Friday, April 27, 2007

Still No Clear Front Runner

There still is no clear front runner after the "debate" last night. The format also made for a boring night, not a lot of fire works. Edwards called out HRC and all the other Democrats for voting for the Iraq war, I believe the quote was that they needed to "search their conscience". No doubt HRC will make him pay for that one. Like I eluded to yesterday this was just a way for the Dem's to get free air time to get the best parts of their stump speeches out to the nation. Look for HRC to not be as lady like in the next debate, the boys behind the scenes need to separate her from the rest of the field. The best way for her to do that is to attack like a rabid pit bull. She will be out for blood in the next round.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

"Debate" Tonight

I guess I will try to catch some of the "debate" tonight, although I doubt there will be to much debating going on. It will be more like an infomercial with cookie cutter questions and cookie cutter stump speech answers. Nothing new will be learned. Although we may have a clear leader after tonight between "Obamer" (Ted Kennedy's pronunciation) and HRC. My guess will be that Obama will take a small lead. But will see.


2 to1 That the Don Imus affair will be brought up.
3 to 1 That the VT shooting are brought up.
1 to 60 Chris Matthews makes another Anti-Semitic joke about Joe Lieberman during the analisys after the debate.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Hip and the Hop

Russell Simmons who along with Rick Rubin helped bring The Hip and the Hop to the masses in the 80's is calling for the end of the use of the big three words. What will hip and hop artists do with out these words? I cannot condone any type of forced censorship by the government but this will be self imposed. Of course this is not going to happen anyway. The record companies make too much money off of these words for the hip and hop artists to stop using them. And with the record companies already losing millions, I just cant see any real impact Mr. Simmons pronouncement would make. So don't worry, Snoop will still be able to smack his ho's and bitches.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Appoligy Accepted?

The question of if the state of South Carolina should follow the lead of other southern states, and issue an apology for slavery has come up in the past few days. First and foremost I had know idea that slavery only existed in the south. If we do apologize, will reverend Al except? Apology's do not seem to help. Just ask Don Imus.

I have never owned a slave. No one in my family has ever owned a slave. My ancestors never owned slaves. I was however assaulted by a black person when I was in high school. Should I make every black person accountable for this one person. According to this logic maybe so. Please send apology along with reparations check to my home address. My point is that an apology is just a ceremonial piece of paper. I attribute this to buying a crying child a piece of candy at the check out stand, sure it keeps him quiet for a little while but nothing was actually accomplished. South Carolina lets just go ahead and apologize so we can at least get to the car in peace, and we can deal with the next tantrum when we get home. Because you know it's coming.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Westboro Baptist Church

The Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the funerals of some of the VT shooting victims.
If hell exists, there should be a special place there for the good Rev. Phelps and the rest of his flock. I hope he contracts aids and dies a slow painful death, and is then brought back to life, covered in pitch, tied to a post and set a blaze. The same freedom of speech that gives me the right to write this blog, also gives the WBC the right to do what they do. The only good to come out of this vile garbage is that it shows the world what religion is really all about. It is not about love and compassion or salvation. It is about pure hate and evil. If I'm wrong and Jesus (or Mohammad, or Yahweh or whoever) comes back let me be the first to show up with a brand new nail gun and crucify him again for the damage his followers have done in his name for the past 2000 years. Can some one explain to me why, all through history up to the fall of the Roman Empire we had some of the greatest minds teaching and writing the greatest discoveries of our time, the greatest model for governments some parts of which are still used today and relative peace through out the world? Hell, the Romans even had working plumbing. Then after the roman empire fell the Christians took over and it was called the dark ages. The black plague ran rampant, all thought and learning was controlled by the church and stymied. Great famines all but destroyed whole countries. The horror of the Inquisition was fully in effect. These are the things religion has done for the human race. It's sad to think how far along we might be as a society if we could have just kept on feeding there butts to the lions.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Big wheels

They should make Big Wheels for adults.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mental Capacity

One Addendum on my thoughts about gun control, The mental capacity of a person should be considered for the purchase of any firearm. It is now known that the VT shooter was admitted to a mental health facility in 2005. This should have been taken into consideration and he should not have been allowed to legally purchase a firearm. This of course would not have stopped him from getting one, and these tragic events most likely would have still played out. Their needs to be a way to check the mental background of individuals before purchase. I'm not sure how this can be done but it should be considered.

It Was The Guns Fault Not His

What the gun laws did in Virginia did was make it illegal for for anyone on the VT campus to defind themselves. This evil man knew he would have no resistance because It is illegal to posses a gun on campus. The politicians write these laws knowing this. The question that needs to be asked is why to the law makers want this kind of wholesale slaughter of innocent lives? It is their laws that enabled Cho Seung-Hui (remember him?) to ruthlessly kill 32 people Monday, not the guns. Maybe we need to find out what kind on music he listened to or movies he liked as well, that seemed to be the MO of other investigations of school shootings. Blame the gun, blame the music and movies he liked, blame video games. Anything to take the blame away from the criminal who actually did it. Once again my heart goes out to the victims and families who this waste of oxygen destroyed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tragic Events

The sad events of yesterday at Virginia Tech has pretty much dominated the news not much politicking going on. But again I reiterate that this tragedy shows why the law abiding populace should not have restrictive laws hindering them from arming and protecting themselves.

Monday, April 16, 2007


I would like to make a prediction that the National Socialists (the Democrats) will use the Va Tech tragedy as an excuse to try and take guns away from law abiding citizens again. This is of course the very first thing that all communist/socialist regimes have done to help in the transfer of power. More on this latter, but for now, mahalo.

VA TECH Shootings

Concerning the tragic events on the campus of Virgina Tech, I don't really understand how things like this happen. I would bet that the School has a rule prohibiting guns on campus as well as a state law that does the same. Were these laws not written to prevent this? Of course I'm being sarcastic one would say facetious. If just one good guy had been armed during this tragedy the body count may not have been nearly as high. It's as if the people who make theses rules and laws want the bad guys to have the best chance at mass slaughter they can get. This man walked on this campus knowing that it would be against the law for his victims to fight back. Why do the politicians want this kind of death on a mass scale? Why are laws written to help criminals do this? Why can't we hold the politicians that write these laws accountable and liable for these needless deaths? My heart goes out to the families of the victims of this tragedy. I encourage everyone to protect themselves and there families by learning how to properly use a firearm.

Friday, April 13, 2007

HRC Reining In Government?

In an on going process to try to sway the right /centrist section of the population, socialist candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Hillary Rodham Clinton is talking about ways to rein in government growth. This is of course just obvious pandering on her part as slowing the growth of government is against everything the socialist left stands for.;_ylt=Av3o90hgE2QNImMkNRPioPSyFz4D
But lets say for s***ts and giggles she is elected and implements the scaling back of government. Any beneficial gains from these actions would be wiped out with the Hillary health care plan. From what I have seen, her plan seems to be based on a Marxist plan dreamed up in the early part of the 20th century, put in place by the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s and used today by most of the European Union. This of course will bankrupt our country as well as give the government control over our health care. Need an open heart by-pass, well just get in line. Do we really want the same people who run FEMA and The UN's World Health Organization to decide our health care needs.
The medical industry indeed needs tweaking, but most of it needs to be done on the Insurance/HMOs side. I certainly do not have the answers (I can barley understand my own health care policy) but neither does the government. We do need a saftey net for the uninsured and the poverty stricken. We have the worlds best doctors, nurses, and facilitys in this country, and everyone should have access to them. But Clinton's plan is not the way to go.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Last Word On Imus

It looks as if Don Imus is done for. Westwood one and CBS are starting to loose big time advertisers. They will probable cut him loose after his radiothon. It really is a shame. He will bounce back though, I'm sure XM or Sirius would Love to have him on their systems, and he would do well their. I would have to believe that he has some sort of no compete clause in his contract with CBS, although I don't know if that would be applicable if he made the jump to non-terrestrial radio. I'm also sure he will get offers from other talk stations in NY, although I imagine they will want radical changes in the shows format that he probably will not want to accept. I never really cared for the show, but he along with Stern and a hand full of others changed the face of radio.
One other thing I noticed during all of this, is the lack of loyalty. A week ago every journalist in the country was clamoring to to get on his show either to hock some book or just get their opinion on what ever the topic Du-jour happened to be. Not many of them stood up for him. COWARDS! Every last one of them. I have no doubt that once Don gets back on his feet and lands a new gig they will be right back begging to get on his show. Shameful.
I hope his meeting with the Rutgers Ladies Basketball team is productive and this mess can be put behind both sides.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is great news, Miss Palfrey is a great American and should be rewarded for her brave attempt to expose the high and mighty politicos that were her clients. Now does ABC have the stones to do the right thing? They should do one of those crawler things like they do for our fallen soldiers, and it should run ever hour on the hour. They should also make it available to every news organization in the world. I'm so happy about this, that I'm almost giddy. My only hope is that lives are ruined, divorces run rampant and some where some politicians wife has to answer the question "what is a escort and why did daddy need one?" Best news to come out of Washington in a long time.

The Duke Case

Well it looks like NC is going to drop all of the remaining charges against the 3 Duke lacrosse players. What needs to happen now is, all of nifongs assets should be frozen and accounted for, so these young men's attorneys can start proceedings in the defamation law suit. Nifong, the county, and the state should be made to pay dearly. Some prison time and disbarment for Nifong would do him some good as well. Unfortunately the accuser in this matter will probably never get her just punishment for ruining the lives of these men. My only hope is that real rape victims will not be afraid to come forword because of what this waste of human flesh has done.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Although I do not listen to Don Imus (he's not in this market) I do not feel it was appropriate for him to say what he did about those black chicks. But, I also feel he should not have to kowtow to the two biggest racists in this country, (Sharpton and Jackson). We must never forget the Tawana Brawley incident and Jackson's Hymie Town remarks
Both Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are anti-semites who have lost all credibility and should have no place at the table of ideas. Imus lost most of his relavance in radio when he tried to switch from shock jock to straight radio in the mid 90's. His audience has been in decline for years, and he was never able to get the numbers that Stern had in the nations top market. For Imus' part he get 2 weeks off and an appearance fee for doing Larry king tonight. We'll have to wait and see what if any aftermath will be. My guess is that this will die down after about a week of special reports from CNN and the like. When the cameras turn to something else, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will also.

Terms of Sureender

I'm starting to think that Dexy's Midnight Runners really are just a one hit wonder. Oh well on with the show. If the Dem's are successful in setting a date for surrender, will the insurgents except there terms? Most of the time the defeated must turn over all military equipment and forfeit some land. As well as agree to some sort of military oversight of the government. If these are are the terms set forth by the insurgents will the Dem's agree to them? This is something to think about moving forword.
On the home front, It seems Obama is moving in on HRC's turf. He held a couple of very successful fundraisers in Manhattan over the weekend. I cant wait to see what Klinton Inc. has in store for Obama, I'm sure that Mcauliffe has his people digging for bones as we speak. In the mean time, look for HRC to make a few trips to the west coast in the next week or two, to hit a few ATMs out in La La land. Mahalo.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Follow the money

Well it seems Hillary Rodham Clinton (here to fore know as HRC) is not going to tip her hand completely just yet on how much she has actually raised so far, or at least shes not saying how much is for the general and how much is for the primaries. If I had to guess, they are having to rework some numbers to move some money back in to the primary side, the revelation by the Obama camp that they have already raised just 1 million shy of HRC was a shock I'm sure. The only difference could be, will Obama be able to go back to them latter, or has he maxed out his donor list. From what they are saying his donor list runs far and deep, and if HRC has to start spending money early she may be in trouble as a lot of her donors have maxed out expecting easy victory's in the primaries.
On a funner note the Edwards' have revealed that Elizabeth's cancer can be treated with medication. I expect the sympathy bump to subside now. It could have been a whirlwind victory if the campaign could have trotted out Mrs. Edwards, frail and sick from the chemo and bald as eagle to stump for John. Good news for the real candidates.
Oh well happy Easter, remember Elvis Died for your sins.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

First Post

Well this is my first post so I'll be brief. This blog will show the absurdity that is politics, we will begin with Nancy Pelosi in the middle east. Not only is she emboldening the enemy, now she is negotiating peace for the Israelis, this is of course a surprise to them as there has been no offer of a peace agreement from Jerusalem. She seems to think that she alone can set our foreign policy.
at least the terrorists seem to like like what she had to say,7340,L-3385140,00.html.
My fellow Americans our long national nightmare has just begun.