Monday, March 24, 2008

Hillary On The Cross

Bill Richardson’s endorsement of Obama seems to have Klinton Inc in a tailspin. James Carville came out and said Richardson is a Judas Goat. This could set Hillary up to come out in full sympathy mode. Being that the Clintons already have a messiah complex, she can play herself as a martyr being led to the cross, with Obama as the roman emperor, and Richardson counting his 30 pieces of silver.

I have a feeling that Richardson just wanted to wash the blood off of his hands. He has been a lap dog for the Clintons for a long time, and there is no telling what atrocities his eyes have seen and he has been a party to.

I’m sure the Obama camp is hoping Richardson can start wrangling more super delegates away from Clinton. He should have no trouble doing this, as he seems to be popular among the party elite.

The question is, is he Vice President material? I’m not so sure of that. Not for a lack of qualifications. He certainly is qualified, to be VP or the head honcho for that matter. But for all of the talk of “Change” from Obama even he knows that an
African American/Hispanic ticket would not be sustainable at this time. Just not going to happen.


Jeff said...

Point taken. But consider how this would play into the whole "unity" narrative of Obama's campaign. There is a considerable amount of hostility among the black and hispanic communities in America. If inspired by a joint ticket this could be a formibable voting block of active voters (which will probably vote predominatly democratic anyway, but it might mean a significant increase in activitity). Richardson has mad chops on Foreign Policy too (commonly considered one of Obama's weaknesses) and most importantly, in my book, he wants to legalize weed! Consider the issues McCain is having with the republican base. Probably not going to be record turn out there (judging by the exit poll numbers during the primaries). So there might be some mehtod to this madness...

Aaron said...

"Unity" is one thing, but Obama is still going to have to have a lot of "wasps" to get elected. Lets be honest, it is going to break the heart of a lot of these people to have to pull the lever for a black man. Add an hispanic to the ticket and a lot might just stay home. But who knows?
I'll say this though, the Inaugural dinner would be delicious, Soul Food, and Mexican, my favorites.