Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Au revoir Mr. Jintao

France is threatening to boycott the Olympics this summer. Well not really, there going to boycott in the France sort of way, they’re just not going to show up for the opening ceremonies. Big deal. A lot has been said about how politics should be separated from the Olympics. I do not agree.

Beijing should have never been granted the Olympics in the first place. But since China will be the host this summer the Tibetans and Chinese should take advantage once the cameras arrive and just out right act a fool.

This Olympics is already going to be an abortion on a worldwide scale, and with all the media coverage and cameras this would be a great time to just have a mass protest.

And I know the argument will be made that a disruption would take away from the athletes who trained all their lives for this moment. My answer to that is some things are more important than you getting your picture on a Wheaties box.

The US should have taken the lead and boycotted this Olympics as soon as the host country was announced. And I know that would cause a huge diplomatic rift, but are they not theoretically still our enemy? Why should we take part on a global stage to help trump up a country that has only our destruction (financially or otherwise) in mind?

Oh yeah, that’s right, we only care about communism if we have no financial stake in it.
What if the Olympic committee had chosen Cuba instead of the Peoples Republic of China? We would have no choice but to boycott because it would be illegal for the athletes to even travel to the island nation.


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