Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Terms of Sureender

I'm starting to think that Dexy's Midnight Runners really are just a one hit wonder. Oh well on with the show. If the Dem's are successful in setting a date for surrender, will the insurgents except there terms? Most of the time the defeated must turn over all military equipment and forfeit some land. As well as agree to some sort of military oversight of the government. If these are are the terms set forth by the insurgents will the Dem's agree to them? This is something to think about moving forword.
On the home front, It seems Obama is moving in on HRC's turf. He held a couple of very successful fundraisers in Manhattan over the weekend. I cant wait to see what Klinton Inc. has in store for Obama, I'm sure that Mcauliffe has his people digging for bones as we speak. In the mean time, look for HRC to make a few trips to the west coast in the next week or two, to hit a few ATMs out in La La land. Mahalo.

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