Friday, June 6, 2008

KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We should erect Platforms to burn politicians at the stake in the shadow of the Jefferson Memorial on the capital mall. When a senator, member of the house, lobbyist, president, bureaucrat, or any government employee passes a law, writes an order or takes any action which could do any harm financially or physically, is caught in a lie, or commits any other crime, he or she, as well as their family would be dragged to the capital mall beheaded or burned at the stake on live TV (C-SPAN 4?). All assets of the offender would be sold off and deposited into the treasury.

We have had too low of standards and expectations of the people we send to Washington DC. Some would say these measures that I call for go to far. But I believe that they are needed to make these people take a step back and stop and think before they sign there name to another needless bill, or executive order. The threat of having to be covered in pitch and set aflame might just do this. I believe we would have a better caliber of candidates as well. Some lawyer or midlevel executive thinks he wants to throw his hat in the political ring so he can increase his or her power base, they might just give it a second thought. And in a few generations we will either have a less corrupt government, or the skies above northern Virginia would bellow with the smoke of the wicked. Either way it would make for good TV.

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