Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clinton Ready To Call It Quits!


Hillary will quite the race tonight and presumably beg Obama for money to pay off her campaign debt.

Have the democrats finally caught Clinton fatigue like the rest of us have had since 92? It seems so. But in the process they have pissed off the feminists and other militant chick groups.

The far left wing groups like Code Pink, (for those who don’t know, Code Pink is a group of transsexuals and cross dressing men who like to protest at congressional hearings and military recruiter offices) as well as The Move on crowed should be pleased though. They will have the perception of finally having one of there own on the ticket.

Oh wait, CNN just flashed on the screen that Hillary "absolutely will not concede tonight."

I hope that she takes it all the way to the convention.

Oh, by the way, the doctors at Duke medical center came out and announced that they tried and tried, but could not locate Ted Kennedy’s brain yesterday.

ON WARD TO DENVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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