In a poll, ran by TIME magazines web site John Stewart was named Americas most trusted news man. That shows you how far down the toilet this country has gone. People cannot tell the deference between the news and a comedy program. Not surprising though considering the shows audience. mostly college age kids whose minds are filled with ignorance from leftest college professors. In other words people who are afraid to speak up and think for themselves for fear of getting a bad grade. This country is starting to become a bad joke.
Friday, July 24, 2009
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There's a difference between slapstick and satire. Stewart has some of the best writers in the business. But he's also a pretty bright guy. There's a lot of truth to that show.
It's a decent comedy show. He does have good comedians writing his jokes. You can also tell that he gets most of his "truth" from places like The Huffington Post and the New York Times, not very reputable sources wouldn't you say? It just shows how much of a sewer the news business has become. If stewart wants to swim with the swine fecess then so be it. One question though. If the fairness doctrin is brouht back, will it affect shows like stewart's and the major news networks or will it strictly be to get rid of talk radio. Just want your take on it.
The central theme of The Daily Show is a mockery of the mainstream media. Don't get me wrong, Stewart unquestionably comes from the left. but his ultimate target is sensationalism and hipocracy- and he's an equal opportunity offender. Trust me, I watch it almost every night.
I also listen to talk radio everyday. I actually hear some good arguments against the excesses and absurdities of the left. But they're most often drowned out by bitter hyperventilating. As a professed independent, I think it's unfortunate that more smarter, sharper humor isn't found on the right. I think of PJ O'Rouke and Penn Gilette (who are more Liberatarian than republican)- surely there are more of these guys out there. And surely there's an audience for it...
I will say that Stewart (and Maher, for that matter) offer equal time. They both frequently have conservative guests and panelist, and engage them with respectful and insightful debate. When was the last time you heard that on talk radio?
The fairness doctrine is nothing more than a straw man that gets dragged out whenever "the base" needs to be fired up. No congressional committee takes it seriously, and even Obama (the most librul president ever!) has rejected it outright.
There's plenty to poke fun of the left about, and I'm sure there's a smart, hilarious way to do it. But we somehow have to get passed the dumbing down of the American right in order to get there.
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. If you don't see then you never will my friend.
Calm down boys...
What I mean to say is there's nothing wrong with the arguments from the right (I happen to agree with many of them), It's just that when it comes to comedy/satire as a medium for presenting them, I can't think of any good examples like Stewart and Maher on the right. My question about the audience for this medium is sincere. I know a lot of conservative people who would like to hear a smart, foul-mouthed gadfly of the right who doesn't kowtow to religion and child-like nationalism. I'd love to see this person's show or stand-up.
The only one that comes to mind is Dennis Miller, who's last special on HBO was nothing short of brilliant. In my view, Miller got better with age. This is what I mean about comedy being smart. I'm not saying the right- as a point of view- is dumb, or wrong. I'm saying the presentation is often dumbed down. And most often comes with hostility rather than humor.
My point is: it would be nice to see a cool, funny, edgy young conservative do something like the Daily Show, or an R-rated Maher-type show.
Is there an audience?
As far as conservative comedians go, my favorite comedian in the world was Jerry Clower. Others are the whole "you might be a redneck if..." bunch. I don't really like Foxworthy but I also don't really like Stewart either. More conservative comedians are Larry the cable guy, Red Skelton, Denis Miller (as you mentioned), Drew Carey, Bill Engvall, Ron White, Jackie Mason. Lets just say that there were, are and will be conservative comedians. Maybe liberals have a majority of the comedians, who knows but there ARE conservative comedians.
You really shouldn't label conservatism the way that you do. You think all conservatives praise jesus and beat up fags? I am conservative for the most part. There are atheist conservatives, gay conservatives and even black conservatives. You point out the right and religion. Do democrats not go to church or believe in god? We all heard the harmonious Rev. Wright and the love that he preached to Obama. Clinton always went to church except for when he was cigar-fucking Lewinsky behind his wifes back. Anyway, religious extremism is not ONLY a right wing thing although there is ALOT of it on the right. I could also argue that liberals are just as confrontational with people who don't believe as they do as anyone. Is it better to be blinded by religion or man made global warming? Morals or lack thereof? None of this is really important. Both democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin at the end of the day. Comedy is supposed to be funny and thats all. No party owns assholes, Christians, comedy or music. Point out a conservative fool and ill point out 2 liberal fools. As far as Maher goes, I think he is pretty cool. I liked to watch his show when I had television but to say that he treats republicans and opposing opinions with respect is a bit.....well i don't want to be rude. Its obviously a liberal based discussion show. I am not a Maher "fan" but I appreciate him as I do talk radio. Even though I disagree with things that they say, I would rather hear discussion than some kind of smart assed fake news show that leaves you no better off at the end of the day than if you boiled an egg.
The only thing I take issue with is this:
"You really shouldn't label conservatism the way that you do. You think all conservatives praise jesus and beat up fags?"
I've been pretty clear on my blog and elsewhere that I have a deep appreciation for conservatism. I beileve in and adhere to many of it's principles. I read George Will, David Brooks, David Frum, Andrew Sullivan (among others) every week and frequently link to their essays and articles. Last summer I invested several afternoons in Barry Goldwater's manefesto "The Conscience of a Conservative" for christ's sake! (great book, by the way)
I just get frustrated with the people who've high jacked the term- along with the republican party. Not only are there many,many funny and witty conservative individuals (and, as you observed black, gay, atheist too), there are a lot of smart conservatives. There are actually high minded academics- yes, intellectuals- and even average, logical people who are conservative republicans. Why not embrace them and push them to the front of the movement. Can't someone Wrestle the mic away from the crazies?
Hey fro, give us some examples of crazy, people, policy, etc...
Fair question. Let me unpack this over at my blog. I'm busy as hell finishing up summer school right now, so it might take me a while to post a thoughtful piece...
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