Monday, July 21, 2008

Are You Kidding?

This story about China's restictions during the Olympics is mind boggling. especialy this quote:

"“Had the I.O.C., and those vested with the decision to award the host city contract, known seven years ago that there would be severe restrictions on people being able to enter China simply to watch the Olympics, or that live broadcasting from Tiananmen Square would essentially be banned, or that reporters would be corralled at the whim of local security, then I seriously doubt whether Beijing would have been awarded the Olympics,” the commissioner said."

Why would they think China would drasticly change it's policys? Did they really think that china would change there ways in 9 years or is the IOC just blind?

Mayby the next country that gets awarded the Olympics could be Darfur or Zimbabwe, because aparently the IOC's standard's are not very high.

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