Friday, March 28, 2008

Pictures From The Past

While going through a box of old junk last night I came across an old picture of myself my friend Eric and a very concerned looking Bill Clinton who we were shaking hands with.

Anyway, Eric has a web site. You had better check it out


Jeff said...

AAAHHH gotta post that picture! That should be a permanent fixture on your blog. I haven't seen it in years. By the way, I can't seem to access Eric's site...what gives?

Jeff said...

Never mind. I was trying it from work. When I clicked it from my laptop it popped right up. Holy shit, thats a good looking web page! I need to get Eric to design one for my band...

Eric said...

I finally found my password! I totslly forgot about us meeting Mister Bill. I'd love to see the pic. By the way I've got am easier web address,

Jeff, thanks for checking out my crap ass web site. I need to get on the ball and update it.