Monday, April 14, 2008

Obama The Hate Monger

It’s looking more and more like Obama has a lot more in common with Preacher Wright then he has let on. But at least he is showing his true colors. His comments in San Francisco last week show what kind of utter contempt that Obama and more importantly the Democratic Party has for working class people. The man basically called me, my family, most of my friends and neighbors ignorant, racist, gun toting, Jesus freaks.

This man and his party as well as the Republicans are so out of touch with the American people that I fear anything other than a third party revolution will result this great country turning into a cesspool of European Socialism and Marxism.

Every time a left leaning politician talks it seems like they are trying to make me feel guilty about not needing a government hand out. Like I must be doing something to wrong because I’m not on welfare, or take food stamps. I’m just one of the stubborn agitators who just wont except that the government knows what’s better for me than I do.

It really is time for change, but not the change Obama, Clinton, or McCain want to force on us.

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