Thursday, August 13, 2009
New Rules For Congress
First no more “living expenses.” Senators and House members would no longer be able to take tax money for living expenses when congress is in session. Instead, Dorm like housing would be built to house them. Each room housing 6 members of congress.
Upon certification of an election by the state, each congressman’s assets as well as the spouses would have a lien placed on them by the state they represent. In the event that a law is passed that has a detrimental effect on the United States, all members of congress that voted for the bill or was a sponsor would have all assets seized and bank accounts froze. At which time a tribunal would come to session, if found guilty the assets would be given back to the people of the home state in the form of tax credits. The Guilty member of congress as well as the spouse and children would then be deported out of the United States.
Any felony that a member of congress is found guilty of would result in a mandatory public execution. Also all above-mentioned provisions of asset seizure would be in effect. Execution will be carried out on the Washington Mall in the shadow of the Jefferson Memorial by means of crucifixion.
Pay for members of congress will be lowered to 8.25 an hour. A working hour will transpire when said congressperson is in the chamber during a session of congress or when he is in a committee session.
Constituents will have the right to strike with great force with the back of the hand (“bitch slap”), the faces of the members of their congressional delegation at any time for any reason what so ever.
If the public feels it is necessary, all members of congress will be sodomized at great length. Except for barney frank.
Maybe if these rules were in place, we could get a better class of leaders.
RIP Les Paul

Les Paul died today at the age of 94. Every musician that plays a solid body guitar owes a debt of gratitude to this music legend. A jazz guitarist by trade Paul had a string of hits with his wife Mary Ford in 40’s and 50’s. But Paul may be best known for the Guitar that bears his name.
He was a pioneer in the development of the solid body electric guitar. It has been said that without Les Paul there would be no Rock-n-Roll. It (along with the Fender Stratocaster) has become a sort of standard in many genres of popular music.
Paul was also an innovator in multitrack studio recording. Coming up with many of the studio “tricks” that are used to this day.
Paul had a standing gig every Monday at the Iridium Jazz Club where he played with a jazz trio.
The next time you are listening to your favorite song, more then likely you will have Les Paul to thank for the privilege.