Thursday, August 28, 2008

More Bad News For The Dems

Coming off of the most uninspired, boring convention to date, the bad news just keeps coming for the dems.
The economy grew last quarter, and this is not good for Democrats. Like a successful surge in Iraq, the dems know that they cannot hang there hat on succsess so they have to hope the economy stays shitty, and that more Americans start losing there life in Iraq. They are the party built on "we already lost the war" and "we are heading toward a economic depression". So if the economy is growing, and we are having success in Iraq were does that leave the dems? Apparently at least dead even if not a couple of points behind McCain. Which is unprecedented during a convention. History and conventional wisdom has always shown a "bump" in the polls during a candidates convention. The tracking trends I have looked at show McCain trending upward and The Obama stagnating to say the least. Of course we will have to wait until after he appears and speaks tonight for a clearer picture. It's great timing for him as well, as college football starts tonight, and of course no one has any interest in that. The real campaign begins tomorrow, when it is expected that McCain will announce who he will nominate for veep. I'm betting on a hard core right wing surprise, anti abortion, pro military, pro economic growth, pro gun, hard ass son of a bitch, to get the base excited going into the twin cities. The thought of Lieberman is laughable, but he is going to need someone who can stand toe to toe, and spank Biden in the arena of ideas during the debate. Will see.

Shalom and Mahalo

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