Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thompson And The Rest.

Is Fred Thompson for real or is he just trying to move the Republicans back to the right? Some major players on the conservative right are now calling out Giuliani on his pro-abortion stance as well as his other leftist/socialist leanings. This can be traced directly to Thompson announcing his bid for El Presidente. Now that there is what looks like a true conservative in the pack, there's no need to just blindly support the supposed front runner. Now they have a candidate and no longer feel the need to collectively bite their tongues.

It seems to be a two person race in both parties, Clinton/Obama and Thompson/Giuliani and for good measure I will throw Romney in there also, but the coming weeks will be telling for his campaign. He may get lost in the shuffle and may find his support and money waning.

In the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson, "The worm is starting to turn". We are getting to the point in the campaign where good men suffer like rabid dogs and campaign managers ponder slitting their on throats just to make the pain go away. Yes my friends its starting to get fun.

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