In the immortal words of the good reverend, Jeremiah Wright: Mark Sanford got caught "ridin dirty". It's about time too; South Carolina was starting to feel left out. We haven’t had a good sex scandal since Strom Thurman knocked up that black chick. And when was that, like the 50's? Politicians are scum. The only thing shocking about this whole sorred mess is that people are shocked.
I have to admit that I do like Sanford. He has been the best governor in my lifetime. He is what every politician should be, an obstructionist. Unfortunately this little trip to Argentina should do him in politically. I say should because stranger things have happened. DC mayor Marion berry was caught smoking crack with a hooker and is still relevant, in DC anyway. President Bubba was elected twice mainly because of his penchant for receiving head. He may be the next guy to lead the UN.
The most tragic thing to come from this is how far this will set back the reform movement in SC. There is no one in the field that has the stones to stand up to the "good ol boys" in Columbia. And after seeing how even his own party trashed him no one ever will. Having conviction is nice but not at the cost of losing power. And no one in that bunch wants to lose his or her power. So I guess the good people of sc can look forward to another 233 years of business as usual from the same cast of characters. The powers that be in SC are never going to allow a person who wants to rock the boat politically to hold the office of governor. Sanford got close and was destroyed. This is beside the fact that he was caught giving “The Girl From Ipanema” the hot beef injection. He was a political dead man walking. The SC legislator holds a lot of power in this state, to much power for my taste. And the sheeple of the Palmetto State are easily brain washed. Mark Sanford’s main crime (besides slipping his dong inside someone other then Jenny) was pointing out the brainless activities of our elected officials; the wasteful spending, the country club cult like mentality of the state house, and trying to change the status quo.
I have come to expect my elected officials to fail morally. All politicians are inherently bad, evil people. That is why they were politicians. And in the end isn’t that what we want? A blood thirsty, fight for what they believe in, fuck anything that moves, hard ass? Or a limp wristed, go along with the crowd, don’t make any waves, doughboy.
Say what you want about Governor Sanford, but he fought to change the way politics works in this state. I doubt we will ever have someone with the guts to go to war with a system as corrupt as the South Carolina State House again.
1 comment:
Sanford walked the walk on fiscal restraint, home rule, devolution, etc. I see no reason why his Argentine fling would inhibit him from continuing to govern for the next 18 months. But we are talking about a state where the majority of the population is often rendered mentally retarded from its christianist grandstanding. I'll be surprised if he lasts through the end of July.
What scares the hell out of me is his replacment. If Andre Bauer takes office, South Carlina could do something I thought was impossible: We could have a governor that's dumber than the one in Alaska.
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