Friday, February 22, 2008

Neil deGrasse Tyson For President!

I would like to officially endorse Neil deGrasse Tyson as a write in candidate for president. I think he may be the smartest man on earth. When I say smart I mean Stephen Hawking smart, not Jon Stewart “smart”. If anyone has watched The Universe on the History Channel you will know whom I’m talking about. He has a way of taking the most complex theories about astrophysics and explaining them in a way a dumb ass like me can understand.

I think it’s time we had a smart person in the Oval Office. Not since the founding fathers have we truly had anyone with any intelligence hold public office. Oh sure we’ve had a few fake it. I mean Clinton had a lot of people (including myself) fooled in to thinking he was smart. A lot of people on the right looked at Ragan as if he was a genius. For the most part though, every politician since the great Thomas Jefferson have probably been borderline mentally retarded just based on decisions that have been made by them.

What would our world be like if our politicians had the foresight and intelligence to look ahead and think about how the decisions they make will affect people, not just now but in the future?

Just something to think about next time you watch a presidential debate.

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