Monday, August 27, 2007

She Represents Us Well

Would someone please let all the over barring pageant moms out there know, that its not enough to just raise your pride and joy to wear so much make up, it would make the late Tammy Fay Messner do a double take. But they also need to have at least a 5th grade education. This little whorish trollop says more about the education system in this state than any pundit ever could. Pageants should be what they really are, beauty contests. I don't give a crap what theses little skanks would do to end world hunger. Pageants only need two competitions, lingerie and pole dancing. Anything else and it gives these girls a false sense of self worth.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Dooms Day Device

I wonder if GW Bush will show the next president how to use the dooms day box he has in the oval office? Huh? Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about? Well apparently according to some people I have heard on that great voice of freedom Air America, GW has a device that can pretty much allow him to cause any kind of disaster anywhere on the planet. Some name less drone on some name less Air America program informed the host and the 5 or 6 other people that listen, that hurricane Katrina, was a man made disaster caused by the Bush administration, and the WTC Disaster was caused by unmanned remote control drones that were controlled from the situation room at the white house. The great thing was that the host did'nt bat an eye, and said something about doing her own research into this.

That got me wondering about the events of the last few days. If the left concedes that the bush administration is intelligent enough to come up with technology that can produce a class 5 hurricane, and instruments that can fly commercial jets into buildings, what about destroying bridges and causing earthquakes that collapse coal mines? or mind control? No one would believe that an armed man would walk on to a college campus an open fire without provocation. It must be some kind of mind control set upon us by Bush. Wild Fires out west? a clandestine death ray sent up by NASA at the behest of the bush administration. (this of course explains the last space shuttle "accident", can't leave any witnesses that might talk)

People of America, please remember this when you go to the pols next year. Not only or you electing the next president, but you are also apparently electing the next super villain along the lines of Lex Luther or Magneto.

Come on people. I'll admit I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but the stuff I'm hearing and reading these days goes beyond rational even for me.

Our government can't even get a road paved correctly so please don't tell me that this group of bumbling fools (right, and left of the isle) could accomplish anything on this kind of magnitude.
we need to remember that we no longer have the best and the brightest running our country. We have people like GW and Nancy Pelosi, people who are so inept that they have to be career politicians. They are qualified to do nothing else. We have a Senate armed services committee where 60% of the members have never served in the military. That alone should tell us what kind of people are "in charge".

So, I dont think we have to worry to much about man made hurricanes and remote control planes, there are many real things to worry about from our government.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Home Grown Tomatoes

I got my first vine ripened tomato from the family garden yesterday. Those of you who were raised in the south know how awesome and special this is. A lot of my friends from the north tell me "whats the big deal it's just a tomato" to which I reply, have you ever tasted a tomato that has just been picked and left on a window sill for a day to finish ripening? More often than not, they have not. There is something about home grown maters, it may just be that they actually have flavor. Something you just can't get in a grocery store. If you have never had a tomato sandwich with fresh home grown tomatoes then you are missing out. I guess it's just a southern thing, y'all wouldn't understand.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Growing Old

It's gonna happen to all of us eventually. Were all gonna get old. It sucks but that's life. The problem for me is that I'm in my mid thirties and still feel like I'm in my late teens. Mentally anyway, my body feels like I'm in my sixties. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the bachelor life and not having to much responsibility. But now most of my freinds and acquaintances are married with children, and I understand that there priorities have changed. basically, they can't come out and play anymore. and that's fine. All of my friends with kids are turning into good parents and I'm happy for them. I also understand raising a crumb cruncher is a full time job.

Here's my problem. I'm single, no kids, and still wanna go out and party till the break of dawn, bar hop, and you know, generally act like I'm still in college. But I hate trying to meet new people, and any new people I do meet are probably half a generation younger than me. And I hate the generation under mine. For about the past year my weekends have been a lot like my married freinds, staying at home maybe watching a movie, occasionally discussing important matters over a cocktail with my neighbor.

I have had the same core group of friends since elementary and middle school. We never moved out of town, and always stayed in touch. I also have people I consider freinds that have moved on to bigger and better things. But for the most part It's been the same social scene for the past twenty four or so years. Some would say that's awesome, and I could understand that. Some would say that's pathetic and I can also understand that. Now that they are adults my social life has slowed down considerable.

I got comfortable, and now it's biting me in the ass. It sucks to be that guy that goes to the bar alone and I'm not gonna do it. Even when I do go out to a bar to see a band or just hang out I feel like I'm the oldest guy in the room. So how do I meet new people in social situations? I thought about just hanging out at self help meetings like the character in the movie Fight Club, but these people have addictive personalities, and that is a trait I dislike in people. Even when I do meet new people that I like, I tend to push them away or just start to avoid them after a while. Isn't psychosis fun?

So until I break out of crazies, I guess I'll just be happy to sit at home and watch movies. Hot Fuzz was released this week. I like the dry humor of the British.