Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin And Biden

Well the debate was last night and for the most part, there were not a lot of fireworks to talk about. Palin seemed to be very statesman like in her demure while Biden seemed like just another Washington career politician. Biden also told many untruths about McCains voting record and policy's. He also lied when he tried to justify he's voting for giving President Bush the authority to go to war with Iraq. He basically plead ignorance when he said he voted, so the president would have time to go to the UN and and get the inspectors back in. ppppppplllllllleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee. Biden voted for the war, for the same reason every other democrat voted for it. To save their jobs. Over all I would have to say that Palin won the debate, or at least tied and the tie goes to Palin.

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