What is Sarah Palin doing that is making the stupid people (the left) nearly shit their paints with fear? If the stupid people think she is just a dumb yokel like the rest of us in fly over country then why are they still trying to destroy her? Last night on CNN one of the stupid people, Bill Maher was interviewed by another stupid person, Wolf Blitzer. Maher said that This country is stupid if it could elect Sarah Palin. What does that say about this country already then? We elected a person who has absolutely no grasp of even basic economics, had absolutely no experience except for a few months in the senate. And might possible bring this country to it's knees because of his ineptness, lack of intelligence and common sense.
I think what is making the stupid people piss their pants in shame, is what Palin says resonates with a lot of people in the fly over country. So the best way to discredit her is to just call her and anyone who might agree with her dumb.
Palin should not have resigned her office, but so be it. But it seems to me that the stupid people are eat up with pot calling the kettle black syndrome. Obama might just be the least intelligent person we have had in office. His policy's are a testament to that. Even Carter who by all accounts was a miserable failure, was intelligent. (The dude was very good at mathematics)
A lot of people in this country are tired of being talked down to by people who can barley tie their own shoes. But for the time being the stupid people are running the show. Hopefully in the coming months the tied will turn and we can begin undoing the damage that this stupid person and the stupid people who support him have done to this country.
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