Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Waylon and Jessie's Boy At The Handlebar
Last week was a good week for me, live music wise. After catching Porcupine Tree in Ashville the night before, I was able to catch Shooter Jennings at the Handlebar on Thursday. Being the son of a legend he has nothing to prove to nobody, and stands on his on. The show was awsome, and the high energy Shooter and his band project through their songs had the whole place jumping.
Porcupine Tree At The Orange Peel
If you close your eyes and listen to Porcupine Tree, you might hear some, Floyd, Rush, or even a little Dream theater. But at the end of it all they have a sound that is all their on. I was pleased to be able to catch these guys at the Orange Peel last Wednesday. Great musician ship interlaced with heavy guitar riffs, and lyrics with meaning. My only complaint is I wish they had played all of the music off of their new album "Fear Of A Blank Planet". It is a concept album that indicts all of our new technology that has turned young people mindless drones. A great album, a great band, a great live performance.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Porcupine Shooter
Checking out Porcupine Tree tonight at the Orangepeel in Asheville. (Eric I will say hello to Matt for you)
Checking out Shooter Jennings tomorrow night at the Handlebar. (Eric and Matt, I will try to annoy Vince for the both of you.)

I will review both shows next week, but regardless it will be good to see my old friend Matt.
Checking out Shooter Jennings tomorrow night at the Handlebar. (Eric and Matt, I will try to annoy Vince for the both of you.)
I will review both shows next week, but regardless it will be good to see my old friend Matt.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I did'nt need to watch the Ken Burns Film "THE WAR" to realise the people who fought World War II were (to steal a phrase) the greatest generation. But after watching it, it got me thinking. What if it had been my generation and the generation just before mine that had to fight that war? I would like to think that we could accomplish what needed to be done, but I don't know.
I could see Rosie O'Donnell Blabbering something about fake Japanese war planes being flown by remote control from the white house into Pearl Harbor. The Move On crowd protesting, and saying Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich were just made up by the CIA to get us into an unjust war. Every night former sports reporter Keith Oberman would be calling for FDR to be impeached for lying about the reason for the war and for not disclosing that he has polio. Former Grand Wizard of the KKK and Democratic Senator from Virginia Robert Byrd, would be making impassioned speeches about why the Jews might just deserve what they get in Europe, because they killed Christ and all. Senator Clinton would be demanding that the negotiations with the Japanese, Italians, and Germans begin immediately, so we can better understand why they dis-like us, and to nail down a price for the amount of monetary aid it will take to achieve a lasting peace.
So next time you see a relative or meet a person on the street who fought in the war or were here at home working for the war effort, thank them. And to butcher a quote from U2's Bono from the song Do They Know It's Christmas?, "Tonight think god it was them instead of us." Because if it had been, the world would be a much different place.
I could see Rosie O'Donnell Blabbering something about fake Japanese war planes being flown by remote control from the white house into Pearl Harbor. The Move On crowd protesting, and saying Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich were just made up by the CIA to get us into an unjust war. Every night former sports reporter Keith Oberman would be calling for FDR to be impeached for lying about the reason for the war and for not disclosing that he has polio. Former Grand Wizard of the KKK and Democratic Senator from Virginia Robert Byrd, would be making impassioned speeches about why the Jews might just deserve what they get in Europe, because they killed Christ and all. Senator Clinton would be demanding that the negotiations with the Japanese, Italians, and Germans begin immediately, so we can better understand why they dis-like us, and to nail down a price for the amount of monetary aid it will take to achieve a lasting peace.
So next time you see a relative or meet a person on the street who fought in the war or were here at home working for the war effort, thank them. And to butcher a quote from U2's Bono from the song Do They Know It's Christmas?, "Tonight think god it was them instead of us." Because if it had been, the world would be a much different place.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Hail To The Chief!
Let's face it. Our country needs a bit of an ass stompin. and todays nominee is just the man to do it. He is Billy Joe Shaver. If you don't know Billy Joe Shaver, then you ain't worth spit.

Not only did he write some of the finest songs known to man, he taught himself how to play guitar with two missing fingers. (suck it Jerry Garcia.) One time at a bar in Lorena, Texas he had to shoot a man in the face because the man told him to shut up. Just the type of man we need at the next G8 Summit. He could take care of all them other whinny industrialized nations, and all them hippie protesters that always show up too. If you don't own any of Billy Joe Shavers music, you must be a pinko commie bastard in need of a mud hole stomped in your ass.
Not only did he write some of the finest songs known to man, he taught himself how to play guitar with two missing fingers. (suck it Jerry Garcia.) One time at a bar in Lorena, Texas he had to shoot a man in the face because the man told him to shut up. Just the type of man we need at the next G8 Summit. He could take care of all them other whinny industrialized nations, and all them hippie protesters that always show up too. If you don't own any of Billy Joe Shavers music, you must be a pinko commie bastard in need of a mud hole stomped in your ass.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Rock And Roll Hall Of Crap
Just in case anyone still believes that the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame is still relevant, this years list of nominees should convince everyone otherwise.
Afrika Bambaataa, The Dave Clarke Five, The Ventures, Leonard Cohen and even Chic I do not have a problem with. But Madonna, John Cougar Mellencamp, The Beastie Boys and Donna Summer?
I say burn the place to the ground and build a Wal-Mart on the site of the hall of fame. It would be a more fitting tribute for today's music industry.
Just in case anyone still believes that the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame is still relevant, this years list of nominees should convince everyone otherwise.
Afrika Bambaataa, The Dave Clarke Five, The Ventures, Leonard Cohen and even Chic I do not have a problem with. But Madonna, John Cougar Mellencamp, The Beastie Boys and Donna Summer?
I say burn the place to the ground and build a Wal-Mart on the site of the hall of fame. It would be a more fitting tribute for today's music industry.
Our Next Candidate......
Our next Candidate is someone everyone knows. Has personally killed more people than anyone in history. He is loved by some, hated by others, some even think he's a myth. No I'm not talking about Kyser Soze, it's God himself.

He of course would never have a chance in Hell of winning. For all we know if he does exist, he is probably sitting in a mental hospital for walking around saying he's God. Because who would believe him.
He of course would never have a chance in Hell of winning. For all we know if he does exist, he is probably sitting in a mental hospital for walking around saying he's God. Because who would believe him.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Our Next Nomonee Is.........
One of the greatest music pioneers of the real punk scene. Mr GG Allin.

This is the man that took punk off of it's high and mighty perch and brought it back down where it belongs........in the sewer. If you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to see him perform live, you probably left with the smell of feces and urine wafting through your nose. These little piss ant emo bands that call themselves Punk should try to find some bootleg video of his live shows and quit the music business.
The only reason I'm nominating GG, is the thought of his state of the union address makes me happy. I would love to see him just drop trow and take a big dump on the podium and fling it at Hillary, Bidden, or any Supreme Court Justice. He would bring the Washington establishment to it's knees.
This is the man that took punk off of it's high and mighty perch and brought it back down where it belongs........in the sewer. If you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to see him perform live, you probably left with the smell of feces and urine wafting through your nose. These little piss ant emo bands that call themselves Punk should try to find some bootleg video of his live shows and quit the music business.
The only reason I'm nominating GG, is the thought of his state of the union address makes me happy. I would love to see him just drop trow and take a big dump on the podium and fling it at Hillary, Bidden, or any Supreme Court Justice. He would bring the Washington establishment to it's knees.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Todays nominee, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!
Today's fantasy presidential nominee is Richard Milhouse Nixon.

Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Fantasy Presidential Candidates
Ever wished you could really decided who was running for president? Me too. Here is my first installment of my fantasy nominees. The only rule is, there are no rules. They can be any one, living or dead, real or fictional. feel free to send me your suggestions as well.
The first nominee is, of course Peter Potamus.

Potamus, the once forgotten Hahnna-Barbera cartoon character from the 60s has made a comeback of sorts working as lawyer on the Cartoon Networks, "Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law" Series. In it, he is a sexually charged hippo working in the firm with Harvey Birdman. He has the trademark phrase, "Didja get that thing I sentcha?"
Think Bill Clinton, only Peter is a lot slimmer with less of an odor.
The first nominee is, of course Peter Potamus.
Potamus, the once forgotten Hahnna-Barbera cartoon character from the 60s has made a comeback of sorts working as lawyer on the Cartoon Networks, "Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law" Series. In it, he is a sexually charged hippo working in the firm with Harvey Birdman. He has the trademark phrase, "Didja get that thing I sentcha?"
Think Bill Clinton, only Peter is a lot slimmer with less of an odor.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A Better Idea From Palestine
This might be the best news of the day. If Madonna and Britney were beheaded would it make the world a better place? No probable not. Would it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Yes it would. And at the end of the day that's really all that matters.
This might be the best news of the day. If Madonna and Britney were beheaded would it make the world a better place? No probable not. Would it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Yes it would. And at the end of the day that's really all that matters.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
More "Good" Ideas From The Great White North

If anyone can explain the logic behind banning guns because of a stabbing please let me know. Why Canada isn't simply known as "The United States Natural Resource And Wildlife Preserve" I'll never know.
This is where I want the next war to be fought.
If anyone can explain the logic behind banning guns because of a stabbing please let me know. Why Canada isn't simply known as "The United States Natural Resource And Wildlife Preserve" I'll never know.
This is where I want the next war to be fought.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Arthur Branch For The Prosecution
Fred Thompson has officially thrown his hat in the ring. I like Freds portrayal of DA Arthur Branch on Law and Order. Some on the right are ecstatic, some not so much. Thompson has been described by some in the know as a lazy campaigner. But he should liven up the debates, and if he gets the nod, he will definitely chew up the Dem candidate like old gum. Thompson is very conservative, but has broken ranks with the republicans when he felt it was the right thing to do.
Fred will come out the gate strong but will see how he does at the 4th furlong.
Now on to more important matters.....my date that went horrible wrong. The sad tail goes like this.
Met a nice girl, talked for a while, planed a date. Day of said date comes, we nail down a time and restaurant. I say I will call latter in the day to make the plans concrete. start calling around 5ish, no answer. Jump in shower and get dressed. Call again, no answer. call and text a few more times no answer. Come to realization that this date just is not going to happen. Talk to freinds about situation, they say something might have happened. I say Bull Shit she stiffed me. I send off a scathing email and say something about her maturity and that she should grow up. she replies 2 days latter that she was in the hospital, something about an anxiety attack (which is she-code for "I have a bi-polar disorder and I'm off my meds.) Ahhh the wonder years.
Fred will come out the gate strong but will see how he does at the 4th furlong.
Now on to more important matters.....my date that went horrible wrong. The sad tail goes like this.
Met a nice girl, talked for a while, planed a date. Day of said date comes, we nail down a time and restaurant. I say I will call latter in the day to make the plans concrete. start calling around 5ish, no answer. Jump in shower and get dressed. Call again, no answer. call and text a few more times no answer. Come to realization that this date just is not going to happen. Talk to freinds about situation, they say something might have happened. I say Bull Shit she stiffed me. I send off a scathing email and say something about her maturity and that she should grow up. she replies 2 days latter that she was in the hospital, something about an anxiety attack (which is she-code for "I have a bi-polar disorder and I'm off my meds.) Ahhh the wonder years.
Monday, August 27, 2007
She Represents Us Well
Would someone please let all the over barring pageant moms out there know, that its not enough to just raise your pride and joy to wear so much make up, it would make the late Tammy Fay Messner do a double take. But they also need to have at least a 5th grade education. This little whorish trollop says more about the education system in this state than any pundit ever could. Pageants should be what they really are, beauty contests. I don't give a crap what theses little skanks would do to end world hunger. Pageants only need two competitions, lingerie and pole dancing. Anything else and it gives these girls a false sense of self worth.
Would someone please let all the over barring pageant moms out there know, that its not enough to just raise your pride and joy to wear so much make up, it would make the late Tammy Fay Messner do a double take. But they also need to have at least a 5th grade education. This little whorish trollop says more about the education system in this state than any pundit ever could. Pageants should be what they really are, beauty contests. I don't give a crap what theses little skanks would do to end world hunger. Pageants only need two competitions, lingerie and pole dancing. Anything else and it gives these girls a false sense of self worth.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
The Dooms Day Device
I wonder if GW Bush will show the next president how to use the dooms day box he has in the oval office? Huh? Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about? Well apparently according to some people I have heard on that great voice of freedom Air America, GW has a device that can pretty much allow him to cause any kind of disaster anywhere on the planet. Some name less drone on some name less Air America program informed the host and the 5 or 6 other people that listen, that hurricane Katrina, was a man made disaster caused by the Bush administration, and the WTC Disaster was caused by unmanned remote control drones that were controlled from the situation room at the white house. The great thing was that the host did'nt bat an eye, and said something about doing her own research into this.
That got me wondering about the events of the last few days. If the left concedes that the bush administration is intelligent enough to come up with technology that can produce a class 5 hurricane, and instruments that can fly commercial jets into buildings, what about destroying bridges and causing earthquakes that collapse coal mines? or mind control? No one would believe that an armed man would walk on to a college campus an open fire without provocation. It must be some kind of mind control set upon us by Bush. Wild Fires out west? a clandestine death ray sent up by NASA at the behest of the bush administration. (this of course explains the last space shuttle "accident", can't leave any witnesses that might talk)
People of America, please remember this when you go to the pols next year. Not only or you electing the next president, but you are also apparently electing the next super villain along the lines of Lex Luther or Magneto.
Come on people. I'll admit I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but the stuff I'm hearing and reading these days goes beyond rational even for me.
Our government can't even get a road paved correctly so please don't tell me that this group of bumbling fools (right, and left of the isle) could accomplish anything on this kind of magnitude.
we need to remember that we no longer have the best and the brightest running our country. We have people like GW and Nancy Pelosi, people who are so inept that they have to be career politicians. They are qualified to do nothing else. We have a Senate armed services committee where 60% of the members have never served in the military. That alone should tell us what kind of people are "in charge".
So, I dont think we have to worry to much about man made hurricanes and remote control planes, there are many real things to worry about from our government.
That got me wondering about the events of the last few days. If the left concedes that the bush administration is intelligent enough to come up with technology that can produce a class 5 hurricane, and instruments that can fly commercial jets into buildings, what about destroying bridges and causing earthquakes that collapse coal mines? or mind control? No one would believe that an armed man would walk on to a college campus an open fire without provocation. It must be some kind of mind control set upon us by Bush. Wild Fires out west? a clandestine death ray sent up by NASA at the behest of the bush administration. (this of course explains the last space shuttle "accident", can't leave any witnesses that might talk)
People of America, please remember this when you go to the pols next year. Not only or you electing the next president, but you are also apparently electing the next super villain along the lines of Lex Luther or Magneto.
Come on people. I'll admit I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but the stuff I'm hearing and reading these days goes beyond rational even for me.
Our government can't even get a road paved correctly so please don't tell me that this group of bumbling fools (right, and left of the isle) could accomplish anything on this kind of magnitude.
we need to remember that we no longer have the best and the brightest running our country. We have people like GW and Nancy Pelosi, people who are so inept that they have to be career politicians. They are qualified to do nothing else. We have a Senate armed services committee where 60% of the members have never served in the military. That alone should tell us what kind of people are "in charge".
So, I dont think we have to worry to much about man made hurricanes and remote control planes, there are many real things to worry about from our government.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Home Grown Tomatoes
I got my first vine ripened tomato from the family garden yesterday. Those of you who were raised in the south know how awesome and special this is. A lot of my friends from the north tell me "whats the big deal it's just a tomato" to which I reply, have you ever tasted a tomato that has just been picked and left on a window sill for a day to finish ripening? More often than not, they have not. There is something about home grown maters, it may just be that they actually have flavor. Something you just can't get in a grocery store. If you have never had a tomato sandwich with fresh home grown tomatoes then you are missing out. I guess it's just a southern thing, y'all wouldn't understand.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Growing Old
It's gonna happen to all of us eventually. Were all gonna get old. It sucks but that's life. The problem for me is that I'm in my mid thirties and still feel like I'm in my late teens. Mentally anyway, my body feels like I'm in my sixties. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the bachelor life and not having to much responsibility. But now most of my freinds and acquaintances are married with children, and I understand that there priorities have changed. basically, they can't come out and play anymore. and that's fine. All of my friends with kids are turning into good parents and I'm happy for them. I also understand raising a crumb cruncher is a full time job.
Here's my problem. I'm single, no kids, and still wanna go out and party till the break of dawn, bar hop, and you know, generally act like I'm still in college. But I hate trying to meet new people, and any new people I do meet are probably half a generation younger than me. And I hate the generation under mine. For about the past year my weekends have been a lot like my married freinds, staying at home maybe watching a movie, occasionally discussing important matters over a cocktail with my neighbor.
I have had the same core group of friends since elementary and middle school. We never moved out of town, and always stayed in touch. I also have people I consider freinds that have moved on to bigger and better things. But for the most part It's been the same social scene for the past twenty four or so years. Some would say that's awesome, and I could understand that. Some would say that's pathetic and I can also understand that. Now that they are adults my social life has slowed down considerable.
I got comfortable, and now it's biting me in the ass. It sucks to be that guy that goes to the bar alone and I'm not gonna do it. Even when I do go out to a bar to see a band or just hang out I feel like I'm the oldest guy in the room. So how do I meet new people in social situations? I thought about just hanging out at self help meetings like the character in the movie Fight Club, but these people have addictive personalities, and that is a trait I dislike in people. Even when I do meet new people that I like, I tend to push them away or just start to avoid them after a while. Isn't psychosis fun?
So until I break out of crazies, I guess I'll just be happy to sit at home and watch movies. Hot Fuzz was released this week. I like the dry humor of the British.
Here's my problem. I'm single, no kids, and still wanna go out and party till the break of dawn, bar hop, and you know, generally act like I'm still in college. But I hate trying to meet new people, and any new people I do meet are probably half a generation younger than me. And I hate the generation under mine. For about the past year my weekends have been a lot like my married freinds, staying at home maybe watching a movie, occasionally discussing important matters over a cocktail with my neighbor.
I have had the same core group of friends since elementary and middle school. We never moved out of town, and always stayed in touch. I also have people I consider freinds that have moved on to bigger and better things. But for the most part It's been the same social scene for the past twenty four or so years. Some would say that's awesome, and I could understand that. Some would say that's pathetic and I can also understand that. Now that they are adults my social life has slowed down considerable.
I got comfortable, and now it's biting me in the ass. It sucks to be that guy that goes to the bar alone and I'm not gonna do it. Even when I do go out to a bar to see a band or just hang out I feel like I'm the oldest guy in the room. So how do I meet new people in social situations? I thought about just hanging out at self help meetings like the character in the movie Fight Club, but these people have addictive personalities, and that is a trait I dislike in people. Even when I do meet new people that I like, I tend to push them away or just start to avoid them after a while. Isn't psychosis fun?
So until I break out of crazies, I guess I'll just be happy to sit at home and watch movies. Hot Fuzz was released this week. I like the dry humor of the British.
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Barron Lays Down The Law
Good news everyone! Barron Hilton is taking the 2.4 billion he is estimated to earn from the sale of the Hilton corporation, and donating it to charity. (no charity is not the name of the Barron's favorite hooker) This apparently means that Paris, and I assume the rest of the Hilton clan will lose out on a sizable inheritance. The Barron is apparently upset that the apple of his eye is nothing more than a mere drunken porno actress who now has a criminal record.
Maybe the Barron talked with Warren Buffet, who announced last year that he would give the lions share of his fast fortune to the Bill and Melinda gates foundation.
Anyway, good for him, I'm not sure what charities the Hilton Foundation will donate to, but I'm sure they will be able to do more good with it than Paris and the rest of the clan.
Good news everyone! Barron Hilton is taking the 2.4 billion he is estimated to earn from the sale of the Hilton corporation, and donating it to charity. (no charity is not the name of the Barron's favorite hooker) This apparently means that Paris, and I assume the rest of the Hilton clan will lose out on a sizable inheritance. The Barron is apparently upset that the apple of his eye is nothing more than a mere drunken porno actress who now has a criminal record.
Maybe the Barron talked with Warren Buffet, who announced last year that he would give the lions share of his fast fortune to the Bill and Melinda gates foundation.
Anyway, good for him, I'm not sure what charities the Hilton Foundation will donate to, but I'm sure they will be able to do more good with it than Paris and the rest of the clan.
Paris Hilton,
Probably Needs A Douche,
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Cool New Toys
I saw some articles pertaining to the new line of Jesus action figures and went on a search to find them. What I found was a world of new action figures the likes of which I would have never dreamed of. A perusal of the following link will I think be a enlightenment.
My favorites so far have to be the Oscar Wilde (young boys not included), The Albino Bowler, and Pope Innocent III.
An old friend of mine has a web site, and it gave me an idea for a new line of action figures I would like to see: "The Great Cult Leaders Of The World". You could start with the originals like Jesus, Mohammad, Abraham, and Buddha. Then work your way all the way up to the classics like Jones, Moon, Manson, and Applewhite. All were great leaders of people and all did great things. Why shouldn't these heroes of the mind be honored in such a way?
If I'm late to the party on this, and these action figures are already on the market, let me know and send me a link. If not get Todd Mcfarlane on the phone and get these on the production line as soon as possible.
My favorites so far have to be the Oscar Wilde (young boys not included), The Albino Bowler, and Pope Innocent III.
An old friend of mine has a web site, and it gave me an idea for a new line of action figures I would like to see: "The Great Cult Leaders Of The World". You could start with the originals like Jesus, Mohammad, Abraham, and Buddha. Then work your way all the way up to the classics like Jones, Moon, Manson, and Applewhite. All were great leaders of people and all did great things. Why shouldn't these heroes of the mind be honored in such a way?
If I'm late to the party on this, and these action figures are already on the market, let me know and send me a link. If not get Todd Mcfarlane on the phone and get these on the production line as soon as possible.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Didn't watch the debate last night, and according to the sound bites I heard didn't miss much. I was hoping for much more considering all the questions came from postings on YOUTUBE. Like a bunch of jack asses slamming there testicles on hand rails as they try to slide there skateboards down it. Maybe next time. A quick check of the transcript shows that a lot of the questions, no matter how they were worded ask the same thing "what are you going to do for me exactly?" Most of them were softball stump speech material, and I'm sure that they were hand picked by reps from each candidate. Oh well, it was a good try. Barak Hussine Obama needed a win last night night, but he seemed to have just left a lot of people confused. He didn't win, but the democratic party lost as a whole. Especially with the old folks. Your average Ma and Pa Kettle don't have the intranets box. So watching all these hoodlums on grainy Internet quality video might have rilled up the youth vote, (who by the way don't vote) but it didnt do much for the Social Security, salve wearing folks.
Monday, July 23, 2007
My Marine Friend
A marine buddy of mine was home from Iraq this past weekend. He gave me his thumb nail sketch of how it was over there. In a nut shell he said that if the politicians and the American people would let them, they could take the whole country and have it under control in a matter of days. But....after we leave no matter what we do, have done or haven't done the country will become a shit hole again. Over all he says the troops are in as good of spirits as can be expected. He cannot wait to re-enlist and get back. Marines tend to be that way. Just a small assessment from someone fighting this war. Take it for what is or not.
Friday, July 20, 2007
UH OH There on to me.
Just when I thought I was going to be able to retire early congress steps in to foil me. My plan was to get in on the carbon offset credit industry while it is still in it's infancy. Then under cut my competitors, drive them out of business, and rule the world. This is better than any ponzi scheme that I've seen to date. Here is the jest of it; stupid people give you money, you give them a document stating that because of the trees that will be "planted" their carbon foot print will be erased, you leave with said money, stupid people filled with smugness and false sense self worth.
Of course carbon offsets are just for the rich and powerful, the rest of us are expected to change our life styles to the point of going back to the cave and living life like a neanderthal.
It's starting to look like an inconvenient truth is really just a bunch of convenient lies.
Just when I thought I was going to be able to retire early congress steps in to foil me. My plan was to get in on the carbon offset credit industry while it is still in it's infancy. Then under cut my competitors, drive them out of business, and rule the world. This is better than any ponzi scheme that I've seen to date. Here is the jest of it; stupid people give you money, you give them a document stating that because of the trees that will be "planted" their carbon foot print will be erased, you leave with said money, stupid people filled with smugness and false sense self worth.
Of course carbon offsets are just for the rich and powerful, the rest of us are expected to change our life styles to the point of going back to the cave and living life like a neanderthal.
It's starting to look like an inconvenient truth is really just a bunch of convenient lies.
Al Gore,
Bull Shit,
Global Warming,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Another Reason To Hate Hippies
Yet another reason that hippies should always be in some from of constant pain and agony. This artical says what needs to be said in a more articulate way then I ever could. Please read it.
Yet another reason that hippies should always be in some from of constant pain and agony. This artical says what needs to be said in a more articulate way then I ever could. Please read it.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Must Be That Global Warming
It's The middle of summer, and out west in the middle of the desert it's hot. This is obviously more evidence of the global warming. There is no other explanation. Let us all pray that the global warming does not bring snow to the north east this winter. The horror, the horror.
In other global warming news, it seems Al Gore Jr has a taste for the pot. He also figured out how to make a Toyota Prius do over 100 miles per hour.
It's The middle of summer, and out west in the middle of the desert it's hot. This is obviously more evidence of the global warming. There is no other explanation. Let us all pray that the global warming does not bring snow to the north east this winter. The horror, the horror.
In other global warming news, it seems Al Gore Jr has a taste for the pot. He also figured out how to make a Toyota Prius do over 100 miles per hour.
Al Gore,
Al Gore Jr,
Global Warming,
Monday, July 2, 2007
Concert For The Dead Princess Chick
I watched some of the concert yesterday, wasn't half bad. Noticeably absent was U2, not sure if they had a scheduling conflict, or maybe Bono was raising money for some African war lords or something. This past weekend of course, was just a rehearsal for the big show this upcoming weekend. I'm talking of course about the 24 hour world wide Gore 08 campaign rally. Al's booking agent has said that all of his speaking engagements have been cancelled through the next year. I imagine that he will announce this weekend. He will get plenty of face time on all the networks and news channels, leading up to, during, and after the event, so it would be logical to do it. It's kind of ironic that so many acts signed up to do this little dog and pony show, seeing that if Gores wife had her way (and she might come 09) she and the rest of her PMRC (if you are younger than 30 Google it.) posse would stop at nothing to destroy the carers of most of them. Yea, remember that all you wannabe tree hugging hippies? When the PMRC ruled the roost in Washington? Well that was your good buddies Al and Tipper Gore. Hope all you good time Pop stars and Rock and or Rollers have fun sucking at the teat of the people who would destroy you. The sad part is, no musicians, even the ones that Al and Tipper had directly in there cross hairs, (except for Dave Mustaine and Dee Snider) have even called them out on it.
What has happened? I mean Music used to be non partisan, against all politicians be it left or right, Republican or Democrat. It's a sad state of affairs. It used to be that the music community lined up to denounce the political establishment not work to help it. Now today's pop/rock stars can't wait to get in line to falate the bastards. It truley is a dark time.
What has happened? I mean Music used to be non partisan, against all politicians be it left or right, Republican or Democrat. It's a sad state of affairs. It used to be that the music community lined up to denounce the political establishment not work to help it. Now today's pop/rock stars can't wait to get in line to falate the bastards. It truley is a dark time.
Tree Huggers
Friday, June 29, 2007
I want answers and I want them now! Why was Ravenel allowed to leave the state? Why was he not apprehended in Arizona and brought back to South Carolina? Why is he not sitting in a jail with out bond, because he is obviously a flight risk? Did they at least confiscate his passport? Could some one please contact the Attorney General and get some answers.
I want answers and I want them now! Why was Ravenel allowed to leave the state? Why was he not apprehended in Arizona and brought back to South Carolina? Why is he not sitting in a jail with out bond, because he is obviously a flight risk? Did they at least confiscate his passport? Could some one please contact the Attorney General and get some answers.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Violent Crime In The UK
So it seems that violent crime in the UK is a lot higher than the limy, brown tooth's were willing to admit. Hmmm............hows that gun control thing working out. The Brits took a page from our corporate world and cooked the numbers, so that they could keep brow beating the US about how bad crime is over here. Let me be the first to say HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Also let me retort by saying USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!! I think I'll go out and fire off a few rounds at the target range today.
So it seems that violent crime in the UK is a lot higher than the limy, brown tooth's were willing to admit. Hmmm............hows that gun control thing working out. The Brits took a page from our corporate world and cooked the numbers, so that they could keep brow beating the US about how bad crime is over here. Let me be the first to say HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Also let me retort by saying USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!! I think I'll go out and fire off a few rounds at the target range today.
Gun control,
Poor Dental Hygiene,
United Kingdom
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Utopian Doctors Vist
Here is a scene from what will be your friendly neighborhood Hillary Health Care Clinic come 2009.
You walk in stand in line, once you get to the front desk:
Lady behind desk: What are you hear for?
Patent: I have had chronic heart burn for the past three weeks.
LBD: Let me see you national heath care card.
P: Hands over card.
LBD: You have only earned enough credits for a foot scraping and a throat culture.
P: But I don't need either of those things, I think I might have an ulcer.
Could I just see a doctor?
LBD: There is no need to see a doctor, a nurse will be able to take care of the foot scraping and throat culture.
P: But I don't need that.
LBD: Sir this is the United States Government, we have the best socialized medical system in the world. Our lawyers will decide what you need. Do I need to call Security?
P: No No I'll be good.
LBD: Very good, now a look at your records indicates that you are only at a level 2 on the medical hierarchy, you have a low stress job and home life and therefor not eligible for ulcer treatment. Now you have 30 credits that are good for a foot scraping and throat culture and they will expire next month. So when would you like an appointment?
P: OK OK how about next Thursday?
LBD: Sorry our next appointment is not until September of 2011, NEXT!!!!!!!!!!
You walk in stand in line, once you get to the front desk:
Lady behind desk: What are you hear for?
Patent: I have had chronic heart burn for the past three weeks.
LBD: Let me see you national heath care card.
P: Hands over card.
LBD: You have only earned enough credits for a foot scraping and a throat culture.
P: But I don't need either of those things, I think I might have an ulcer.
Could I just see a doctor?
LBD: There is no need to see a doctor, a nurse will be able to take care of the foot scraping and throat culture.
P: But I don't need that.
LBD: Sir this is the United States Government, we have the best socialized medical system in the world. Our lawyers will decide what you need. Do I need to call Security?
P: No No I'll be good.
LBD: Very good, now a look at your records indicates that you are only at a level 2 on the medical hierarchy, you have a low stress job and home life and therefor not eligible for ulcer treatment. Now you have 30 credits that are good for a foot scraping and throat culture and they will expire next month. So when would you like an appointment?
P: OK OK how about next Thursday?
LBD: Sorry our next appointment is not until September of 2011, NEXT!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
My Great State
So it seems the treasurer of the great state of South Carolina is a degenerate speed freak. Thomas Ravenel, the up and coming politico from Charleston got caught trying to buy enough Peruvian marching powder to furnish all of Cortez's army. Only the people of South Carolina would elect a coke fiend to watch over it's money. (To the new treasurer, if your wondering where all of your office equipment is, check the local pawn shops.)
I believe the state should start mandatory quarterly drug testing for all state employees, including elected officials and any one who receives a state pension. The results of the tests should be made public along the lines of the weekly jail blotter. If a person tests positive, that person would immediately be relived of their duties as well as have any future pension payments frozen. This might even relieve some of the strain on the state pension system. You can't get a job sweeping floors these days with out being made to take a drug test why should the people who hold the highest positions in the state be any different?
I believe the state should start mandatory quarterly drug testing for all state employees, including elected officials and any one who receives a state pension. The results of the tests should be made public along the lines of the weekly jail blotter. If a person tests positive, that person would immediately be relived of their duties as well as have any future pension payments frozen. This might even relieve some of the strain on the state pension system. You can't get a job sweeping floors these days with out being made to take a drug test why should the people who hold the highest positions in the state be any different?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fathers Day
Well another fathers day has come and gone. I got my dad a safe for storing his important documents. My dad is now in his 60's and retired. He has also become politically so far to the left that Hugo Chavez is saying wow. He spends most of his day listening to the comedians on Air America. I guess when you reach a certain age you are Given an AARP card and just told who to vote for. That's OK, he has earned the right to believe the way he wants. But......he just seems so bitter and unhappy. The man is retired for gosh sakes and all he can do is worry about who is doing what in Washington. This of course goes for people on the right as well. It seems that people who actually take politics more seriously than say a game of tic tac toe played by 4 year old kids, are not very happy. My dad spends more thought power on how bad Wal-Mart is then anyone should. He is so stubborn that he would cut off his nose to spite his face. He thinks that one political party is better than the the other, and he feels that the government should have a finger in every aspect of our lives. In other words he is just another good Socialist. But at the end of the day he is still my dad and I love him, and he would do anything to help me in any way he could. My only wish is that all people take a step back and look a politics and politicians as what they are, fodder, and sillyness, not to be taken seriously.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thompson And The Rest.
Is Fred Thompson for real or is he just trying to move the Republicans back to the right? Some major players on the conservative right are now calling out Giuliani on his pro-abortion stance as well as his other leftist/socialist leanings. This can be traced directly to Thompson announcing his bid for El Presidente. Now that there is what looks like a true conservative in the pack, there's no need to just blindly support the supposed front runner. Now they have a candidate and no longer feel the need to collectively bite their tongues.
It seems to be a two person race in both parties, Clinton/Obama and Thompson/Giuliani and for good measure I will throw Romney in there also, but the coming weeks will be telling for his campaign. He may get lost in the shuffle and may find his support and money waning.
In the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson, "The worm is starting to turn". We are getting to the point in the campaign where good men suffer like rabid dogs and campaign managers ponder slitting their on throats just to make the pain go away. Yes my friends its starting to get fun.
It seems to be a two person race in both parties, Clinton/Obama and Thompson/Giuliani and for good measure I will throw Romney in there also, but the coming weeks will be telling for his campaign. He may get lost in the shuffle and may find his support and money waning.
In the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson, "The worm is starting to turn". We are getting to the point in the campaign where good men suffer like rabid dogs and campaign managers ponder slitting their on throats just to make the pain go away. Yes my friends its starting to get fun.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Caught TOOL at the BLC last night, excellent show. Maynard and the guys never disappoint. The sound was good, vocals could have been a little louder but over all a great performance.
TOOL has not been known for very elaborate light shows, but that has changed with this tour. The lighting atmosphere is still dark and subdued, But this time half way through their set during the song 10,000 days, they added a spectacular laser show which was then incorporated for the rest of the set. I'm always weary of lasers at concerts, as sometimes they can take away from the performance, but these did not.
Set list was selected from post Undertow albums which was refreshing, I'm sure some snot nosed punk kids were disappointed that they didn't do Sober though.
TOOL fans should try to catch this tour.
TOOL has not been known for very elaborate light shows, but that has changed with this tour. The lighting atmosphere is still dark and subdued, But this time half way through their set during the song 10,000 days, they added a spectacular laser show which was then incorporated for the rest of the set. I'm always weary of lasers at concerts, as sometimes they can take away from the performance, but these did not.
Set list was selected from post Undertow albums which was refreshing, I'm sure some snot nosed punk kids were disappointed that they didn't do Sober though.
TOOL fans should try to catch this tour.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Well it looks like Fred Thompson is going to throw his hat in ring after all. But is he in it to win it, or just to steer the debate back to the right and away from the center? We shall soon see.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Lets Keep Our Fingers Crossed
A special place in Hell is being prepared as I write this for Jerry Falwell. The former leader of the so called Moral Majority and president of Liberty University was found unresponsive this morning and has been hospitalized. Lets just hope that his final moments on earth are painful and filled with terror.
A special place in Hell is being prepared as I write this for Jerry Falwell. The former leader of the so called Moral Majority and president of Liberty University was found unresponsive this morning and has been hospitalized. Lets just hope that his final moments on earth are painful and filled with terror.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Smoking can cause cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems, Stroke, heart attack, and emphysema. Some smokers also have to get limbs amputated. Stopping smoking now could save your life. Smokers who stop could gain weight and become obese.
Obesity can cause cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems, stroke, heart attack, and emphysema. Some obese people can also get diabetes and have to get limbs amputated. Stopping the consumption of food now could save your life. Obese people who stop eating could become emaciated.
Emaciation can cause cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems, stroke, heart attack, and emphysema. some emaciated people could contract gangrene and have to have limbs amputated. Starting to smoke now could save your life.
Obesity can cause cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems, stroke, heart attack, and emphysema. Some obese people can also get diabetes and have to get limbs amputated. Stopping the consumption of food now could save your life. Obese people who stop eating could become emaciated.
Emaciation can cause cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems, stroke, heart attack, and emphysema. some emaciated people could contract gangrene and have to have limbs amputated. Starting to smoke now could save your life.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
The Only Decent Modern Day Politician
It was 20 years that R. Budd Dwyer, the state treasurer of Pennsylvania got caught with his hand in the cookie jar to the tune of about $300,000 and was facing 55 years in prison on bribery charges. On January 22 1987 Budd called a press conference where he pronounced his innocence by pulling a .357 magnum out of a manila envelope, placing the barrel in is mouth, and pulling the trigger. (This was fatal by the way.) This was shown on live TV throughout the state of Pennsylvania, and was the inspiration for the song "Hey Man Nice Shot" by the band Filter in 1995.
Budd should be a model for all current and future politicians. He knew he was guilty and did the right thing. There are a lot of guilty politicians in power today, (all of them) but non have the guts to do the right thing by turning their skull into a bloody pile of bone and brain matter on live TV.
It was 20 years that R. Budd Dwyer, the state treasurer of Pennsylvania got caught with his hand in the cookie jar to the tune of about $300,000 and was facing 55 years in prison on bribery charges. On January 22 1987 Budd called a press conference where he pronounced his innocence by pulling a .357 magnum out of a manila envelope, placing the barrel in is mouth, and pulling the trigger. (This was fatal by the way.) This was shown on live TV throughout the state of Pennsylvania, and was the inspiration for the song "Hey Man Nice Shot" by the band Filter in 1995.
Budd should be a model for all current and future politicians. He knew he was guilty and did the right thing. There are a lot of guilty politicians in power today, (all of them) but non have the guts to do the right thing by turning their skull into a bloody pile of bone and brain matter on live TV.
Freedom Of Scorch
Something Troubling about this. Both in the fact that he wants burn the flag, and that he isn't allowed to. We need to keep an eye on this case, as it could have dramatic ramifications on free speech.
Flag Burning,
Freedom Of Speech,
Immigration Reform
Monday, May 7, 2007
Paris, Belle Of The Cell
Not much to talk about today, but the prospect of Paris Hilton going to jail for a few weeks makes me happy. Not sure why though. Not even certain she will ever see the inside of a cell, with all of the lawyers I'm sure she has working on this case. I believe jail, even a country club type jail would do this little trollop some good. She will at least get a delousing that I'm sure is badly needed. Her mom made a spectacle of herself in court Friday, (maybe if she had raised her instead of the army of Nanny's that could not controll her, this would not be Paris' predicament). Oh to be a fly on the wall of the jail for the 4 weeks or so she will be incarcerated. Paris of course will be allowed to report to jail on a date decided on by the court, I have a feeling that had that been me in front of the judge I would not have been granted the same luxury. (In fact I probaley would have gotten a few cracks about the head with the night stick just for good measure as they were dragging me out of the court room.) This gives her time to hit the weights and bulk up. Because like Scruffy the janitor on Futurerama said "I've been to jail, you can make sangria in the toilet, of course it's shanked or be shanked". And with her being skin and bones the likelihood of hitting a major organ is pretty high. So Paris good luck, welcome to the club, take your medicine. And for once in your life take responsibility for you actions like us the little people have to.
Not Clean,
Paris Hilton,
Probably Needs A Douche,
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
BJU Pervert
I believe this man is just a small example of the depravity that goes on behind the iron gates at BJU. What kind of shameful perversions are these people feeding the students of the upstate? Of course I will need to see these pictures before I can truly pass judgement on this perverted, dangerous sex maniac. (I've always wondered what kind taste the average BJU student has in neked women.) Another observation, as I was traveling to the grocery store along east north behind the campus, I noticed something strange. The barbed wire on the top of the fence in the back of the campus is angled inward. On a fence set up like this, barbed wire can be installed one of three ways, angled on both side to keep people from crossing either side, angled outward to prevent someone from coming in, or angled inward to keep people from getting out. let me say this one more time, the barbed wire on the top of the fence in the back of the campus is angled inward, as if to keep people from escaping. Just an observation. Jesus is crying today.
I believe this man is just a small example of the depravity that goes on behind the iron gates at BJU. What kind of shameful perversions are these people feeding the students of the upstate? Of course I will need to see these pictures before I can truly pass judgement on this perverted, dangerous sex maniac. (I've always wondered what kind taste the average BJU student has in neked women.) Another observation, as I was traveling to the grocery store along east north behind the campus, I noticed something strange. The barbed wire on the top of the fence in the back of the campus is angled inward. On a fence set up like this, barbed wire can be installed one of three ways, angled on both side to keep people from crossing either side, angled outward to prevent someone from coming in, or angled inward to keep people from getting out. let me say this one more time, the barbed wire on the top of the fence in the back of the campus is angled inward, as if to keep people from escaping. Just an observation. Jesus is crying today.
Bob Jones University,
Christian Sex,
Friday, April 27, 2007
Still No Clear Front Runner
There still is no clear front runner after the "debate" last night. The format also made for a boring night, not a lot of fire works. Edwards called out HRC and all the other Democrats for voting for the Iraq war, I believe the quote was that they needed to "search their conscience". No doubt HRC will make him pay for that one. Like I eluded to yesterday this was just a way for the Dem's to get free air time to get the best parts of their stump speeches out to the nation. Look for HRC to not be as lady like in the next debate, the boys behind the scenes need to separate her from the rest of the field. The best way for her to do that is to attack like a rabid pit bull. She will be out for blood in the next round.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
"Debate" Tonight
I guess I will try to catch some of the "debate" tonight, although I doubt there will be to much debating going on. It will be more like an infomercial with cookie cutter questions and cookie cutter stump speech answers. Nothing new will be learned. Although we may have a clear leader after tonight between "Obamer" (Ted Kennedy's pronunciation) and HRC. My guess will be that Obama will take a small lead. But will see.
2 to1 That the Don Imus affair will be brought up.
3 to 1 That the VT shooting are brought up.
1 to 60 Chris Matthews makes another Anti-Semitic joke about Joe Lieberman during the analisys after the debate.
2 to1 That the Don Imus affair will be brought up.
3 to 1 That the VT shooting are brought up.
1 to 60 Chris Matthews makes another Anti-Semitic joke about Joe Lieberman during the analisys after the debate.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Hip and the Hop
Russell Simmons who along with Rick Rubin helped bring The Hip and the Hop to the masses in the 80's is calling for the end of the use of the big three words. What will hip and hop artists do with out these words? I cannot condone any type of forced censorship by the government but this will be self imposed. Of course this is not going to happen anyway. The record companies make too much money off of these words for the hip and hop artists to stop using them. And with the record companies already losing millions, I just cant see any real impact Mr. Simmons pronouncement would make. So don't worry, Snoop will still be able to smack his ho's and bitches.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Appoligy Accepted?
The question of if the state of South Carolina should follow the lead of other southern states, and issue an apology for slavery has come up in the past few days. First and foremost I had know idea that slavery only existed in the south. If we do apologize, will reverend Al except? Apology's do not seem to help. Just ask Don Imus.
I have never owned a slave. No one in my family has ever owned a slave. My ancestors never owned slaves. I was however assaulted by a black person when I was in high school. Should I make every black person accountable for this one person. According to this logic maybe so. Please send apology along with reparations check to my home address. My point is that an apology is just a ceremonial piece of paper. I attribute this to buying a crying child a piece of candy at the check out stand, sure it keeps him quiet for a little while but nothing was actually accomplished. South Carolina lets just go ahead and apologize so we can at least get to the car in peace, and we can deal with the next tantrum when we get home. Because you know it's coming.
I have never owned a slave. No one in my family has ever owned a slave. My ancestors never owned slaves. I was however assaulted by a black person when I was in high school. Should I make every black person accountable for this one person. According to this logic maybe so. Please send apology along with reparations check to my home address. My point is that an apology is just a ceremonial piece of paper. I attribute this to buying a crying child a piece of candy at the check out stand, sure it keeps him quiet for a little while but nothing was actually accomplished. South Carolina lets just go ahead and apologize so we can at least get to the car in peace, and we can deal with the next tantrum when we get home. Because you know it's coming.
South Carolina
Friday, April 20, 2007
Westboro Baptist Church
The Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the funerals of some of the VT shooting victims.
If hell exists, there should be a special place there for the good Rev. Phelps and the rest of his flock. I hope he contracts aids and dies a slow painful death, and is then brought back to life, covered in pitch, tied to a post and set a blaze. The same freedom of speech that gives me the right to write this blog, also gives the WBC the right to do what they do. The only good to come out of this vile garbage is that it shows the world what religion is really all about. It is not about love and compassion or salvation. It is about pure hate and evil. If I'm wrong and Jesus (or Mohammad, or Yahweh or whoever) comes back let me be the first to show up with a brand new nail gun and crucify him again for the damage his followers have done in his name for the past 2000 years. Can some one explain to me why, all through history up to the fall of the Roman Empire we had some of the greatest minds teaching and writing the greatest discoveries of our time, the greatest model for governments some parts of which are still used today and relative peace through out the world? Hell, the Romans even had working plumbing. Then after the roman empire fell the Christians took over and it was called the dark ages. The black plague ran rampant, all thought and learning was controlled by the church and stymied. Great famines all but destroyed whole countries. The horror of the Inquisition was fully in effect. These are the things religion has done for the human race. It's sad to think how far along we might be as a society if we could have just kept on feeding there butts to the lions.
If hell exists, there should be a special place there for the good Rev. Phelps and the rest of his flock. I hope he contracts aids and dies a slow painful death, and is then brought back to life, covered in pitch, tied to a post and set a blaze. The same freedom of speech that gives me the right to write this blog, also gives the WBC the right to do what they do. The only good to come out of this vile garbage is that it shows the world what religion is really all about. It is not about love and compassion or salvation. It is about pure hate and evil. If I'm wrong and Jesus (or Mohammad, or Yahweh or whoever) comes back let me be the first to show up with a brand new nail gun and crucify him again for the damage his followers have done in his name for the past 2000 years. Can some one explain to me why, all through history up to the fall of the Roman Empire we had some of the greatest minds teaching and writing the greatest discoveries of our time, the greatest model for governments some parts of which are still used today and relative peace through out the world? Hell, the Romans even had working plumbing. Then after the roman empire fell the Christians took over and it was called the dark ages. The black plague ran rampant, all thought and learning was controlled by the church and stymied. Great famines all but destroyed whole countries. The horror of the Inquisition was fully in effect. These are the things religion has done for the human race. It's sad to think how far along we might be as a society if we could have just kept on feeding there butts to the lions.
VT Victims
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Mental Capacity
One Addendum on my thoughts about gun control, The mental capacity of a person should be considered for the purchase of any firearm. It is now known that the VT shooter was admitted to a mental health facility in 2005. This should have been taken into consideration and he should not have been allowed to legally purchase a firearm. This of course would not have stopped him from getting one, and these tragic events most likely would have still played out. Their needs to be a way to check the mental background of individuals before purchase. I'm not sure how this can be done but it should be considered.
It Was The Guns Fault Not His
What the gun laws did in Virginia did was make it illegal for for anyone on the VT campus to defind themselves. This evil man knew he would have no resistance because It is illegal to posses a gun on campus. The politicians write these laws knowing this. The question that needs to be asked is why to the law makers want this kind of wholesale slaughter of innocent lives? It is their laws that enabled Cho Seung-Hui (remember him?) to ruthlessly kill 32 people Monday, not the guns. Maybe we need to find out what kind on music he listened to or movies he liked as well, that seemed to be the MO of other investigations of school shootings. Blame the gun, blame the music and movies he liked, blame video games. Anything to take the blame away from the criminal who actually did it. Once again my heart goes out to the victims and families who this waste of oxygen destroyed.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tragic Events
The sad events of yesterday at Virginia Tech has pretty much dominated the news not much politicking going on. But again I reiterate that this tragedy shows why the law abiding populace should not have restrictive laws hindering them from arming and protecting themselves.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I would like to make a prediction that the National Socialists (the Democrats) will use the Va Tech tragedy as an excuse to try and take guns away from law abiding citizens again. This is of course the very first thing that all communist/socialist regimes have done to help in the transfer of power. More on this latter, but for now, mahalo.
VA TECH Shootings
Concerning the tragic events on the campus of Virgina Tech, I don't really understand how things like this happen. I would bet that the School has a rule prohibiting guns on campus as well as a state law that does the same. Were these laws not written to prevent this? Of course I'm being sarcastic one would say facetious. If just one good guy had been armed during this tragedy the body count may not have been nearly as high. It's as if the people who make theses rules and laws want the bad guys to have the best chance at mass slaughter they can get. This man walked on this campus knowing that it would be against the law for his victims to fight back. Why do the politicians want this kind of death on a mass scale? Why are laws written to help criminals do this? Why can't we hold the politicians that write these laws accountable and liable for these needless deaths? My heart goes out to the families of the victims of this tragedy. I encourage everyone to protect themselves and there families by learning how to properly use a firearm.
Concerning the tragic events on the campus of Virgina Tech, I don't really understand how things like this happen. I would bet that the School has a rule prohibiting guns on campus as well as a state law that does the same. Were these laws not written to prevent this? Of course I'm being sarcastic one would say facetious. If just one good guy had been armed during this tragedy the body count may not have been nearly as high. It's as if the people who make theses rules and laws want the bad guys to have the best chance at mass slaughter they can get. This man walked on this campus knowing that it would be against the law for his victims to fight back. Why do the politicians want this kind of death on a mass scale? Why are laws written to help criminals do this? Why can't we hold the politicians that write these laws accountable and liable for these needless deaths? My heart goes out to the families of the victims of this tragedy. I encourage everyone to protect themselves and there families by learning how to properly use a firearm.
Friday, April 13, 2007
HRC Reining In Government?
In an on going process to try to sway the right /centrist section of the population, socialist candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Hillary Rodham Clinton is talking about ways to rein in government growth. This is of course just obvious pandering on her part as slowing the growth of government is against everything the socialist left stands for. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070413/ap_on_el_pr/clinton2008;_ylt=Av3o90hgE2QNImMkNRPioPSyFz4D
But lets say for s***ts and giggles she is elected and implements the scaling back of government. Any beneficial gains from these actions would be wiped out with the Hillary health care plan. From what I have seen, her plan seems to be based on a Marxist plan dreamed up in the early part of the 20th century, put in place by the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s and used today by most of the European Union. http://www.fff.org/freedom/0194c.asp This of course will bankrupt our country as well as give the government control over our health care. Need an open heart by-pass, well just get in line. Do we really want the same people who run FEMA and The UN's World Health Organization to decide our health care needs.
The medical industry indeed needs tweaking, but most of it needs to be done on the Insurance/HMOs side. I certainly do not have the answers (I can barley understand my own health care policy) but neither does the government. We do need a saftey net for the uninsured and the poverty stricken. We have the worlds best doctors, nurses, and facilitys in this country, and everyone should have access to them. But Clinton's plan is not the way to go.
But lets say for s***ts and giggles she is elected and implements the scaling back of government. Any beneficial gains from these actions would be wiped out with the Hillary health care plan. From what I have seen, her plan seems to be based on a Marxist plan dreamed up in the early part of the 20th century, put in place by the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s and used today by most of the European Union. http://www.fff.org/freedom/0194c.asp This of course will bankrupt our country as well as give the government control over our health care. Need an open heart by-pass, well just get in line. Do we really want the same people who run FEMA and The UN's World Health Organization to decide our health care needs.
The medical industry indeed needs tweaking, but most of it needs to be done on the Insurance/HMOs side. I certainly do not have the answers (I can barley understand my own health care policy) but neither does the government. We do need a saftey net for the uninsured and the poverty stricken. We have the worlds best doctors, nurses, and facilitys in this country, and everyone should have access to them. But Clinton's plan is not the way to go.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
My Last Word On Imus
It looks as if Don Imus is done for. Westwood one and CBS are starting to loose big time advertisers. They will probable cut him loose after his radiothon. It really is a shame. He will bounce back though, I'm sure XM or Sirius would Love to have him on their systems, and he would do well their. I would have to believe that he has some sort of no compete clause in his contract with CBS, although I don't know if that would be applicable if he made the jump to non-terrestrial radio. I'm also sure he will get offers from other talk stations in NY, although I imagine they will want radical changes in the shows format that he probably will not want to accept. I never really cared for the show, but he along with Stern and a hand full of others changed the face of radio.
One other thing I noticed during all of this, is the lack of loyalty. A week ago every journalist in the country was clamoring to to get on his show either to hock some book or just get their opinion on what ever the topic Du-jour happened to be. Not many of them stood up for him. COWARDS! Every last one of them. I have no doubt that once Don gets back on his feet and lands a new gig they will be right back begging to get on his show. Shameful.
I hope his meeting with the Rutgers Ladies Basketball team is productive and this mess can be put behind both sides.
One other thing I noticed during all of this, is the lack of loyalty. A week ago every journalist in the country was clamoring to to get on his show either to hock some book or just get their opinion on what ever the topic Du-jour happened to be. Not many of them stood up for him. COWARDS! Every last one of them. I have no doubt that once Don gets back on his feet and lands a new gig they will be right back begging to get on his show. Shameful.
I hope his meeting with the Rutgers Ladies Basketball team is productive and this mess can be put behind both sides.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is great news, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/04/10/MNG0BP5O2P1.DTL&feed=rss.news Miss Palfrey is a great American and should be rewarded for her brave attempt to expose the high and mighty politicos that were her clients. Now does ABC have the stones to do the right thing? They should do one of those crawler things like they do for our fallen soldiers, and it should run ever hour on the hour. They should also make it available to every news organization in the world. I'm so happy about this, that I'm almost giddy. My only hope is that lives are ruined, divorces run rampant and some where some politicians wife has to answer the question "what is a escort and why did daddy need one?" Best news to come out of Washington in a long time.
The Duke Case
Well it looks like NC is going to drop all of the remaining charges against the 3 Duke lacrosse players. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070411/ap_on_re_us/duke_lacrosse What needs to happen now is, all of nifongs assets should be frozen and accounted for, so these young men's attorneys can start proceedings in the defamation law suit. Nifong, the county, and the state should be made to pay dearly. Some prison time and disbarment for Nifong would do him some good as well. Unfortunately the accuser in this matter will probably never get her just punishment for ruining the lives of these men. My only hope is that real rape victims will not be afraid to come forword because of what this waste of human flesh has done.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Although I do not listen to Don Imus (he's not in this market) I do not feel it was appropriate for him to say what he did about those black chicks. But, I also feel he should not have to kowtow to the two biggest racists in this country, (Sharpton and Jackson). We must never forget the Tawana Brawley incident http://eightiesclub.tripod.com/id315.htm and Jackson's Hymie Town remarks http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/jackson.htm.
Both Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are anti-semites who have lost all credibility and should have no place at the table of ideas. Imus lost most of his relavance in radio when he tried to switch from shock jock to straight radio in the mid 90's. His audience has been in decline for years, and he was never able to get the numbers that Stern had in the nations top market. For Imus' part he get 2 weeks off and an appearance fee for doing Larry king tonight. We'll have to wait and see what if any aftermath will be. My guess is that this will die down after about a week of special reports from CNN and the like. When the cameras turn to something else, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will also.
Both Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are anti-semites who have lost all credibility and should have no place at the table of ideas. Imus lost most of his relavance in radio when he tried to switch from shock jock to straight radio in the mid 90's. His audience has been in decline for years, and he was never able to get the numbers that Stern had in the nations top market. For Imus' part he get 2 weeks off and an appearance fee for doing Larry king tonight. We'll have to wait and see what if any aftermath will be. My guess is that this will die down after about a week of special reports from CNN and the like. When the cameras turn to something else, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson will also.
Terms of Sureender
I'm starting to think that Dexy's Midnight Runners really are just a one hit wonder. Oh well on with the show. If the Dem's are successful in setting a date for surrender, will the insurgents except there terms? Most of the time the defeated must turn over all military equipment and forfeit some land. As well as agree to some sort of military oversight of the government. If these are are the terms set forth by the insurgents will the Dem's agree to them? This is something to think about moving forword.
On the home front, It seems Obama is moving in on HRC's turf. He held a couple of very successful fundraisers in Manhattan over the weekend. I cant wait to see what Klinton Inc. has in store for Obama, I'm sure that Mcauliffe has his people digging for bones as we speak. In the mean time, look for HRC to make a few trips to the west coast in the next week or two, to hit a few ATMs out in La La land. Mahalo.
On the home front, It seems Obama is moving in on HRC's turf. He held a couple of very successful fundraisers in Manhattan over the weekend. I cant wait to see what Klinton Inc. has in store for Obama, I'm sure that Mcauliffe has his people digging for bones as we speak. In the mean time, look for HRC to make a few trips to the west coast in the next week or two, to hit a few ATMs out in La La land. Mahalo.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Follow the money
Well it seems Hillary Rodham Clinton (here to fore know as HRC) is not going to tip her hand completely just yet on how much she has actually raised so far, or at least shes not saying how much is for the general and how much is for the primaries. If I had to guess, they are having to rework some numbers to move some money back in to the primary side, the revelation by the Obama camp that they have already raised just 1 million shy of HRC was a shock I'm sure. The only difference could be, will Obama be able to go back to them latter, or has he maxed out his donor list. From what they are saying his donor list runs far and deep, and if HRC has to start spending money early she may be in trouble as a lot of her donors have maxed out expecting easy victory's in the primaries.
On a funner note the Edwards' have revealed that Elizabeth's cancer can be treated with medication. I expect the sympathy bump to subside now. It could have been a whirlwind victory if the campaign could have trotted out Mrs. Edwards, frail and sick from the chemo and bald as eagle to stump for John. Good news for the real candidates.
Oh well happy Easter, remember Elvis Died for your sins.
On a funner note the Edwards' have revealed that Elizabeth's cancer can be treated with medication. I expect the sympathy bump to subside now. It could have been a whirlwind victory if the campaign could have trotted out Mrs. Edwards, frail and sick from the chemo and bald as eagle to stump for John. Good news for the real candidates.
Oh well happy Easter, remember Elvis Died for your sins.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
First Post
Well this is my first post so I'll be brief. This blog will show the absurdity that is politics, we will begin with Nancy Pelosi in the middle east. Not only is she emboldening the enemy, now she is negotiating peace for the Israelis, this is of course a surprise to them as there has been no offer of a peace agreement from Jerusalem. She seems to think that she alone can set our foreign policy.
at least the terrorists seem to like like what she had to say http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3385140,00.html.
My fellow Americans our long national nightmare has just begun.
at least the terrorists seem to like like what she had to say http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3385140,00.html.
My fellow Americans our long national nightmare has just begun.
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