Mike Cubelo it seems has anointed himself the maximum supreme leader of downtown Greenville. The latest target of his ire is one of the greatest institutions of the south; Waffle House. Waffle House wants to build a restaurant on Stone Avenue, just down the street from me. Cubelo, who is the head of the upstate chapter of the ACUL, and just around busy body, wants to kybosh the deal. Citing the same usual suspects; crime, traffic, and what ever else the snobs over on north main can come up with, Cubelo has been “push polling” the elected officials to get their opinions on this and other subjects. It looks like under the current zoning he may not have a leg to stand on. So if the city does not approve they will surely be sued and most likely lose. Mr. Cubelo private property rights are also a civil liberty. But you don’t care too much about that do you? Downtown Greenville is not just some big homeowners association that you can control. You did not have a problem when Gene Berger opened up a nightclub at the corner of Main and Stone, or when John Jeter moved his nightclub on Stone. Oh yeah, Burger and Jeter are your buddies. You sir are hypocrite of the highest order. If the ACLU had any creditability it would be helping Waffle House and property owner Russ Stevens in his bid to get the land sold.
This is not my first encounter with Mr. Cubelo, you may recall that it was he who stirred up such a stink over the Crawfish Boil at the BI-LO Center. It was all over some trees that had to be cut down for line of sight issues around the stage. This begat noise complaints from the Ubber elite on north main, which turned into a fight with city. Well I am proud to say here, that I helped run the chain saws that slaughtered said trees. I could almost here the cries from the trunks as that Huskvarna rip through them like a hot knife through butter.
I need to follow local issues more.
this guy is a real douchebag. Typical fucking lib, busybody.
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