Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fathers Day

Well another fathers day has come and gone. I got my dad a safe for storing his important documents. My dad is now in his 60's and retired. He has also become politically so far to the left that Hugo Chavez is saying wow. He spends most of his day listening to the comedians on Air America. I guess when you reach a certain age you are Given an AARP card and just told who to vote for. That's OK, he has earned the right to believe the way he wants. But......he just seems so bitter and unhappy. The man is retired for gosh sakes and all he can do is worry about who is doing what in Washington. This of course goes for people on the right as well. It seems that people who actually take politics more seriously than say a game of tic tac toe played by 4 year old kids, are not very happy. My dad spends more thought power on how bad Wal-Mart is then anyone should. He is so stubborn that he would cut off his nose to spite his face. He thinks that one political party is better than the the other, and he feels that the government should have a finger in every aspect of our lives. In other words he is just another good Socialist. But at the end of the day he is still my dad and I love him, and he would do anything to help me in any way he could. My only wish is that all people take a step back and look a politics and politicians as what they are, fodder, and sillyness, not to be taken seriously.

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