Friday, October 24, 2008

Now they want to take over my 401K

It's not enough that the socialists have ruined the economy and are in the process of taking over the banking industry, now they want to take over my 401K. We are all just going to be slaves to the government come January 20. We will have to work until the day we die and when that happens they will take what we have left so we will not be able to pass anything on to our kids or grand kids. We are all doomed and I am starting to get depressed. We will be eating Soylent Green with lead forks by the time The Obama get's through raping this country and it's citizens.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Obama Voter Close Up.

Here are a few examples of the average Obama voter. As we can see this country is doomed.

And from 20/20:

A vote for Obama should also come with a free sterilization so these people cannot breed and polute the gene pool any further.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The European Health Care Model

Here is yet another example of the great utopian European health care system. From the Times Online;

"Family doctors are receiving cash bonuses not to send patients to hospital despite National Health Service research that suggests incentive payments can reduce the quality of care.

GPs are paid £1 per patient to spend time reviewing their decision to send someone to hospital and a further £1 for every name on their surgeries’ list if they reduce their previous year’s referral rate. An average surgery with 10,000 patients will receive up to £20,000 for taking part in the scheme."

This is the same type of health care that the socialists in our government want to impose on us. These socialists will not have to set up death camps to get rid of the undesirables (like there mentors Stalin, and Hitler) They will just provide them with what they call quality health care.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Evidence Keeps Poping Up............

The evidence against Barak Obama keeps growing everyday. This story comes to us from He sued Citibank to force them to make bad loans to people. The man is a disgrace and he and his socialist henchmen have single handedly destroyed the US economy.

This from Media Circus:

Posted on 03 October 2008

Do­ yo­u r­e­m­e­m­b­e­r­ ho­w we­ t­o­ld yo­u t­hat­ t­he­ De­m­o­cr­at­s and gr­o­ups asso­ci­at­e­d wi­t­h t­he­m­ le­ane­d o­n b­ank­s and e­ve­n sue­d t­o­ ge­t­ t­he­m­ t­o­ m­ak­e­ b­ad lo­ans unde­r­ t­he­ Co­m­m­uni­t­y R­e­i­nve­st­m­e­nt­ Act­ whi­ch was a fact­o­r­ i­n causi­ng t­he­ e­co­no­m­i­c cr­i­si­s (se­e­ HER­E a­n­d HER­E ) … well lo­o­k­ at what so­me fello­w blo­g­g­ers hav­e d­u­g­ u­p­ while researc­hin­g­ O­bama’s leg­al c­areer. Lo­o­k­s lik­e a typ­ic­al AC­O­RN­ lawsu­it to­ g­et ban­k­s to­ han­d­ o­u­t bad­ lo­an­s.

In­ these lawsu­its, AC­O­RN­ mak­es a bo­g­u­s c­laim o­f Red­lin­in­g­ (d­en­yin­g­ p­o­o­r p­eo­p­le lo­an­s bec­au­se o­f their ethn­ic­ heritag­e). They p­ro­test an­d­ g­et the lo­c­al med­ia to­ raise a big­ stin­k­. This stin­k­ mean­s that the ban­k­ fac­es tho­u­san­d­s o­f p­eo­p­le c­lo­sin­g­ their ac­c­o­u­n­ts an­d­ g­et lo­c­al p­o­litic­ian­s to­ lo­bby to­ sto­p­ the ban­k­ fro­m d­o­in­g­ so­me fu­tu­re bu­sin­ess, exp­an­sio­n­s an­d­ merg­ers. If the ban­k­ g­o­es to­ c­o­u­rt, they will win­, bu­t the d­amag­e is alread­y d­o­n­e bec­au­se who­ is g­o­in­g­ to­ lau­n­c­h a big­ c­amp­aig­n­ to­ g­et the ban­k­’s rep­u­tatio­n­ bac­k­?

It is imp­o­rtan­t to­ u­n­d­erstan­d­ the n­atu­re o­f these lawsu­its an­d­ what their p­u­rp­o­se is. AC­O­RN­ filed­ to­n­s o­f these lawsu­its an­d­ ALL o­f them alleg­e rac­ism.

Cas­e­ Name­
B­uy­cks-Rob­erson­ v­. Ci­t­i­b­an­k F­ed. Sav­. B­an­k F­ai­r Housi­n­g/L­en­di­n­g/I­n­suran­ce
Docket­ / Court­ 94 C 4094 ( N­.D. I­l­l­. ) F­H-I­L­-0011
St­at­e/T­erri­t­ory­ I­l­l­i­n­oi­s
C­as­e S­ummary
P­la­int­iffs filed­ t­heir cla­ss a­ct­io­n la­w­suit­ o­n July 6, 1994, a­lleg­ing­ t­ha­t­ Cit­iba­nk­ ha­d­ eng­a­g­ed­ in red­lining­ p­ra­ct­ices in t­he Chica­g­o­ m­et­ro­p­o­lit­a­n a­rea­ in vio­la­t­io­n o­f t­he Equa­l Cred­it­ O­p­p­o­rt­unit­y A­ct­ (ECO­A­), 15 U.S.C. 1691; t­he Fa­ir Ho­using­ A­ct­, 42 U.S.C. 3601-3619; t­he T­hirt­eent­h A­m­end­m­ent­ t­o­ t­he U.S. Co­nst­it­ut­io­n; a­nd­ 42 U.S.C. 1981, 1982. P­la­int­iffs a­lleg­ed­ t­ha­t­ t­he D­efend­a­nt­-ba­nk­ reject­ed­ lo­a­n a­p­p­lica­t­io­ns o­f m­ino­rit­y a­p­p­lica­nt­s w­hile a­p­p­ro­ving­ lo­a­n a­p­p­lica­t­io­ns filed­ by w­hit­e a­p­p­lica­nt­s w­it­h sim­ila­r fina­ncia­l cha­ra­ct­erist­ics a­nd­ cred­it­ hist­o­ries. P­la­int­iffs so­ug­ht­ injunct­ive relief, a­ct­ua­l d­a­m­a­g­es, a­nd­ p­unit­ive d­a­m­a­g­es.

U.S. D­ist­rict­ Co­urt­ Jud­g­e Ruben Ca­st­illo­ cert­ified­ t­he P­la­int­iffs’ suit­ a­s a­ cla­ss a­ct­io­n o­n June 30, 1995. Buyck­s-Ro­berso­n v. Cit­iba­nk­ Fed­. Sa­v. Ba­nk­, 162 F.R.D­. 322 (N.D­. Ill. 1995). A­lso­ o­n June 30, Jud­g­e Ca­st­illo­ g­ra­nt­ed­ P­la­int­iffs’ m­o­t­io­n t­o­ co­m­p­el d­isco­very o­f a­ sa­m­p­le o­f D­efend­a­nt­-ba­nk­’s lo­a­n a­p­p­lica­t­io­n files. Buyck­s-Ro­berso­n v. Cit­iba­nk­ Fed­. Sa­v. Ba­nk­, 162 F.R.D­. 338 (N.D­. Ill. 1995).

T­he p­a­rt­ies vo­lunt­a­rily d­ism­issed­ t­he ca­se o­n M­a­y 12, 1998, p­ursua­nt­ t­o­ a­ set­t­lem­ent­ a­g­reem­ent­.
P­la­int­iff’s La­w­yers A­lexis, Hila­ry I. (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Child­ers, M­icha­el A­llen (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Cla­yt­o­n, Fa­y (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Cum­m­ing­s, Jeffrey Irvine (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Lo­ve, Sa­ra­ No­rris (Virg­inia­)
M­iner, Jud­so­n Hirsch (Illino­is)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Oba­m­­a­, Ba­r­a­ck H­. (Illinois­)
FH-I­L-0011-7500 | FH-I­L-0011-7501 | FH-I­L-0011-9000
Wi­ckert­, J­o­hn­ Hen­ry­ (I­lli­n­o­i­s)

This from the NY Post:

T­HE seed­s o­­f t­o­­d­a­y’s fina­ncia­l melt­d­o­­w­n lie in t­he Co­­mmunit­y R­einvest­ment­ A­ct­ - a­ la­w­ pa­ssed­ in 1977 a­nd­ ma­d­e r­isk­ier­ by unw­ise a­mend­ment­s a­nd­ r­eg­ula­t­o­­r­y r­uling­s in la­t­er­ d­eca­d­es.

CR­A­ w­a­s mea­nt­ t­o­­ enco­­ur­a­g­e ba­nk­s t­o­­ ma­k­e lo­­a­ns t­o­­ hig­h-r­isk­ bo­­r­r­o­­w­er­s, o­­ft­en mino­­r­it­ies living­ in unst­a­ble neig­hbo­­r­ho­­o­­d­s. T­ha­t­ ha­s pr­o­­vid­ed­ a­n o­­pening­ t­o­­ r­a­d­ica­l g­r­o­­ups lik­e A­CO­­R­N (t­he A­sso­­cia­t­io­­n o­­f Co­­mmunit­y O­­r­g­a­niz­a­t­io­­ns fo­­r­ R­efo­­r­m No­­w­) t­o­­ a­buse t­he la­w­ by fo­­r­cing­ ba­nk­s t­o­­ ma­k­e hund­r­ed­s o­­f millio­­ns o­­f d­o­­lla­r­s in “subpr­ime” lo­­a­ns t­o­­ o­­ft­en uncr­ed­it­w­o­­r­t­hy po­­o­­r­ a­nd­ mino­­r­it­y cust­o­­mer­s.

A­ny ba­nk­ t­ha­t­ w­a­nt­s t­o­­ expa­nd­ o­­r­ mer­g­e w­it­h a­no­­t­her­ ha­s t­o­­ sho­­w­ it­ ha­s co­­mplied­ w­it­h CR­A­ - a­nd­ a­ppr­o­­va­l ca­n be held­ up by co­­mpla­int­s filed­ by g­r­o­­ups lik­e A­CO­­R­N.

In fa­ct­, in­timidatio­n­ tactics, pu­b­lic ch­ar­ge­s o­f r­acism an­d th­r­e­ats to­ u­se­ CR­A to­ b­lo­ck­ b­u­sin­e­ss e­xpan­sio­n­ h­av­e­ e­n­ab­le­d ACO­R­N­ to­ e­xtr­act h­u­n­dr­e­ds o­f millio­n­s o­f do­llar­s in­ lo­an­s an­d co­n­tr­ib­u­tio­n­s fr­o­m Ame­r­ica’s fin­an­cial in­stitu­tio­n­s .

T­he Wo­o­ds F­und rep­o­rt­ m­a­kes i­t­ clea­r O­ba­m­a­ wa­s f­ully a­wa­re o­f­ t­he i­nt­i­m­i­da­t­i­o­n t­a­ct­i­cs used by A­CO­RN’s M­a­deli­ne T­a­lbo­t­t­ i­n her p­i­o­neeri­ng ef­f­o­rt­s t­o­ f­o­rce ba­nks t­o­ susp­end t­hei­r usua­l credi­t­ st­a­nda­rds. Y­et­ he suppor­t­ed T­al­b­ot­t­ in­ ever­y­ con­ceivab­l­e w­ay­. He t­r­ain­ed her­ per­son­al­ st­af­f­ an­d ot­her­ aspir­in­g­ ACOR­N­ l­eader­s, he con­sul­t­ed w­it­h her­ ext­en­sivel­y­, an­d he ar­r­an­g­ed a m­ajor­ b­oost­ in­ f­oun­dat­ion­ f­un­din­g­ f­or­ her­ ef­f­or­t­s.

An­d, as t­he l­eader­ of­ an­ot­her­ char­it­y­, t­he Chicag­o An­n­en­b­er­g­ Chal­l­en­g­e, Ob­am­a chan­n­el­ed mo­­re­ fun­­din­­g T­alb­ot­t­’s way­ - ost­e­n­­sib­ly­ for­ e­ducat­ion­­ pr­oje­ct­s b­ut­ sur­e­ly­ suppor­t­iv­e­ of ACOR­N­­’s ov­e­r­all e­ffor­t­s.

This man should never be allowed to hold any public office every agian much less be President. He is nothing more than a criminal thug who should be ostracized. Obama was just part of a organized crime ring in Chicago disguised as a community redevlopmet orgianization. He will destroy our country.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

By The Numbers

Obama seems to be losing ground with likely voters in the polls. the numbers are all over the board today with some having him as high as 12 points while other have him only at a 1 point advantage. He seems to be doing well in the registered voter category. These numbers can be skewed though because it includes a lot of the so called "youth vote" (18-25) and of course they historically never show up. I think to get a clearer picture you have to look at the likely voter category.

Rezko Is Sqealing

Barak Obama's friend, mentor, former chief fundraiser, and all around partner in he's crimes had his sentencing put on hold. He seems to be turning stool pigeon and naming names. Of course you wont hear anything about this, as it shines a negative light on Obama, just like demanding answers about his being mentored by Terrorist Bill Ayers, and his involvement in the massive cases of voter fraud perpetrated by the socialist group ACORN are just "distracting" the voters. What is this piece of excrement trying to hide from the American people? Why wont he release documents concerning he's past work with ACORN, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko? These type of issues are what show a mans character. But most importantly it shows what kind of people he will have in mind for his cabinet as well as life time judicial appointments. There is an old saying, "you are the people you keep". The people Obama has kept seem to be liars, thugs, thief's, and profiteers. It's time for the media to get their noses out of Obama's ass crack and do the job they are charged to do, ask these questions. And if he refuses to answer, find the answers.

This from the AP and the Greenville News. (And please notice that there is no mention of the millions of dollars that this scumbag raised for Obama.)

Oct 8, 10:20 AM EDT

Federal judge grants delay in Rezko sentencing

CHICAGO (AP) -- Convicted political fundraiser Tony Rezko's sentencing is officially on hold in Chicago.

U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve on Wednesday granted prosecutors' request to strike Rezko's scheduled October 28th sentencing date.

St. Eve set a status hearing for December.

Earlier this week, prosecutors filed a motion to delay the sentencing "while the parties engage in discussions that could affect their sentencing postures."

The request all but an acknowledges Rezko is talking to investigators about what he knows about corruption in state government.

He was convicted on charges of launching a $7 million scheme to use his clout with Governor Rod Blagojevich's administration to pressure a contractor and firms wanting to do business with the state for kickbacks.

© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Throwing Stars


I have decided to take a break from all the political hoopla and focus on a more important subject. Throwing Stars. Yes the shiny pieces of metal that my friends and I played with as youths. Apparently in the hands of a skilled Ninja they can be deadly. But in my hands I was lucky if I got one to stick in a tree. I guess my ninja skills were a little rusty. Here is a kicker, we used to take these discs of death to school with us and play with them during recess. Today I imagine that we would be led off campus in handcuffs and be the top story on the 11 o clock news. "4th grader busted with deadly ninja weaponry". Our parents would be castigated as unfit for allowing their precious little snowflakes to get a hold of such weapons of mass disruption. Shallamar II and The Treasure Box in the old Greenville Mall would have been protested and shut down for endangering the lives of the public.

I have since moved on to a little better means of self defense. No longer do I feel the need to train in the ancient arts of the Ninja. I have traded in my old throwing stars for a nice Taurus PT24/7 40 cal. (Although i do have my eye on an awesome pair of nunchucks, if anyone is interested we will meet behind my dads garage and practice).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin And Biden

Well the debate was last night and for the most part, there were not a lot of fireworks to talk about. Palin seemed to be very statesman like in her demure while Biden seemed like just another Washington career politician. Biden also told many untruths about McCains voting record and policy's. He also lied when he tried to justify he's voting for giving President Bush the authority to go to war with Iraq. He basically plead ignorance when he said he voted, so the president would have time to go to the UN and and get the inspectors back in. ppppppplllllllleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee. Biden voted for the war, for the same reason every other democrat voted for it. To save their jobs. Over all I would have to say that Palin won the debate, or at least tied and the tie goes to Palin.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And The Smelly Hippies Of The World Rejoiced

Hippies of the world are twirling in place in the streets today as the Band Phish anounces it is going back out on tour. If in the next few months you get a whiff of the distinct smell of body odor mixed with patchouli, then your town could be the next stop on the tour. wheres Eric Cartman when we need him?