Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Todays nominee, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!
Today's fantasy presidential nominee is Richard Milhouse Nixon.

Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
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Nixon, he was the original Dick. Who would be his running mate?
How about Droopy Dog. He'd give it to you straight. We all know things are gonna suck, he wouldn't try to sugar coat anything.
Hunter S. Thompson would be a fitting running mate. Considering their history. But I have a feeling he is going to end up on my ballot at some point.
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