign on history. Obama with all his money still cannot get his lead past the margin of error in the polls. This election is going to be a precinct by precinct battle. Will Obamas thugs be able to get enough deceased people, felons, and illegal aliens to the polls to put him over the top. Did ACORN sign up enough people multiple times to make a deference? Can the Democrats suppress enough of the military vote as they always try to do, to give Obama the votes he needs.

There will be many problems at the polls tomorrow. Voting machine malfunctions, people trying to commit fraud, as well as just plan ignorance of the process. Thousands of lawyers for both sides of the battle are already hunkered down and ready to litigate. Riot cops in some inner city ghettos are preparing for the worst.

We should know who the Supreme Court will decide should be the next president by Thanksgiving.

We will possible be entering a new chapter in the history of the United States. This chapter starts out with "change" and "hope" and ends with us swimming in a cesspool of third world socialism.

Over the past year I have yet to make an endorsement for president. I have just been vehemently against Obama. I would now like to encourage everyone to vote for Bob Barr for the next president of the United States. Or if you have the option write in a candidate of your choice.

This is the United States, the greatest country on earth, we deserve better the these two candidates. Arm yourselves America it's going to be a dangerous four years.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Now they want to take over my 401K

It's not enough that the socialists have ruined the economy and are in the process of taking over the banking industry, now they want to take over my 401K. We are all just going to be slaves to the government come January 20. We will have to work until the day we die and when that happens they will take what we have left so we will not be able to pass anything on to our kids or grand kids. We are all doomed and I am starting to get depressed. We will be eating Soylent Green with lead forks by the time The Obama get's through raping this country and it's citizens.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Obama Voter Close Up.

Here are a few examples of the average Obama voter. As we can see this country is doomed.

And from 20/20:

A vote for Obama should also come with a free sterilization so these people cannot breed and polute the gene pool any further.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The European Health Care Model

Here is yet another example of the great utopian European health care system. From the Times Online;

"Family doctors are receiving cash bonuses not to send patients to hospital despite National Health Service research that suggests incentive payments can reduce the quality of care.

GPs are paid £1 per patient to spend time reviewing their decision to send someone to hospital and a further £1 for every name on their surgeries’ list if they reduce their previous year’s referral rate. An average surgery with 10,000 patients will receive up to £20,000 for taking part in the scheme."

This is the same type of health care that the socialists in our government want to impose on us. These socialists will not have to set up death camps to get rid of the undesirables (like there mentors Stalin, and Hitler) They will just provide them with what they call quality health care.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Evidence Keeps Poping Up............

The evidence against Barak Obama keeps growing everyday. This story comes to us from mediacircus.com. He sued Citibank to force them to make bad loans to people. The man is a disgrace and he and his socialist henchmen have single handedly destroyed the US economy.

This from Media Circus:

Posted on 03 October 2008

Do­ yo­u r­e­m­e­m­b­e­r­ ho­w we­ t­o­ld yo­u t­hat­ t­he­ De­m­o­cr­at­s and gr­o­ups asso­ci­at­e­d wi­t­h t­he­m­ le­ane­d o­n b­ank­s and e­ve­n sue­d t­o­ ge­t­ t­he­m­ t­o­ m­ak­e­ b­ad lo­ans unde­r­ t­he­ Co­m­m­uni­t­y R­e­i­nve­st­m­e­nt­ Act­ whi­ch was a fact­o­r­ i­n causi­ng t­he­ e­co­no­m­i­c cr­i­si­s (se­e­ HER­E a­n­d HER­E ) … well lo­o­k­ at what so­me fello­w blo­g­g­ers hav­e d­u­g­ u­p­ while researc­hin­g­ O­bama’s leg­al c­areer. Lo­o­k­s lik­e a typ­ic­al AC­O­RN­ lawsu­it to­ g­et ban­k­s to­ han­d­ o­u­t bad­ lo­an­s.

In­ these lawsu­its, AC­O­RN­ mak­es a bo­g­u­s c­laim o­f Red­lin­in­g­ (d­en­yin­g­ p­o­o­r p­eo­p­le lo­an­s bec­au­se o­f their ethn­ic­ heritag­e). They p­ro­test an­d­ g­et the lo­c­al med­ia to­ raise a big­ stin­k­. This stin­k­ mean­s that the ban­k­ fac­es tho­u­san­d­s o­f p­eo­p­le c­lo­sin­g­ their ac­c­o­u­n­ts an­d­ g­et lo­c­al p­o­litic­ian­s to­ lo­bby to­ sto­p­ the ban­k­ fro­m d­o­in­g­ so­me fu­tu­re bu­sin­ess, exp­an­sio­n­s an­d­ merg­ers. If the ban­k­ g­o­es to­ c­o­u­rt, they will win­, bu­t the d­amag­e is alread­y d­o­n­e bec­au­se who­ is g­o­in­g­ to­ lau­n­c­h a big­ c­amp­aig­n­ to­ g­et the ban­k­’s rep­u­tatio­n­ bac­k­?

It is imp­o­rtan­t to­ u­n­d­erstan­d­ the n­atu­re o­f these lawsu­its an­d­ what their p­u­rp­o­se is. AC­O­RN­ filed­ to­n­s o­f these lawsu­its an­d­ ALL o­f them alleg­e rac­ism.

Cas­e­ Name­
B­uy­cks-Rob­erson­ v­. Ci­t­i­b­an­k F­ed. Sav­. B­an­k F­ai­r Housi­n­g/L­en­di­n­g/I­n­suran­ce
Docket­ / Court­ 94 C 4094 ( N­.D. I­l­l­. ) F­H-I­L­-0011
St­at­e/T­erri­t­ory­ I­l­l­i­n­oi­s
C­as­e S­ummary
P­la­int­iffs filed­ t­heir cla­ss a­ct­io­n la­w­suit­ o­n July 6, 1994, a­lleg­ing­ t­ha­t­ Cit­iba­nk­ ha­d­ eng­a­g­ed­ in red­lining­ p­ra­ct­ices in t­he Chica­g­o­ m­et­ro­p­o­lit­a­n a­rea­ in vio­la­t­io­n o­f t­he Equa­l Cred­it­ O­p­p­o­rt­unit­y A­ct­ (ECO­A­), 15 U.S.C. 1691; t­he Fa­ir Ho­using­ A­ct­, 42 U.S.C. 3601-3619; t­he T­hirt­eent­h A­m­end­m­ent­ t­o­ t­he U.S. Co­nst­it­ut­io­n; a­nd­ 42 U.S.C. 1981, 1982. P­la­int­iffs a­lleg­ed­ t­ha­t­ t­he D­efend­a­nt­-ba­nk­ reject­ed­ lo­a­n a­p­p­lica­t­io­ns o­f m­ino­rit­y a­p­p­lica­nt­s w­hile a­p­p­ro­ving­ lo­a­n a­p­p­lica­t­io­ns filed­ by w­hit­e a­p­p­lica­nt­s w­it­h sim­ila­r fina­ncia­l cha­ra­ct­erist­ics a­nd­ cred­it­ hist­o­ries. P­la­int­iffs so­ug­ht­ injunct­ive relief, a­ct­ua­l d­a­m­a­g­es, a­nd­ p­unit­ive d­a­m­a­g­es.

U.S. D­ist­rict­ Co­urt­ Jud­g­e Ruben Ca­st­illo­ cert­ified­ t­he P­la­int­iffs’ suit­ a­s a­ cla­ss a­ct­io­n o­n June 30, 1995. Buyck­s-Ro­berso­n v. Cit­iba­nk­ Fed­. Sa­v. Ba­nk­, 162 F.R.D­. 322 (N.D­. Ill. 1995). A­lso­ o­n June 30, Jud­g­e Ca­st­illo­ g­ra­nt­ed­ P­la­int­iffs’ m­o­t­io­n t­o­ co­m­p­el d­isco­very o­f a­ sa­m­p­le o­f D­efend­a­nt­-ba­nk­’s lo­a­n a­p­p­lica­t­io­n files. Buyck­s-Ro­berso­n v. Cit­iba­nk­ Fed­. Sa­v. Ba­nk­, 162 F.R.D­. 338 (N.D­. Ill. 1995).

T­he p­a­rt­ies vo­lunt­a­rily d­ism­issed­ t­he ca­se o­n M­a­y 12, 1998, p­ursua­nt­ t­o­ a­ set­t­lem­ent­ a­g­reem­ent­.
P­la­int­iff’s La­w­yers A­lexis, Hila­ry I. (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Child­ers, M­icha­el A­llen (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Cla­yt­o­n, Fa­y (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Cum­m­ing­s, Jeffrey Irvine (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Lo­ve, Sa­ra­ No­rris (Virg­inia­)
M­iner, Jud­so­n Hirsch (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Oba­m­­a­, Ba­r­a­ck H­. (Illinois­)
FH-I­L-0011-7500 | FH-I­L-0011-7501 | FH-I­L-0011-9000
Wi­ckert­, J­o­hn­ Hen­ry­ (I­lli­n­o­i­s)

This from the NY Post:

T­HE seed­s o­­f t­o­­d­a­y’s fina­ncia­l melt­d­o­­w­n lie in t­he Co­­mmunit­y R­einvest­ment­ A­ct­ - a­ la­w­ pa­ssed­ in 1977 a­nd­ ma­d­e r­isk­ier­ by unw­ise a­mend­ment­s a­nd­ r­eg­ula­t­o­­r­y r­uling­s in la­t­er­ d­eca­d­es.

CR­A­ w­a­s mea­nt­ t­o­­ enco­­ur­a­g­e ba­nk­s t­o­­ ma­k­e lo­­a­ns t­o­­ hig­h-r­isk­ bo­­r­r­o­­w­er­s, o­­ft­en mino­­r­it­ies living­ in unst­a­ble neig­hbo­­r­ho­­o­­d­s. T­ha­t­ ha­s pr­o­­vid­ed­ a­n o­­pening­ t­o­­ r­a­d­ica­l g­r­o­­ups lik­e A­CO­­R­N (t­he A­sso­­cia­t­io­­n o­­f Co­­mmunit­y O­­r­g­a­niz­a­t­io­­ns fo­­r­ R­efo­­r­m No­­w­) t­o­­ a­buse t­he la­w­ by fo­­r­cing­ ba­nk­s t­o­­ ma­k­e hund­r­ed­s o­­f millio­­ns o­­f d­o­­lla­r­s in “subpr­ime” lo­­a­ns t­o­­ o­­ft­en uncr­ed­it­w­o­­r­t­hy po­­o­­r­ a­nd­ mino­­r­it­y cust­o­­mer­s.

A­ny ba­nk­ t­ha­t­ w­a­nt­s t­o­­ expa­nd­ o­­r­ mer­g­e w­it­h a­no­­t­her­ ha­s t­o­­ sho­­w­ it­ ha­s co­­mplied­ w­it­h CR­A­ - a­nd­ a­ppr­o­­va­l ca­n be held­ up by co­­mpla­int­s filed­ by g­r­o­­ups lik­e A­CO­­R­N.

In fa­ct­, in­timidatio­n­ tactics, pu­b­lic ch­ar­ge­s o­f r­acism an­d th­r­e­ats to­ u­se­ CR­A to­ b­lo­ck­ b­u­sin­e­ss e­xpan­sio­n­ h­av­e­ e­n­ab­le­d ACO­R­N­ to­ e­xtr­act h­u­n­dr­e­ds o­f millio­n­s o­f do­llar­s in­ lo­an­s an­d co­n­tr­ib­u­tio­n­s fr­o­m Ame­r­ica’s fin­an­cial in­stitu­tio­n­s .

T­he Wo­o­ds F­und rep­o­rt­ m­a­kes i­t­ clea­r O­ba­m­a­ wa­s f­ully a­wa­re o­f­ t­he i­nt­i­m­i­da­t­i­o­n t­a­ct­i­cs used by A­CO­RN’s M­a­deli­ne T­a­lbo­t­t­ i­n her p­i­o­neeri­ng ef­f­o­rt­s t­o­ f­o­rce ba­nks t­o­ susp­end t­hei­r usua­l credi­t­ st­a­nda­rds. Y­et­ he suppor­t­ed T­al­b­ot­t­ in­ ever­y­ con­ceivab­l­e w­ay­. He t­r­ain­ed her­ per­son­al­ st­af­f­ an­d ot­her­ aspir­in­g­ ACOR­N­ l­eader­s, he con­sul­t­ed w­it­h her­ ext­en­sivel­y­, an­d he ar­r­an­g­ed a m­ajor­ b­oost­ in­ f­oun­dat­ion­ f­un­din­g­ f­or­ her­ ef­f­or­t­s.

An­d, as t­he l­eader­ of­ an­ot­her­ char­it­y­, t­he Chicag­o An­n­en­b­er­g­ Chal­l­en­g­e, Ob­am­a chan­n­el­ed mo­­re­ fun­­din­­g T­alb­ot­t­’s way­ - ost­e­n­­sib­ly­ for­ e­ducat­ion­­ pr­oje­ct­s b­ut­ sur­e­ly­ suppor­t­iv­e­ of ACOR­N­­’s ov­e­r­all e­ffor­t­s.

This man should never be allowed to hold any public office every agian much less be President. He is nothing more than a criminal thug who should be ostracized. Obama was just part of a organized crime ring in Chicago disguised as a community redevlopmet orgianization. He will destroy our country.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

By The Numbers

Obama seems to be losing ground with likely voters in the polls. the numbers are all over the board today with some having him as high as 12 points while other have him only at a 1 point advantage. He seems to be doing well in the registered voter category. These numbers can be skewed though because it includes a lot of the so called "youth vote" (18-25) and of course they historically never show up. I think to get a clearer picture you have to look at the likely voter category.

Rezko Is Sqealing

Barak Obama's friend, mentor, former chief fundraiser, and all around partner in he's crimes had his sentencing put on hold. He seems to be turning stool pigeon and naming names. Of course you wont hear anything about this, as it shines a negative light on Obama, just like demanding answers about his being mentored by Terrorist Bill Ayers, and his involvement in the massive cases of voter fraud perpetrated by the socialist group ACORN are just "distracting" the voters. What is this piece of excrement trying to hide from the American people? Why wont he release documents concerning he's past work with ACORN, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko? These type of issues are what show a mans character. But most importantly it shows what kind of people he will have in mind for his cabinet as well as life time judicial appointments. There is an old saying, "you are the people you keep". The people Obama has kept seem to be liars, thugs, thief's, and profiteers. It's time for the media to get their noses out of Obama's ass crack and do the job they are charged to do, ask these questions. And if he refuses to answer, find the answers.

This from the AP and the Greenville News. (And please notice that there is no mention of the millions of dollars that this scumbag raised for Obama.)

Oct 8, 10:20 AM EDT

Federal judge grants delay in Rezko sentencing

CHICAGO (AP) -- Convicted political fundraiser Tony Rezko's sentencing is officially on hold in Chicago.

U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve on Wednesday granted prosecutors' request to strike Rezko's scheduled October 28th sentencing date.

St. Eve set a status hearing for December.

Earlier this week, prosecutors filed a motion to delay the sentencing "while the parties engage in discussions that could affect their sentencing postures."

The request all but an acknowledges Rezko is talking to investigators about what he knows about corruption in state government.

He was convicted on charges of launching a $7 million scheme to use his clout with Governor Rod Blagojevich's administration to pressure a contractor and firms wanting to do business with the state for kickbacks.

© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Throwing Stars


I have decided to take a break from all the political hoopla and focus on a more important subject. Throwing Stars. Yes the shiny pieces of metal that my friends and I played with as youths. Apparently in the hands of a skilled Ninja they can be deadly. But in my hands I was lucky if I got one to stick in a tree. I guess my ninja skills were a little rusty. Here is a kicker, we used to take these discs of death to school with us and play with them during recess. Today I imagine that we would be led off campus in handcuffs and be the top story on the 11 o clock news. "4th grader busted with deadly ninja weaponry". Our parents would be castigated as unfit for allowing their precious little snowflakes to get a hold of such weapons of mass disruption. Shallamar II and The Treasure Box in the old Greenville Mall would have been protested and shut down for endangering the lives of the public.

I have since moved on to a little better means of self defense. No longer do I feel the need to train in the ancient arts of the Ninja. I have traded in my old throwing stars for a nice Taurus PT24/7 40 cal. (Although i do have my eye on an awesome pair of nunchucks, if anyone is interested we will meet behind my dads garage and practice).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin And Biden

Well the debate was last night and for the most part, there were not a lot of fireworks to talk about. Palin seemed to be very statesman like in her demure while Biden seemed like just another Washington career politician. Biden also told many untruths about McCains voting record and policy's. He also lied when he tried to justify he's voting for giving President Bush the authority to go to war with Iraq. He basically plead ignorance when he said he voted, so the president would have time to go to the UN and and get the inspectors back in. ppppppplllllllleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee. Biden voted for the war, for the same reason every other democrat voted for it. To save their jobs. Over all I would have to say that Palin won the debate, or at least tied and the tie goes to Palin.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And The Smelly Hippies Of The World Rejoiced

Hippies of the world are twirling in place in the streets today as the Band Phish anounces it is going back out on tour. If in the next few months you get a whiff of the distinct smell of body odor mixed with patchouli, then your town could be the next stop on the tour. wheres Eric Cartman when we need him?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Something To Keep In Mind.................

Franklin Raines, the former CEO of Fanny Mae, is one of The Obama's economic advisers, and is on the short list for his Treasury Secretary cabinet post. If you recall Raines is the man who had financial documents forged so that he could receive he's windfall bonuses. Now it looks like that the federal government is getting into the mortgage business. This should end well.

This "crisis" was caused by a number of things, but mainly political correctness. Laws were passed that made it illegal to ask a potential home buyer, how much money they made. The government, used many leftest groups like Acorn
to act like it's muscle to threaten banks and mortgage companies to lend money to people that they knew would not be able to pay back. The government in turn, threatened to investigate institutions that did not follow these practices.

The bottom line is, people were buying houses they knew they could not afford. Loans were made over 100% the value of the property. The value of homes corrected itself from overinflated values. People were getting 100% or more mortgages on homes that were, in reality only worth about half of the listed value.

There is a lot of blame to go around. From the government, forcing the lenders hand, to the lenders "cooking the books" to show profits, as well as the borrowers that knew they could not afford to buy a house in the first place. You could also add the people who got on the flipping band wagon over the past decade into the equation. since over half of the foreclosures were on second homes or homes bought just to be flipped. (This trend also added in the falsely over inflated prices of homes.)

In the end, it is the people that the government claims to want to help that get hurt. As well as the people like me and you that the government doesn't give a shit about that will have to pay off this mess.

Throw a presidential election in the mix and it doesn't matter who wins because we all lose.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How The Canadians Keep the Cost of Socialized Medicine Down

Here is an example of the "great" Canadian health care system. This is what we can expect when the socialists take over. From Canada.com

Man dies after 34-hour stay in Winnipeg ER waiting room

Gabrielle Giroday, Winnipeg Free Press

Published: Monday, September 22, 2008

WINNIPEG - A head official at this city's Health Sciences Centre said Monday workers were shocked by the revelation a man sat in the hospital's waiting room for 34 hours without medical help before dying there.

Brock Wright, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority's chief medical officer and Health Sciences Centre chief operating officer, confirmed Monday that the 45-year-old man was reportedly dropped off by vehicle at the hospital around 3 p.m. local time Friday - before he was found dead in the ER Sunday after midnight.

Wright said health officials are still trying to figure out why the man never saw a doctor."

Monday, September 15, 2008

RIP Richard Wright

Richard Wright died today at age 65. He was a founding member of Pink Floyd.


To hear some of his best work buy Pink Floyd: Live At Pompeii.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ACORN And The Obama

There are some disturbing questions that must be answered about The Obama's early association with radical Marxist organization ACORN. With ACORN's history of voter fraud over the years; what was The Obama's role in the fraud? Is this what he refers to when he talks proudly about his years as a community organizer? Will ACORN work to over throw the will of the people with this type of fraud this year? We may not find out till it's to late.

The scary part is how entrenched this group is in a lot of important states. Hopefully the media will do some digging around, and find out the truth about his roll in the corrupt Chicago political machine, because The Obama is certainly not going to answer these questions.

The Speech

Palin's speech last night was good, not as many fire works as I would have like to have seen though. She seems to have the base excited and that was her orders. The real test will be the VP debate. Her learning curve will be on foreign policy. But I think the people behind the scenes will be able to get her up to speed enough so she will have a good showing. Heck if The Obama can fake it on his "knowledge" of foreign policy then someone with actual intelligence should have no problem.

I watched MSNBC last night after the speech, Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman just looked and sounded dejected. Just not a lot of "umph" in there delivery. I think they are starting to realise that It is starting to look like a done deal for the Obama campaign.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fred Thompson Last Night

Fred Thompson gave a stirring account of John McCain's military service last night. If you missed it I'm sure it is on YOU TUBE. Fred was my choice for the nomination. I still think he would be a good president, with his Kill the Terrorists, Secure the Borders, and Punch the Hippies platform.

My Friend Jeff over at Elements Of Acrobat Has a slightly different take on the VP nominee Sarah Palin. Jeff leans a little to the left. I think he has the infamous white liberal guilt syndrome. But with good reason, back in the early to mid 1990's he actually owned slaves. Just kidding. but if you need a daily dose of leftist propaganda give his blog a look.

I hope to have my thoughts on the palin speech tomorrow. Until then, may the road rise to meet you, and may it be littered with the corpses of your enemy's.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RIP Jerry Reed

jerry 2

Jerry Reed died today of complications from emphysema, he was 71. Jerry Will mostly be remembered for his co-staring role in the Smoky And The Bandit trilogy as well as the music from the movie. But he was also an superb musician, perfecting the "chickin pickin" style on the Guitar. He was also a pretty good actor. A great quote from him when asked about his acting was: "I used to watch people like Richard Burton and Mel Gibson and think, 'I could never do that.'
"When people ask me what my motivation is, I have a simple answer: Money."
One role that stood out for me was in the 1983 film The Survivors. It stared Robin Williams and Walter Matthau. Jerry played a psychotic survivalist and played it to a T. Check out some of his early work with Chet Atkins If you really want to hear his true talent.

And The Sign Said...........


I encounterd this sign over the weekend at Stone Mountian State Park in Georgia. If any one can figure out what it means please let me know.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sara Plain And Tall


John McCain has picked Alaska Governor Sara Palin as his VP pick. Palin's star has been rising in the republican ranks for a while now. This is not really a surprise, and will do nothing but help McCain in the run up to the election.

Not to mention that she is smoking hot for a 44 year old mother of 5. She will also make mince meat out of Biden on the issues in the debate. You can bet she will be ready.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

MSNBC Falling Apart


MSNBC seems to be falling apart at the seams with out the level headed guidance of Tim Russart. It all seems to have started with the announcement that Dan Abrahams' The Verdict would be replaced by a new show hosted by Rachel Maddow. Maddow, a young man who is well educated and really far to the left should fit right in with the rest of the left wing cheerleaders; Chris Matthews, who no doubtledy is still steaming about not being handed over the keys to meet the press, and Failed Sports Center host Keith Olbermann.

Now we are finding out that Olbermann is trying to ban Tom Brokaw from appearing on MSNBC. Who the hell does Olbermann think he is? Keith is that guy everyone knows that try's to be involved in every conversation even though he does not know anything about the topic. He is just trying to be the O'Reilly of the left, and his schtick just doesn't work. He is just as much of a douchbag as O'Reilly, so he does have that going for him which is nice.

It looks like GE is looking to sell off the NBC Universal side anyway just so they can get off the ship before it sinks it's credibility like the Titanic.

Will see if Maddow can acutely get some viewers. He can preach to Shepple just as good as anyone else can. And at this point any journalistic credibility for this network has gone completely out the window. The one shining star they had died.

Addendum to last post

No matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on, the historic nomination of Barak Obama is great for this country. It shows that we as a Americans have come a long way in race relations.

More Bad News For The Dems


Coming off of the most uninspired, boring convention to date, the bad news just keeps coming for the dems.
The economy grew last quarter, and this is not good for Democrats. Like a successful surge in Iraq, the dems know that they cannot hang there hat on succsess so they have to hope the economy stays shitty, and that more Americans start losing there life in Iraq. They are the party built on "we already lost the war" and "we are heading toward a economic depression". So if the economy is growing, and we are having success in Iraq were does that leave the dems? Apparently at least dead even if not a couple of points behind McCain. Which is unprecedented during a convention. History and conventional wisdom has always shown a "bump" in the polls during a candidates convention. The tracking trends I have looked at show McCain trending upward and The Obama stagnating to say the least. Of course we will have to wait until after he appears and speaks tonight for a clearer picture. It's great timing for him as well, as college football starts tonight, and of course no one has any interest in that. The real campaign begins tomorrow, when it is expected that McCain will announce who he will nominate for veep. I'm betting on a hard core right wing surprise, anti abortion, pro military, pro economic growth, pro gun, hard ass son of a bitch, to get the base excited going into the twin cities. The thought of Lieberman is laughable, but he is going to need someone who can stand toe to toe, and spank Biden in the arena of ideas during the debate. Will see.

Shalom and Mahalo

Monday, August 25, 2008


There is no evedence that Obama will appoint Peter Singer to head the department of health and human services if he is elected. But they say like minds work well together. Look for his name to be floated around, If for no other reason to help shore up the base and throw the NOW crowd a bone after Hillary got screwed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This One Might Have Legs.

The Obama camp is on the defensive over this infanticide thing. If you have not heard yet, While Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he voted three time against a bill that would require doctors to give medical attention to babies who survive botched abortions and would have given them legal rights. Every time this bill came up he gave his reasons that he was against it, and every time those reasons were addressed in other versions of the bill he still voted against it.

The thing that blows my mind is the term “botched abortion”. Most of the time “botched” used in medical terminology means that the doctor messed up and the patient died, as in; botched heart surgery or botched chemo treatment. But this is the complete opposite. Botched abortion means that the doctor messed up and the child lives. So the question becomes, does this child have rights, once it is outside the womb, detached form the umbilical cord and breathing on its on? I would have to say yes. (My pay grade is much lower than Obama’s, but I have no trouble answering this question.)

Now I know that some in the pro choice crowd believe in abortions for any reason, any time, at any age, preferably paid for by the tax payers of the US, but come on. Maybe we should pass a law that says the doctor only gets one shot at it, if he or she messes up and the baby lives, the child is taken to an incubator and kept alive until the mother awakens and is well enough to walk. She is then given a claw hammer and told to do it herself.

Come on people weather or not you are pro life or pro abortion or fall some where in the middle, can we not all agree that once a child is outside the womb it is a life? If life does not start in side the womb, or outside the womb, then when does it start? And why are Obama, and The National Organization for Women the only ones who can decide this? Oh, I’m sorry that question is above Obama’s pay grade.

If the man can’t answer this simple question, then what kind of response will the joint chefs get when they ask, “Mr. President, what should our response be now that Russia has started military action against all of eastern Europe?” I for one do not want to find out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Upcoming Shows

Not a lot going on right now in the news that peaks my interest. The election is in the silly season, our athletes are kicking ass in china, and World War III is getting ramped up in Georga.

Here is a list of shows I am going to try and catch over the next couple of months:

Clutch: September 23 At the Orange Peel in Ashville.

Willie Nelson: October 1 in Spartanburg.

GWAR October: 6 at the Orange Peel in Ashville.

David Allen Coe: October 10 at the Orange Peel In Ashville.

As always I will give my review of each show. (As if anyone gives a shit about my opinion).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Is this for real?

Interesting Take On the Surge


This is an interesting piece on the surge in Iraq. You have to look for it, but there is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq. Of course Nancey, and Harry are sweating bullets, because they have already anounced that the war was over and we lost. Because of this, the democrates can no longer be trusted with the sercurity of the United States.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Buying Votes

Obama's plan to steal money from the oil companies to hand out, as stimulus is little more than vote buying and should be treated as such. So far the only plan that I have seen from puddin head to lower the price of gas, would be to systematically raise the price of gas. He wants to add more taxes to the oil companies so called "windfall profits". This amounts to nothing more then a tax on the poor and middle class. Obama is playing the class envy card when he talks about a windfall profits tax. It makes the middle class and poor think "yeah brother Obama is sticking it to the "man", the rich man, the man who is bringing us down". Well as it turns out, it is "the man" that does all the hiring in this country. And the man is also small business owners just trying to make ends meet. What apparently this Harvard graduate does not realize is, and let me say this as loud and clear as possible, ahem: CORPERATIONS DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES WHAT SO EVER, THE CONSUMER PAYS ALL TAXES ON GOODS AND SERVICES! So when Obama talks about a windfall profit tax for evil mean ol oil companies, just know that he is talking about a tax on the poor and middle class. Also keep in mind corporations are not just rich bloated executives in suits. For every executive there are millions of people working for Big whatever, trying to raise there kids and earn a living, so that they may be able to retire before they drop dead. And when the government fucks with the people at the top the shit tends to role down hill and the real people are the ones to get hurt.

Monday, August 4, 2008

There Plan Is Working


The lefts plan to undermine the economy is moving along just fine. It has been announced that the jobless rate in this country has just risen to 5.7 percent. What you wont hear from the media though, is the reason. It was during this time that another Kennedy minimum wage hike went into affect. Having worked in minimum wage jobs for many years back in the day. I know first hand what the effect is when an arbitrary number is just thrown out as a minimum wage. First people lose there jobs, and usually it is the people who most cannot afford to, people who more times than not are making more than the minimum. Second, prices have to be raised, across the board.

The problem is, the left is well aware of all of this, and seems to find joy in it. It does not matter to them if lives and family’s get ruined as long as the left can stick it to "big business" (for the most part though it is the small entrapanour business owner that is hurt the most.) and if they feel like it will get them a point or two in the polls.

One of the questions we should ask ourselves as we ponder the up coming election is, why does the left hate the poor, and why are they doing everything within there power to keep them that way? As well as, how bad will it get when they have complete power over the legislative and executive branches of government?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Are You Kidding?


This story about China's restictions during the Olympics is mind boggling. especialy this quote:

"“Had the I.O.C., and those vested with the decision to award the host city contract, known seven years ago that there would be severe restrictions on people being able to enter China simply to watch the Olympics, or that live broadcasting from Tiananmen Square would essentially be banned, or that reporters would be corralled at the whim of local security, then I seriously doubt whether Beijing would have been awarded the Olympics,” the commissioner said."

Why would they think China would drasticly change it's policys? Did they really think that china would change there ways in 9 years or is the IOC just blind?

Mayby the next country that gets awarded the Olympics could be Darfur or Zimbabwe, because aparently the IOC's standard's are not very high.

The Obama Times

For anyone out there who still beleves the fairy tail that the New York Times is an actual news orginazation this should set you straight.

This from FOX News.

"The New York Times last week blocked an opinion piece submitted by John McCain to the newspaper shortly after it printed a piece by his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, McCain campaign officials confirmed to FOX News on Monday.

Obama’s piece detailed his plans for Iraq and Afghanistan. While McCain’s proposed piece also discussed Iraq, The Times told McCain’s advisers that it would not accept the op-ed in its current form because it did not offer new information. Obama’s speech previewed a series of speeches leading up to a highly publicized trip to war zones in the Middle East.

“It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama’s piece,” Times op-ed editor David Shipley wrote the campaign via e-mail, The Drudge Report first reported on Monday.

“I’m not going to be able to accept this piece as currently written,” Shipley said in the e-mail late Friday.

Drudge reported that Shipley also said: “The Obama piece worked for me because it offered new information (it appeared before his speech); while Senator Obama discussed Senator McCain, he also went into detail about his own plans.”

The McCain campaign confirmed McCain’s side of the story, and issued a glancing statement regarding the matter.

“John McCain believes that victory in Iraq must be based on conditions on the ground, not arbitrary timetables. Unlike Barack Obama, that position will not change based on politics or the demands of the New York Times,” McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said."

"FOX News’ Shushannah Walshe contributed to this story."

I guess the tantrums from the socialist left about the fairness docturn is just another shallow pool.

The New York Times lost it's credibility years ago this is just another nail in the coffin of traditional "news media"

It is clear now that there will be nothing negative said about Obama in the main stream media. He has become Caligula like in his boldness. He knows no matter what he says, no matter how many different postions he takes on the same issue, no matter how many times he screws up about some historical fact (The bomb that was droped on Pearl Harbor), he will be protected by his deciples in the media. They have an agenda, and the facts are not gonna get in the way of fulfilling the desteny that is the Barack Obama.

One thing is for certain, Puddin Head Kenta has promised (acording to his on platform) to distory this country economicaly, and start the US on a downward sprial of europian socialism that we may never peacefully reverse.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dirty Stinking Apes


Here an interesting story out of Eroupe. I still say, they may be our distant cousions, but if hooking one up to a car battery will get us one step closer to finding a cure for (insert whatever disease is the flavor of the day), then here are my keys and a set of jumper cables. Light dat bitch up.

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

I'm a fleabit peanut monkey
All my friends are junkies
That's not really true

I'm a cold Italian pizza
I could use a lemon squeezer
What you do?

But I've been bit and I've been tossed around
By every she-rat in this town
Have you, babe?

Well, I am just a monkey man
I'm glad you are a monkey woman too

I was bitten by a boar
I was gouged and I was gored
But I pulled on through

Yes, I'm a sack of broken eggs
I always have an unmade bed
Don't you?

Well, I hope we're not too messianic
Or a trifle too satanic
We love to play the blues

Well I am just a monkey man
I'm glad you are a monkey, monkey woman
Monkey woman too, babe!

I'm a monkey! I'm a monkey!
I'm a monkey man! I'm a monkey man!
I'm a monkey! I'm a monkey! I'm a monkey! I'm a monkey!
Monkey! monkey! monkey!.......

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Castrat Him And bring Them To Me!


Leaving a trail of slim behind him as he made his way up to the microphone, noted racest, and anti semite, Jessie Jackson had to once agian apologize for comments he made when he did not realise his mic was on. It seems Obama hit a little to close to home when in a speech he made a comment about black men fathering children and not taking responsibilty for them. And this is something that the good revrend knows a lot about, as he himself fatherd at least one bastard child that we know of, and intialy paid the mother off with funds from his so called non profit orginazation Rainbow/Push Colliliton.

And so it begins.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

………..Shall Not Be Infringed


The Supreme Court, in a 5 to 4 decision struck down a Washington DC law that makes it illegal for anyone to posses a handgun. Thus affirming (I think for the first time) that the second amendment does in fact give law-abiding citizens the right to own firearms. This is a great day for America. And like Michelle Obama I can now say I’m proud to be an American.

Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP George

George Carlin died yesterday, and that suck. He was one of the most intellegent comedians of his generation.


In honor of him here are the 7 words that you cannot say on TV or radio.


And of course the auxiliary words.


Thank you George.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Change We can Bel...............Oh, Never Mind

Barack Obama (Here to for to be know on this blog as Puddin Head Kente (pronounced Ken-tay) Has gone back on his word about public financing of his campaign. I guess one thing that wont change is Puddin Heads dishonesty. What a hack!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where Is The Outrage

This from the Wall Street Journal:

"Give Senator Christopher Dodd credit for nerve. On Tuesday, the very day he finally admitted knowing that Countrywide Financial regarded him as a "special" customer, the Connecticut Democrat also announced that he was bringing to the Senate floor a housing bailout sure to help lenders like Countrywide.

How much will Countrywide benefit from Mr. Dodd's rescue? The Senator's plan allows mortgage lenders to dump up to $300 billion of their worst loans on to taxpayers via a new Federal Housing Administration refinancing program, provided the lenders are willing to accept 87% of current market value. The program will be most attractive to lenders and investors holding subprime and slightly-less-risky Alt-A loans made during the height of the housing bubble in 2006 and 2007.

As the market leader during that period, Countrywide originated $167 billion of such loans, more than 11% of the nationwide total, according to Inside Mortgage Finance. Analyst Fred Cannon of Keefe, Bruyette and Woods estimates that the company is still holding more than $30 billion in subprime and Alt-A loans on its books, based on the company's most recent quarterly financials.

Even for the loans Countrywide has already packaged and sold, the company would still benefit from the bailout. That's because Countrywide continues to service the loans, and every loan that goes bad means increased costs for the servicer.

Those mortgage loan sales also typically come with a guarantee that Countrywide will buy back the loans if it turns out they were fraudulent. The more loans that fail, absent a federal refinancing, the more investors will be digging into the details of these stinkers and tossing them back to Countrywide. Mindful of the looming danger, in the first quarter of this year Countrywide increased by 46% its reserves to cover these so-called "rep-and-warranty" agreements.

What's more, the company is holding $34 billion in home equity loans, which are even more risky than the mortgage loans, and typically result in 100% losses for the lender if a borrower defaults. The Dodd bailout will make it more likely that Countrywide gets some recovery from the worst of these loans because the mortgage holder will need to negotiate a settlement with the owner of the home equity loan before participating in the federal bailout.

If borrowers and lenders take full advantage of this new federal program, and Countrywide loans go south at roughly the same rate as those from other lenders, this suggests a potential taxpayer bailout of more than $25 billion for Countrywide-originated loans. Even if the losses turn out to be far less, why should taxpayers do anything to help a company that did so much to foment the mortgage mess?

Meanwhile, Mr. Dodd continues to insist that, though he knew he was a "special" Countrywide customer, he didn't think he was getting any special financial benefit. But a $75,000 reduction in mortgage payments is no small matter for anyone living on a Senate salary of $169,300. Why else would he be known around Countrywide as a "Friend of Angelo" – Angelo being Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo.

Yesterday, nine Senate Republicans led by South Carolina's Jim DeMint sent a letter asking Majority Leader Harry Reid to delay consideration of Mr. Dodd's housing bailout bill in light of its benefits for Countrywide – and Countrywide's benefits for Mr. Dodd. That's an excellent idea, in addition to a Congressional and Justice Department probe of Countrywide, Fannie Mae and the favors they seem to have spread around Washington. American taxpayers need to understand more about who they're being asked to bail out here, and why."

Where is the outrage? Why isn't Harry Reid demanding hearings about this? Chris Dodd is in the pocket of "big mortgage" and he gets a pass?

I as an American citizen demand that all of Chris Dodds assests as well as his fameilys be frozen, his passport revoked, and he be incarcerated with out bail until such time when he can be put on trial and found guilty of excepting bribes in return for political favors. Outrageous. Harry Reid should resign his leadership post as well as his senate seat, and I mean yesterday. He and the rest of his ilk are scum who have absolutly no right to pass laws which effect the country.

When will the American people stand up and say enough is enough and demand an end to the corruption that seems to be running rampit on both side of the isle?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Failed Policies Of The Past

While watching a few Obama speeches on the inner pipes last night, I started noticing a phrase that seems to be one of his many cute little catch phrases. “The Failed Policies Of The Past.” Here is a list of things I have to assume he is talking about.

The failed US tax code.
The failed welfare system
The failed social security system
The failed Medicare system
The failed war on poverty
The failed energy policy
The failed education system
The failed immigration policy
The failure to rein in uncontrolled growth of government
The failure to protect the US from terrorists
The failed “New Deal”
The failed “Great Society”

Surely these are the things he is referring to right?

Don’t forget that democrats brought the failed policies of the past upon us.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Truck 1, Pedestrian 0

I feel terrible about it, and it has effected me pretty harshly. I ran over a pedestrian Friday night. He was a young Latino gentleman who had just come out of a convenience store for more beer. He got to the sidewalk and darted into the roadway like a deer on a country back road. The only thing I could do was put my brakes to the floor and hold on. He hit the right front of my truck and landed across the right hand lane and on to the sidewalk.

At that point I was in shock and did not no what to do. Luckily a witness had the good sense to call 911, and tend to the dude I just hit. I saw him on the sidewalk bleeding and not moving. I started to hyperventilate and my heart was racing. I was no help. After about a minute the young man started to move. I heard the sirens of the fire trucks, ambulances and police cars in the distance.

I still could not believe what had just happened. And I thought I was going to pass out. The guy was getting more and more responsive. He wanted to get up but the guy who was helping him would not let him. The first responders got there, then EMS, then the police. It was like a bad dream.

I was not charged with anything. The officer told me he could tell he had been drinking, and that I did nothing wrong. I still felt horrible about the situation.

Contrary to what was said by my neighbor this morning on 93.3 The Planet’s Rise Guys Morning Show. I was not upset that I wouldn’t be able to file a claim on the guy to fix my truck. I think “Nine” just needed to hype it up for the show. Which is fine I understand. But I just want to make clear that is not the case. I’m just glad that guy was not killed or hurt very bad, the last report the police officer got from the hospital was that he would have to have a few stitches in his head but other than that he would be fine.

Well that was how my Friday the 13th ended, how was everyone else’s?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chris Martin; Douche Bag # 1

Commercial jingle writer Chris Martin shows his true douchebaggery in an interview he did for Rolling Stone. (Excerpt below). He seems to think that the rest of the world should decide the future of our country. I’ll tell you what Chris, you just make sure on Apples eighteenth birthday she is at the marine recruiters office to sign up, and will see about giving you a vote. You little asshat, don’t you realize that a lot of our ancestors had to slaughter a lot of your ancestors just to make sure we as Americans had the right to vote?

I know a lot of Americans don’t take voting seriously but some of us realize just what had to happen during the history of this country to get that right to vote. I’ll tell you what Chris, we wont tell you how to write jingles for I-Tunes commercials and we will take care of running our on country. Deal?

From Rolling Stone:

"Chris mentions that he sees reason for hope: “As soon as Barack Obama becomes president, people will be a bit more optimistic. If Obama was to be president, it would immediately change the whole outside world’s opinion of America overnight. America’s public image at the moment is really bad. And it’s a bummer, because over half of Americans are the coolest people on the planet. But they’ve been so misrepresented… But I think that, really, the fair thing would be, in electing the American president, to let everyone in the world vote, because it affects all of us. If there was a world vote, there’s no question who would win. No question. Of course, Barack Obama is human like the rest of us. He’s going to f— up. But I’m just trying to look on the bright side. What’s the point of being negative? Where does that get us? It gets you your own radio chat show, but it doesn’t really do anything for the world.”"

Monday, June 9, 2008



Bo, we hardly knew ya.

Friday, June 6, 2008

KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We should erect Platforms to burn politicians at the stake in the shadow of the Jefferson Memorial on the capital mall. When a senator, member of the house, lobbyist, president, bureaucrat, or any government employee passes a law, writes an order or takes any action which could do any harm financially or physically, is caught in a lie, or commits any other crime, he or she, as well as their family would be dragged to the capital mall beheaded or burned at the stake on live TV (C-SPAN 4?). All assets of the offender would be sold off and deposited into the treasury.

We have had too low of standards and expectations of the people we send to Washington DC. Some would say these measures that I call for go to far. But I believe that they are needed to make these people take a step back and stop and think before they sign there name to another needless bill, or executive order. The threat of having to be covered in pitch and set aflame might just do this. I believe we would have a better caliber of candidates as well. Some lawyer or midlevel executive thinks he wants to throw his hat in the political ring so he can increase his or her power base, they might just give it a second thought. And in a few generations we will either have a less corrupt government, or the skies above northern Virginia would bellow with the smoke of the wicked. Either way it would make for good TV.

A Message From The Editor

After a quick Google search yesterday, I discovered that a few other blogs are citing Punish The Innocent As Well, as a source. And it got me thinking; maybe I have more than the 3 or 4 people that I know of, who read this little web gem. Maybe I need to tone down the rhetoric. Just become a Kinder Gentler blogger. After all it is an election year, and I might just have a small semblance of influence. So in an effort to hopefully do some good in this world, my self and the staff of Punish The Innocent As Well present our new tone.

Thank you.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

We Should Put Them Down Like Lame Dogs

I don't know if you have ever watched CSPAN-2 for more than say 5 hours, but if you have than you may have been like me last night and felt the urge to throw a brick through your TV. I was interested in the debate over the Warrner/Liberman tax increase bill currently trying to be railroaded through congress. What I got were the clerks of the Senate reading into the record the Boxer Amendment to the bill. All 500 or so pages. The republicans did this to emphasize the dragging of the judiciary committee’s feet on judicial nominations. I thought this was great. After the reading, (all 9 hours) Happy Harry and Mitch McConnell went back and forth like two little bitches, until the queen bitch came down and tried to scold and shame the republicans to no avail.

For those who are unaware this bill will increase the average persons tax liability by some $6000, and will not do a thing to help end the global warming. This bill was only designed to remove money from the private sector (meaning us) and place it in the firm hands of the government (meaning them).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More On The Enviorment


Here is something to think about while the Senate debates a bill that will basically turn our once great nation into a model of a European slum.

Here is what the Wall Street Journal had to say about the "Cap and Trade" bill

"As the Senate opens debate on its mammoth carbon regulation program this week, the phrase of the hour is "cap and trade." This sounds innocuous enough. But anyone who looks at the legislative details will quickly see that a better description is cap and spend. This is easily the largest income redistribution scheme since the income tax."

"Sponsored by Joe Lieberman and John Warner, the bill would put a cap on carbon emissions that gets lowered every year. But to ease the pain and allow for economic adjustment, the bill would dole out "allowances" under the cap that would stand for the right to emit greenhouse gases. Senator Barbara Boxer has introduced a package of manager's amendments that mandates total carbon reductions of 66% by 2050, while earmarking the allowances."

"When cap and trade has been used in the past, such as to reduce acid rain, the allowances were usually distributed for free. A major difference this time is that the allowances will be auctioned off to covered businesses, which means imposing an upfront tax before the trade half of cap and trade even begins. It also means a gigantic revenue windfall for Congress."

Here is the good news, It wont pass...this time around. But next year will possibly bring in a new socialist era whose actions; from the way the candidates talk, would cripple the US economy and bring about such a slow down in US production that we would be totally dependent on India and China.

Have a nice day!

Clinton As VP?


Obama should think long and hard about putting Hillary on the ticket. The Clinton body count is long and tragic, and they would have no qualms about adding his name to the list of people who knew too much or just got in their way. The boys from Arkansas are alive and well, and still on the payroll.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clinton Ready To Call It Quits!


Hillary will quite the race tonight and presumably beg Obama for money to pay off her campaign debt.

Have the democrats finally caught Clinton fatigue like the rest of us have had since 92? It seems so. But in the process they have pissed off the feminists and other militant chick groups.

The far left wing groups like Code Pink, (for those who don’t know, Code Pink is a group of transsexuals and cross dressing men who like to protest at congressional hearings and military recruiter offices) as well as The Move on crowed should be pleased though. They will have the perception of finally having one of there own on the ticket.

Oh wait, CNN just flashed on the screen that Hillary "absolutely will not concede tonight."

I hope that she takes it all the way to the convention.

Oh, by the way, the doctors at Duke medical center came out and announced that they tried and tried, but could not locate Ted Kennedy’s brain yesterday.

ON WARD TO DENVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My My, How The Worm Has Turned

After perusing a few political blogs today, I am amazed how the public perception of the Clintons has turned over the past year. A lot of the things that are turning off the electorate, the lying, the pandering, and dirty tricks, are the same things that endeared the Clintons to the socialists in the first place.

On the other hand Obama can't seem to do any wrong. In the eyes of the press Obama does not lie, he has little "gaffs" due to being sleep deprived. Now this man is a Harvard graduate, (like Bush) But even discounting that, I have to belive he took middle school history. But here is the thing; we have to assume that until about 9pm Monday he really did believe that the US Army (including his great Uncle) liberated Auschwitz. This small "gaff" says more about the man then any pundit on TV could say. This man has absolutely no concept of history. This was proven once again a few weeks ago when he compared the correction in the housing market the US is currently going through to the great depression. I'm sure this is what he was taught in the socialist, elitist education system that is Harvard. I believe the standard answer that has been agreed upon by the socialist; elites is that the great depression was caused by the United States not spreading its wealth enough. (Which is total BS.)

But anyway, thanks in advance America for trying get these idiots elected.

Friday, May 23, 2008

More On The Global Warming.


Yet more Scientific evidence that global warming is just a way for the government to get the shepple to beg them to raise there taxes.

And another thing if drilling for our own oil and putting more oil on the market will not bring the price of gas down, as the sociallist would like for us to belive. How come congress is trying to sue OPEC to do just that?



Until next time happy Memorial Day, thank a vet, and may the road rise to meet you, and may it be littered with the corpses of your enemies.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where's Your Messiah Now?


Well it seems that the big Obama “rally” was really just a free concert by the up and coming rock band The Decemberists. If you listened to the reporting of this, you might have thought 75,000 people showed up just to see Obama. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that at least a quarter of the crowed were there to see him. I mean it is Oregon; it's like the capital of socialist hippie elitism. I’m sure the majority of folks that attended the event support Obama; I just doubt that most would have gotten up that early (I mean my goodness I think the thing started around four in the afternoon, most hippies are not early risers) just to see Obama speak.

Like someone else said there is nothing wrong with this, but at least report all of the facts.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Last Kennedy

A malignant Brain tumor is the diagnosis for Edward “Ted” Kennedy. Kennedy, one of the founding fathers of American Socialism, is one of, if not the most ranking member of the US Senate. Some of the highlights of his career include, education reforms, including the creation of the US Department of Education, as well as helping author and getting passed the “no child left behind act”. Both of which have had an astounding impact on the education system in this country. Kennedy is also a staunch advocate for environmental causes, repeatedly voting against drilling in ANWR, allowing for the building of new oil refineries, drilling and exploring off shore for oil, and for the development of nuclear power. (As most people know, the Kennedy’s, have been using witchcraft to power their yachts and limos for years, and have no need for reasonably priced fuel.) A simple Google search will unearth the senators other “great accomplishments” on health care, immigration, welfare, cutting taxes, and social spending.

Edward Kennedy’s legacy however will of course be the Murder of young Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969. As a drunken Kennedy drove Kopechne home from a party on Chappaquidick Island in Massachusetts, he drove his car off of a small wooden bridge and into a pond. Kennedy escaped unharmed but allowd Kopechne to die a slow agonizing death in the cold waters of Poucha Pond. Know one knows or at least no one is saying what this lady knew that was so bad she had to die.

It seems as if the sad saga of the last Kenedy brother is coming to an end. Everyone else in the Kenedy clan is either to above the fra to jump in to the bussiness politik. Or are even more moraly reprehensable then Ted (ie: Willam Kenedy Smith, Michael Skakel)

I don’t wish any ill will on the man, but Washington will smell, if just slightly, a little better with him in the ground.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

68 Redux

Boy I can't wait for the Democratic convention this summer. Al Sharpton has already said he is going to mobilize and disrupt it if brother Barack is not crowned by the Super Delegates. And check out these freaks www.recreate68.org (link in title above). And boy don't you know they (the super delegates) are sweating bullets. Crazy Howard has given them the ultimatum to declare by June. But no one in the party seems to take him seriously about anything. But what are they to do? Will they give it to Obama and risk political suicide, and possibly a suspicious death at the hands of some Klinton Inc. thugs? Or do they hand it to Hillary, and risk political suicide, and piss off their bread and butter wackos and special interest groups. They know that they can’t win the White House either way.

So now it’s about whom they need more, African Americans, or Chicks. Poor uneducated white people or over educated rich snots. Who ever the Dems crown the winner, someone is going to be pissed off.

Which should make for good TV this summer. Most of what I know about the 68 Chicago Democratic Convention is from first hand accounts that I read from Hunter S. Thompson. And to me he is the gospel authority. It would be a fitting tribute to the man if this year we see riots in the streets, tear gas being shot, water cannons blasting people, and police knocking heads considering the convention will take place a mere 150 miles from Owl Farm.

Ah, one can only hope. Thank goodness for C-SPAN.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Ministry rolled into Tremont Music Hall in Charlotte NC Thursday on their C U LA TOUR. Al Jorgenson has said this will be the final installment of the Ministry saga. I decided that this would be a show that if I missed I would regret. I made the trip and was rewarded with a show that was unequalled in intensity. From the fist pumping drumbeats of Rio Grande Blood, to the sensory overload of Just One Fix, Uncle Al gave his all.

I saw Ministry back in 93; I think it was some incarnation of Lollapalooza. Al and company stole the show. The show Thursday was even better because of the venue.
Tremont Music Hall really is my kind of place. It’s big enough to host bands like Ministry but still has the look and feel of a dive bar. The audience this night was an eclectic mix of metal heads, Goth kids, and old school head bangers like myself. We all watched and listened as Uncle Al preached the word of corrupt politicians, government run amok, and the politics of greed.

I hope this will not be the end of Al’s musical aspirations entirely. My guess is that it won’t be. I’m sure he will still have his finger in fire with some of his other bands. (Revolting Cocks, Pig Face, and others)

Here is the good news though the Bush family seems to be Uncle Al’s muse for Ministry,
And we still have Jeb and few others from the Bush clan who might just fuck up enough to lull Ministry back in the studio.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day





Today is kind of like Christmas to the religion of Eco freaks and hippies. And yes it is a religion, because to believe a lot of the nonsense that these people spout off about, you have to have a lot of faith. Above is just a few examples of what this movement is really all about.

I celebrated earth day by sitting in my parked truck with the engine running, air going full blast, eating my non free range chicken sandwich, drinking from a non biodegradable styrofoam cup, as I listened to right wing talk radio.