It was 30 Years ago this month Reverend Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple dispatched over 900 of his followers to the great beyond by mixing Kool-Aid and cyanide together. Jim was a great orator who along with his charisma could have entire crowds in tears just with his words. I am so glad that we don't have any public figures today that have this kind of power of people that they just blindly follow, and believe every word that comes out of his mouth. It would definitively be a shame if that person was elected president of the most powerful country on the face of the earth.
Jim Jones preyed on the poor, weak, and down trodden to amass his power over them. Promises of no financial worries, were made to them. they were told to give up all there possessions and money to the church and the church would take care of them. I am just so glad that this could never happen in this day and time.

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