Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Didn't watch the debate last night, and according to the sound bites I heard didn't miss much. I was hoping for much more considering all the questions came from postings on YOUTUBE. Like a bunch of jack asses slamming there testicles on hand rails as they try to slide there skateboards down it. Maybe next time. A quick check of the transcript shows that a lot of the questions, no matter how they were worded ask the same thing "what are you going to do for me exactly?" Most of them were softball stump speech material, and I'm sure that they were hand picked by reps from each candidate. Oh well, it was a good try. Barak Hussine Obama needed a win last night night, but he seemed to have just left a lot of people confused. He didn't win, but the democratic party lost as a whole. Especially with the old folks. Your average Ma and Pa Kettle don't have the intranets box. So watching all these hoodlums on grainy Internet quality video might have rilled up the youth vote, (who by the way don't vote) but it didnt do much for the Social Security, salve wearing folks.

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