Thursday, August 13, 2009
New Rules For Congress
First no more “living expenses.” Senators and House members would no longer be able to take tax money for living expenses when congress is in session. Instead, Dorm like housing would be built to house them. Each room housing 6 members of congress.
Upon certification of an election by the state, each congressman’s assets as well as the spouses would have a lien placed on them by the state they represent. In the event that a law is passed that has a detrimental effect on the United States, all members of congress that voted for the bill or was a sponsor would have all assets seized and bank accounts froze. At which time a tribunal would come to session, if found guilty the assets would be given back to the people of the home state in the form of tax credits. The Guilty member of congress as well as the spouse and children would then be deported out of the United States.
Any felony that a member of congress is found guilty of would result in a mandatory public execution. Also all above-mentioned provisions of asset seizure would be in effect. Execution will be carried out on the Washington Mall in the shadow of the Jefferson Memorial by means of crucifixion.
Pay for members of congress will be lowered to 8.25 an hour. A working hour will transpire when said congressperson is in the chamber during a session of congress or when he is in a committee session.
Constituents will have the right to strike with great force with the back of the hand (“bitch slap”), the faces of the members of their congressional delegation at any time for any reason what so ever.
If the public feels it is necessary, all members of congress will be sodomized at great length. Except for barney frank.
Maybe if these rules were in place, we could get a better class of leaders.
RIP Les Paul

Les Paul died today at the age of 94. Every musician that plays a solid body guitar owes a debt of gratitude to this music legend. A jazz guitarist by trade Paul had a string of hits with his wife Mary Ford in 40’s and 50’s. But Paul may be best known for the Guitar that bears his name.
He was a pioneer in the development of the solid body electric guitar. It has been said that without Les Paul there would be no Rock-n-Roll. It (along with the Fender Stratocaster) has become a sort of standard in many genres of popular music.
Paul was also an innovator in multitrack studio recording. Coming up with many of the studio “tricks” that are used to this day.
Paul had a standing gig every Monday at the Iridium Jazz Club where he played with a jazz trio.
The next time you are listening to your favorite song, more then likely you will have Les Paul to thank for the privilege.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Grand Poohba Of Downtown Greenville

Mike Cubelo it seems has anointed himself the maximum supreme leader of downtown Greenville. The latest target of his ire is one of the greatest institutions of the south; Waffle House. Waffle House wants to build a restaurant on Stone Avenue, just down the street from me. Cubelo, who is the head of the upstate chapter of the ACUL, and just around busy body, wants to kybosh the deal. Citing the same usual suspects; crime, traffic, and what ever else the snobs over on north main can come up with, Cubelo has been “push polling” the elected officials to get their opinions on this and other subjects. It looks like under the current zoning he may not have a leg to stand on. So if the city does not approve they will surely be sued and most likely lose. Mr. Cubelo private property rights are also a civil liberty. But you don’t care too much about that do you? Downtown Greenville is not just some big homeowners association that you can control. You did not have a problem when Gene Berger opened up a nightclub at the corner of Main and Stone, or when John Jeter moved his nightclub on Stone. Oh yeah, Burger and Jeter are your buddies. You sir are hypocrite of the highest order. If the ACLU had any creditability it would be helping Waffle House and property owner Russ Stevens in his bid to get the land sold.
This is not my first encounter with Mr. Cubelo, you may recall that it was he who stirred up such a stink over the Crawfish Boil at the BI-LO Center. It was all over some trees that had to be cut down for line of sight issues around the stage. This begat noise complaints from the Ubber elite on north main, which turned into a fight with city. Well I am proud to say here, that I helped run the chain saws that slaughtered said trees. I could almost here the cries from the trunks as that Huskvarna rip through them like a hot knife through butter.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What Are These Stupid People Afrade Of?

What is Sarah Palin doing that is making the stupid people (the left) nearly shit their paints with fear? If the stupid people think she is just a dumb yokel like the rest of us in fly over country then why are they still trying to destroy her? Last night on CNN one of the stupid people, Bill Maher was interviewed by another stupid person, Wolf Blitzer. Maher said that This country is stupid if it could elect Sarah Palin. What does that say about this country already then? We elected a person who has absolutely no grasp of even basic economics, had absolutely no experience except for a few months in the senate. And might possible bring this country to it's knees because of his ineptness, lack of intelligence and common sense.
I think what is making the stupid people piss their pants in shame, is what Palin says resonates with a lot of people in the fly over country. So the best way to discredit her is to just call her and anyone who might agree with her dumb.
Palin should not have resigned her office, but so be it. But it seems to me that the stupid people are eat up with pot calling the kettle black syndrome. Obama might just be the least intelligent person we have had in office. His policy's are a testament to that. Even Carter who by all accounts was a miserable failure, was intelligent. (The dude was very good at mathematics)
A lot of people in this country are tired of being talked down to by people who can barley tie their own shoes. But for the time being the stupid people are running the show. Hopefully in the coming months the tied will turn and we can begin undoing the damage that this stupid person and the stupid people who support him have done to this country.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Worst President Since Carter

Obama has so far been a failure of gargantuan proportions. From the lies about creating and saving jobs, the wasteful continuation of the previous administrations bailouts of GM and Chrysler that resulted in both of them going into bankruptcy, the defending of a man who refused to show a police officer proper ID when asked (try that next time you get stopped by the police and see what happens to you.). But that’s Ok, he was a Harvard man and the cop should have known better, the utterly disgusting wasteful spending with the so-called financial recovery. And of course Obama Care. Under the Obama Care plan you will be required at the point of a gun to either opt in to the Government controlled health plan or buy private health insurance. Don’t believe me? Just try and refuse to pay the $1500 fine you will be assessed at tax time if you don’t.
The Obama voters in this country are slowly getting what they want with this health plan, the complete and total take over of their lives by the government. The Obama administration and the socialist, progressive left in general really do believe the people of this country are just dumb rubes who cannot take care of themselves and that they are the only ones who can decide what is best for us. From what kind of cars we drive, the way we heat and cool our homes, how we handle our heath care needs and the list just gets bigger everyday.
Our country deserves better then this community organizer. I would rather have a president who stutters but speaks common sense then this man who speaks lies and bullshit so eloquently. It’s time for the people of this country to stand up say the emperor wears no clothes.
In a poll, ran by TIME magazines web site John Stewart was named Americas most trusted news man. That shows you how far down the toilet this country has gone. People cannot tell the deference between the news and a comedy program. Not surprising though considering the shows audience. mostly college age kids whose minds are filled with ignorance from leftest college professors. In other words people who are afraid to speak up and think for themselves for fear of getting a bad grade. This country is starting to become a bad joke.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
R.I.P Mark Sanford

In the immortal words of the good reverend, Jeremiah Wright: Mark Sanford got caught "ridin dirty". It's about time too; South Carolina was starting to feel left out. We haven’t had a good sex scandal since Strom Thurman knocked up that black chick. And when was that, like the 50's? Politicians are scum. The only thing shocking about this whole sorred mess is that people are shocked.
I have to admit that I do like Sanford. He has been the best governor in my lifetime. He is what every politician should be, an obstructionist. Unfortunately this little trip to Argentina should do him in politically. I say should because stranger things have happened. DC mayor Marion berry was caught smoking crack with a hooker and is still relevant, in DC anyway. President Bubba was elected twice mainly because of his penchant for receiving head. He may be the next guy to lead the UN.
The most tragic thing to come from this is how far this will set back the reform movement in SC. There is no one in the field that has the stones to stand up to the "good ol boys" in Columbia. And after seeing how even his own party trashed him no one ever will. Having conviction is nice but not at the cost of losing power. And no one in that bunch wants to lose his or her power. So I guess the good people of sc can look forward to another 233 years of business as usual from the same cast of characters. The powers that be in SC are never going to allow a person who wants to rock the boat politically to hold the office of governor. Sanford got close and was destroyed. This is beside the fact that he was caught giving “The Girl From Ipanema” the hot beef injection. He was a political dead man walking. The SC legislator holds a lot of power in this state, to much power for my taste. And the sheeple of the Palmetto State are easily brain washed. Mark Sanford’s main crime (besides slipping his dong inside someone other then Jenny) was pointing out the brainless activities of our elected officials; the wasteful spending, the country club cult like mentality of the state house, and trying to change the status quo.
I have come to expect my elected officials to fail morally. All politicians are inherently bad, evil people. That is why they were politicians. And in the end isn’t that what we want? A blood thirsty, fight for what they believe in, fuck anything that moves, hard ass? Or a limp wristed, go along with the crowd, don’t make any waves, doughboy.
Say what you want about Governor Sanford, but he fought to change the way politics works in this state. I doubt we will ever have someone with the guts to go to war with a system as corrupt as the South Carolina State House again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The All Barack Channel

ABC is airing its Obama Care infomercial tonight. The powers that be have made it clear that there is to be no counter arguments to what Supreme Leader most merciful Obama has to say. Even going so far as to not allow any groups to run issue based ads that may counter what he has to say. Maybe the right wings kooks are right in saying that the mainstream media has become state run media. This is kind of unprecedented and scary. The opposition is being silenced, I’m sure at the behest of Rohm Emmanuel. Why can’t we have an open and fair debate about health care? Why do they have to kill any dissent before it is even allowed to speak up? Did you people elect a dictator, or a president? If during a press conference, somebody has the gall to ask him a tough question, he throws a temper tantrum. This president is a failure of epic proportions. And if we are not careful he will do damage to this country that cannot be repaired.
The FCC should do an investigation into the practices of ABC, I would encourage all people to file a formal complaint with the FCC. Here is the link.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Janes Addiction In Charlotte

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Slipknot At The BI-LO Center 2-11-09

Loud, aggressive music was the order of the night as the BI-LO Center hosted Slipknot, along with Coheed And Cambria and Trivium. Scaled down to the theater setting, The BI-LO center is a good venue for these types of bands. I only caught one song from Trivium, but I was interested in seeing Coheed as I have heard a lot of buzz surrounding them. Coheed harkins back to the day's of the 80's metal only these guys learned to play there instruments before signing a record deal.
Slipknot is the best mainstream metal band to come out in the past decade. And when I say metal I don't mean faux metal or emo. I mean balls out heavy guitar riff, double bass madness with lyrics that as socially conscious as they are, are not preachy. Staying mostly on there catalog from the past 10 years, most of the song selection came from the bands first 3 albums. stopping only a few times to play some gems off of All Hope Is Gone. I think a lot of ol' school metal heads tend to discount Slipknot because of there success and the use of the masks, but fuck um. With lyrics like; "Fuck it all, Fuck this world, Fuck everything that you stand for, I wouldn't care if they came out wearing tutu's. I wish I could see them tonight in Gwenette, but my Obama stimulus hasn't kicked in yet.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Grammy Review
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
And So It Begins.........
Sadly the future elections are probably going to be based on who will have better entertainment during the inaugural festivities. The biggest story of the week has been all the “celebrities” that showed up. From Bono to The Oprah, all of Hollywood came out to mix with the “common people” to show there support. Remember in these people’s minds, they think they are as important as the inauguration itself.
“Bono is like really, really smart and junk and he said he is supporting Obama so I guess that’s who I have to vote for.”
Sadly that has what it has come down to. Getting the support from talent less singers from other countries and Hollywood dirt bags.
There is no longer a loyal opposition in Washington. The voters of this country gave one party a blank check to do its will. This should scare the living shit out everyone, Democrat/Republican, right wing/left wing even limp wrist moderates who are afraid to take a position. My hope is that the Obama presidency will be bogged down with infighting within the democrat ranks and that no major things get accomplished. Because the government that governs the least governs best.