Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cease Fire?

Clinton has suggested a truce in verbal lynching of Obama. My question is; why are the democrats (including those of color) dead set against a black man ascending to the highest office in the land? For the past fifty years the Dems have preached equality and civil rights but it seems a bit harder to practice what they preach.

I think the problem is, Obama is not playing by their rules, not towing the party (read: Hillary) line. No matter how much they take the lash to him so he will say his name is “Toby”, he just keeps trucking right along saying no, no, my name is Obama. He is rising above the silly games of the Clintons, and their field bosses.

Now please don’t get me wrong, I still think his message and his policy is a load of crap. But my job is to pick the lesser of two evils. And as far as a race between Clinton and Obama goes, Obama is a ton less evil then Clinton. And judging by her actions, if Clinton was to be elected it would set race relations and civil rights back at least 100 years.

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