Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Client # 9

Ok, my problem is not the fact Eliot Spitzer (Democrat NY) hired a hooker(s), but the amount of money he paid for these hookers. One report clams he spent over five grand for 3 hours. For that kind of money the whore better bring her work clothes because she’s painting my house, and mowing my yard.

Do men not pay enough mentally for legitimate sex? Is our shame at the lies we have to tell women at bars not enough payment?

I guess not for some people. I hope he at least got a Cleveland Steamer (Google it) out of the deal.

Now, on to his wife. What is it about politician’s wives that no matter what kind of sick, perverted nasty crap they get caught doing. The wife is there right beside him, with a look on her face as if to say, “look how brave he is standing there before god and the press corps confessing his sins”
Give me a break. Now I’m not married but most women I know that are would not be so……. let’s say understanding. I don’t know if I’m coining this phrase or not, but maybe the cult of politics has a stepford wife syndrome. I’m not saying they are preprogrammed robots, but maybe they just have mutual understanding that they (the wives) are just for show. They just mask the husbands underlying perversions.

Of course I may be putting too much thought in to this. Spitzer (Democrat NY) may just be a man who likes the thrill of it all. Maybe Mrs. Spitzer will not do the things that he pays a whore to do. Now we don’t know for sure about Eliot Spitzer’s sexual tastes. We cannot confirm that a strap-on, and ball gag were used. Or that Mr. Spitzer has a diaper fetish. All we do know is that he is a politician. And politicians are the most deviant monsters who walk among us.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Brilliant! This one is hilarious.