Thursday, June 5, 2008

We Should Put Them Down Like Lame Dogs

I don't know if you have ever watched CSPAN-2 for more than say 5 hours, but if you have than you may have been like me last night and felt the urge to throw a brick through your TV. I was interested in the debate over the Warrner/Liberman tax increase bill currently trying to be railroaded through congress. What I got were the clerks of the Senate reading into the record the Boxer Amendment to the bill. All 500 or so pages. The republicans did this to emphasize the dragging of the judiciary committee’s feet on judicial nominations. I thought this was great. After the reading, (all 9 hours) Happy Harry and Mitch McConnell went back and forth like two little bitches, until the queen bitch came down and tried to scold and shame the republicans to no avail.

For those who are unaware this bill will increase the average persons tax liability by some $6000, and will not do a thing to help end the global warming. This bill was only designed to remove money from the private sector (meaning us) and place it in the firm hands of the government (meaning them).

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