Saturday, January 5, 2008

I'M BACK BABY!!!!!!!!

In the immortal words of Bostons Tom Schultz, "it's been such a long time".

Just a few scribblings on Iowa.

No matter what your political leanings are, you have to say that it was a great day for our country when Obama took the "hawkeye cauci". Hopefully he will be able to dodge the Clinton war machine and keep up the momentum.

This year I will take a different approach to the election. I will work more toward keeping certain people out of the Oval Office as opposed to trying to to put someone in. The candidates in question are, Clinton, Huckabee, and Edwards. I feel that these three would do the most damage to our great country and should be stopped in the primaries.

But more on that later. The picture will be a little more clearer this Wednesday.

It's great to be back. Lets cut through these plastic little politicians like Ghengis Khan!


Eric said...

I've missed your blog, Glad your back!

Anonymous said...

Glad to be back, bringing evil to flourish over the good.