Friday, August 29, 2008

Sara Plain And Tall

John McCain has picked Alaska Governor Sara Palin as his VP pick. Palin's star has been rising in the republican ranks for a while now. This is not really a surprise, and will do nothing but help McCain in the run up to the election.

Not to mention that she is smoking hot for a 44 year old mother of 5. She will also make mince meat out of Biden on the issues in the debate. You can bet she will be ready.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

MSNBC Falling Apart

MSNBC seems to be falling apart at the seams with out the level headed guidance of Tim Russart. It all seems to have started with the announcement that Dan Abrahams' The Verdict would be replaced by a new show hosted by Rachel Maddow. Maddow, a young man who is well educated and really far to the left should fit right in with the rest of the left wing cheerleaders; Chris Matthews, who no doubtledy is still steaming about not being handed over the keys to meet the press, and Failed Sports Center host Keith Olbermann.

Now we are finding out that Olbermann is trying to ban Tom Brokaw from appearing on MSNBC. Who the hell does Olbermann think he is? Keith is that guy everyone knows that try's to be involved in every conversation even though he does not know anything about the topic. He is just trying to be the O'Reilly of the left, and his schtick just doesn't work. He is just as much of a douchbag as O'Reilly, so he does have that going for him which is nice.

It looks like GE is looking to sell off the NBC Universal side anyway just so they can get off the ship before it sinks it's credibility like the Titanic.

Will see if Maddow can acutely get some viewers. He can preach to Shepple just as good as anyone else can. And at this point any journalistic credibility for this network has gone completely out the window. The one shining star they had died.

Addendum to last post

No matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on, the historic nomination of Barak Obama is great for this country. It shows that we as a Americans have come a long way in race relations.

More Bad News For The Dems

Coming off of the most uninspired, boring convention to date, the bad news just keeps coming for the dems.
The economy grew last quarter, and this is not good for Democrats. Like a successful surge in Iraq, the dems know that they cannot hang there hat on succsess so they have to hope the economy stays shitty, and that more Americans start losing there life in Iraq. They are the party built on "we already lost the war" and "we are heading toward a economic depression". So if the economy is growing, and we are having success in Iraq were does that leave the dems? Apparently at least dead even if not a couple of points behind McCain. Which is unprecedented during a convention. History and conventional wisdom has always shown a "bump" in the polls during a candidates convention. The tracking trends I have looked at show McCain trending upward and The Obama stagnating to say the least. Of course we will have to wait until after he appears and speaks tonight for a clearer picture. It's great timing for him as well, as college football starts tonight, and of course no one has any interest in that. The real campaign begins tomorrow, when it is expected that McCain will announce who he will nominate for veep. I'm betting on a hard core right wing surprise, anti abortion, pro military, pro economic growth, pro gun, hard ass son of a bitch, to get the base excited going into the twin cities. The thought of Lieberman is laughable, but he is going to need someone who can stand toe to toe, and spank Biden in the arena of ideas during the debate. Will see.

Shalom and Mahalo

Monday, August 25, 2008


There is no evedence that Obama will appoint Peter Singer to head the department of health and human services if he is elected. But they say like minds work well together. Look for his name to be floated around, If for no other reason to help shore up the base and throw the NOW crowd a bone after Hillary got screwed.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This One Might Have Legs.

The Obama camp is on the defensive over this infanticide thing. If you have not heard yet, While Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he voted three time against a bill that would require doctors to give medical attention to babies who survive botched abortions and would have given them legal rights. Every time this bill came up he gave his reasons that he was against it, and every time those reasons were addressed in other versions of the bill he still voted against it.

The thing that blows my mind is the term “botched abortion”. Most of the time “botched” used in medical terminology means that the doctor messed up and the patient died, as in; botched heart surgery or botched chemo treatment. But this is the complete opposite. Botched abortion means that the doctor messed up and the child lives. So the question becomes, does this child have rights, once it is outside the womb, detached form the umbilical cord and breathing on its on? I would have to say yes. (My pay grade is much lower than Obama’s, but I have no trouble answering this question.)

Now I know that some in the pro choice crowd believe in abortions for any reason, any time, at any age, preferably paid for by the tax payers of the US, but come on. Maybe we should pass a law that says the doctor only gets one shot at it, if he or she messes up and the baby lives, the child is taken to an incubator and kept alive until the mother awakens and is well enough to walk. She is then given a claw hammer and told to do it herself.

Come on people weather or not you are pro life or pro abortion or fall some where in the middle, can we not all agree that once a child is outside the womb it is a life? If life does not start in side the womb, or outside the womb, then when does it start? And why are Obama, and The National Organization for Women the only ones who can decide this? Oh, I’m sorry that question is above Obama’s pay grade.

If the man can’t answer this simple question, then what kind of response will the joint chefs get when they ask, “Mr. President, what should our response be now that Russia has started military action against all of eastern Europe?” I for one do not want to find out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Upcoming Shows

Not a lot going on right now in the news that peaks my interest. The election is in the silly season, our athletes are kicking ass in china, and World War III is getting ramped up in Georga.

Here is a list of shows I am going to try and catch over the next couple of months:

Clutch: September 23 At the Orange Peel in Ashville.

Willie Nelson: October 1 in Spartanburg.

GWAR October: 6 at the Orange Peel in Ashville.

David Allen Coe: October 10 at the Orange Peel In Ashville.

As always I will give my review of each show. (As if anyone gives a shit about my opinion).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Is this for real?

Interesting Take On the Surge

This is an interesting piece on the surge in Iraq. You have to look for it, but there is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq. Of course Nancey, and Harry are sweating bullets, because they have already anounced that the war was over and we lost. Because of this, the democrates can no longer be trusted with the sercurity of the United States.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Buying Votes

Obama's plan to steal money from the oil companies to hand out, as stimulus is little more than vote buying and should be treated as such. So far the only plan that I have seen from puddin head to lower the price of gas, would be to systematically raise the price of gas. He wants to add more taxes to the oil companies so called "windfall profits". This amounts to nothing more then a tax on the poor and middle class. Obama is playing the class envy card when he talks about a windfall profits tax. It makes the middle class and poor think "yeah brother Obama is sticking it to the "man", the rich man, the man who is bringing us down". Well as it turns out, it is "the man" that does all the hiring in this country. And the man is also small business owners just trying to make ends meet. What apparently this Harvard graduate does not realize is, and let me say this as loud and clear as possible, ahem: CORPERATIONS DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES WHAT SO EVER, THE CONSUMER PAYS ALL TAXES ON GOODS AND SERVICES! So when Obama talks about a windfall profit tax for evil mean ol oil companies, just know that he is talking about a tax on the poor and middle class. Also keep in mind corporations are not just rich bloated executives in suits. For every executive there are millions of people working for Big whatever, trying to raise there kids and earn a living, so that they may be able to retire before they drop dead. And when the government fucks with the people at the top the shit tends to role down hill and the real people are the ones to get hurt.

Monday, August 4, 2008

There Plan Is Working

The lefts plan to undermine the economy is moving along just fine. It has been announced that the jobless rate in this country has just risen to 5.7 percent. What you wont hear from the media though, is the reason. It was during this time that another Kennedy minimum wage hike went into affect. Having worked in minimum wage jobs for many years back in the day. I know first hand what the effect is when an arbitrary number is just thrown out as a minimum wage. First people lose there jobs, and usually it is the people who most cannot afford to, people who more times than not are making more than the minimum. Second, prices have to be raised, across the board.

The problem is, the left is well aware of all of this, and seems to find joy in it. It does not matter to them if lives and family’s get ruined as long as the left can stick it to "big business" (for the most part though it is the small entrapanour business owner that is hurt the most.) and if they feel like it will get them a point or two in the polls.

One of the questions we should ask ourselves as we ponder the up coming election is, why does the left hate the poor, and why are they doing everything within there power to keep them that way? As well as, how bad will it get when they have complete power over the legislative and executive branches of government?