Friday, September 7, 2007

Arthur Branch For The Prosecution

Fred Thompson has officially thrown his hat in the ring. I like Freds portrayal of DA Arthur Branch on Law and Order. Some on the right are ecstatic, some not so much. Thompson has been described by some in the know as a lazy campaigner. But he should liven up the debates, and if he gets the nod, he will definitely chew up the Dem candidate like old gum. Thompson is very conservative, but has broken ranks with the republicans when he felt it was the right thing to do.
Fred will come out the gate strong but will see how he does at the 4th furlong.

Now on to more important date that went horrible wrong. The sad tail goes like this.
Met a nice girl, talked for a while, planed a date. Day of said date comes, we nail down a time and restaurant. I say I will call latter in the day to make the plans concrete. start calling around 5ish, no answer. Jump in shower and get dressed. Call again, no answer. call and text a few more times no answer. Come to realization that this date just is not going to happen. Talk to freinds about situation, they say something might have happened. I say Bull Shit she stiffed me. I send off a scathing email and say something about her maturity and that she should grow up. she replies 2 days latter that she was in the hospital, something about an anxiety attack (which is she-code for "I have a bi-polar disorder and I'm off my meds.) Ahhh the wonder years.

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