Just in case anyone still believes that the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame is still relevant, this years list of nominees should convince everyone otherwise.
Afrika Bambaataa, The Dave Clarke Five, The Ventures, Leonard Cohen and even Chic I do not have a problem with. But Madonna, John Cougar Mellencamp, The Beastie Boys and Donna Summer?
I say burn the place to the ground and build a Wal-Mart on the site of the hall of fame. It would be a more fitting tribute for today's music industry.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Our Next Candidate......
Our next Candidate is someone everyone knows. Has personally killed more people than anyone in history. He is loved by some, hated by others, some even think he's a myth. No I'm not talking about Kyser Soze, it's God himself.

He of course would never have a chance in Hell of winning. For all we know if he does exist, he is probably sitting in a mental hospital for walking around saying he's God. Because who would believe him.
He of course would never have a chance in Hell of winning. For all we know if he does exist, he is probably sitting in a mental hospital for walking around saying he's God. Because who would believe him.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Our Next Nomonee Is.........
One of the greatest music pioneers of the real punk scene. Mr GG Allin.

This is the man that took punk off of it's high and mighty perch and brought it back down where it the sewer. If you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to see him perform live, you probably left with the smell of feces and urine wafting through your nose. These little piss ant emo bands that call themselves Punk should try to find some bootleg video of his live shows and quit the music business.
The only reason I'm nominating GG, is the thought of his state of the union address makes me happy. I would love to see him just drop trow and take a big dump on the podium and fling it at Hillary, Bidden, or any Supreme Court Justice. He would bring the Washington establishment to it's knees.
This is the man that took punk off of it's high and mighty perch and brought it back down where it the sewer. If you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to see him perform live, you probably left with the smell of feces and urine wafting through your nose. These little piss ant emo bands that call themselves Punk should try to find some bootleg video of his live shows and quit the music business.
The only reason I'm nominating GG, is the thought of his state of the union address makes me happy. I would love to see him just drop trow and take a big dump on the podium and fling it at Hillary, Bidden, or any Supreme Court Justice. He would bring the Washington establishment to it's knees.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Todays nominee, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!
Today's fantasy presidential nominee is Richard Milhouse Nixon.

Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
Love him or hate him, he is (was) the consummate politician. He could politically cut you with the efficiency of a razor and you would not know it until you bled out. The Oval Office could use some iron cajones after some of the limp wristed pansies that have occupied it over the last two decades. He could get us out of Bush's' war like he had to get us out of Kennedy's war. Plus he had no problem putting hippies in there place and that place was the ground (Kent State). Come on people, the positives out weigh the negatives here. Let's, BRING BACK DICK!!!!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Fantasy Presidential Candidates
Ever wished you could really decided who was running for president? Me too. Here is my first installment of my fantasy nominees. The only rule is, there are no rules. They can be any one, living or dead, real or fictional. feel free to send me your suggestions as well.
The first nominee is, of course Peter Potamus.

Potamus, the once forgotten Hahnna-Barbera cartoon character from the 60s has made a comeback of sorts working as lawyer on the Cartoon Networks, "Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law" Series. In it, he is a sexually charged hippo working in the firm with Harvey Birdman. He has the trademark phrase, "Didja get that thing I sentcha?"
Think Bill Clinton, only Peter is a lot slimmer with less of an odor.
The first nominee is, of course Peter Potamus.
Potamus, the once forgotten Hahnna-Barbera cartoon character from the 60s has made a comeback of sorts working as lawyer on the Cartoon Networks, "Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law" Series. In it, he is a sexually charged hippo working in the firm with Harvey Birdman. He has the trademark phrase, "Didja get that thing I sentcha?"
Think Bill Clinton, only Peter is a lot slimmer with less of an odor.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A Better Idea From Palestine
This might be the best news of the day. If Madonna and Britney were beheaded would it make the world a better place? No probable not. Would it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Yes it would. And at the end of the day that's really all that matters.
This might be the best news of the day. If Madonna and Britney were beheaded would it make the world a better place? No probable not. Would it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Yes it would. And at the end of the day that's really all that matters.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
More "Good" Ideas From The Great White North

If anyone can explain the logic behind banning guns because of a stabbing please let me know. Why Canada isn't simply known as "The United States Natural Resource And Wildlife Preserve" I'll never know.
This is where I want the next war to be fought.
If anyone can explain the logic behind banning guns because of a stabbing please let me know. Why Canada isn't simply known as "The United States Natural Resource And Wildlife Preserve" I'll never know.
This is where I want the next war to be fought.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Arthur Branch For The Prosecution
Fred Thompson has officially thrown his hat in the ring. I like Freds portrayal of DA Arthur Branch on Law and Order. Some on the right are ecstatic, some not so much. Thompson has been described by some in the know as a lazy campaigner. But he should liven up the debates, and if he gets the nod, he will definitely chew up the Dem candidate like old gum. Thompson is very conservative, but has broken ranks with the republicans when he felt it was the right thing to do.
Fred will come out the gate strong but will see how he does at the 4th furlong.
Now on to more important date that went horrible wrong. The sad tail goes like this.
Met a nice girl, talked for a while, planed a date. Day of said date comes, we nail down a time and restaurant. I say I will call latter in the day to make the plans concrete. start calling around 5ish, no answer. Jump in shower and get dressed. Call again, no answer. call and text a few more times no answer. Come to realization that this date just is not going to happen. Talk to freinds about situation, they say something might have happened. I say Bull Shit she stiffed me. I send off a scathing email and say something about her maturity and that she should grow up. she replies 2 days latter that she was in the hospital, something about an anxiety attack (which is she-code for "I have a bi-polar disorder and I'm off my meds.) Ahhh the wonder years.
Fred will come out the gate strong but will see how he does at the 4th furlong.
Now on to more important date that went horrible wrong. The sad tail goes like this.
Met a nice girl, talked for a while, planed a date. Day of said date comes, we nail down a time and restaurant. I say I will call latter in the day to make the plans concrete. start calling around 5ish, no answer. Jump in shower and get dressed. Call again, no answer. call and text a few more times no answer. Come to realization that this date just is not going to happen. Talk to freinds about situation, they say something might have happened. I say Bull Shit she stiffed me. I send off a scathing email and say something about her maturity and that she should grow up. she replies 2 days latter that she was in the hospital, something about an anxiety attack (which is she-code for "I have a bi-polar disorder and I'm off my meds.) Ahhh the wonder years.
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