While going through a box of old junk last night I came across an old picture of myself my friend Eric and a very concerned looking Bill Clinton who we were shaking hands with.
Anyway, Eric has a web site. You had better check it out
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Au revoir Mr. Jintao
France is threatening to boycott the Olympics this summer. Well not really, there going to boycott in the France sort of way, they’re just not going to show up for the opening ceremonies. Big deal. A lot has been said about how politics should be separated from the Olympics. I do not agree.
Beijing should have never been granted the Olympics in the first place. But since China will be the host this summer the Tibetans and Chinese should take advantage once the cameras arrive and just out right act a fool.
This Olympics is already going to be an abortion on a worldwide scale, and with all the media coverage and cameras this would be a great time to just have a mass protest.
And I know the argument will be made that a disruption would take away from the athletes who trained all their lives for this moment. My answer to that is some things are more important than you getting your picture on a Wheaties box.
The US should have taken the lead and boycotted this Olympics as soon as the host country was announced. And I know that would cause a huge diplomatic rift, but are they not theoretically still our enemy? Why should we take part on a global stage to help trump up a country that has only our destruction (financially or otherwise) in mind?
Oh yeah, that’s right, we only care about communism if we have no financial stake in it.
What if the Olympic committee had chosen Cuba instead of the Peoples Republic of China? We would have no choice but to boycott because it would be illegal for the athletes to even travel to the island nation.
Beijing should have never been granted the Olympics in the first place. But since China will be the host this summer the Tibetans and Chinese should take advantage once the cameras arrive and just out right act a fool.
This Olympics is already going to be an abortion on a worldwide scale, and with all the media coverage and cameras this would be a great time to just have a mass protest.
And I know the argument will be made that a disruption would take away from the athletes who trained all their lives for this moment. My answer to that is some things are more important than you getting your picture on a Wheaties box.
The US should have taken the lead and boycotted this Olympics as soon as the host country was announced. And I know that would cause a huge diplomatic rift, but are they not theoretically still our enemy? Why should we take part on a global stage to help trump up a country that has only our destruction (financially or otherwise) in mind?
Oh yeah, that’s right, we only care about communism if we have no financial stake in it.
What if the Olympic committee had chosen Cuba instead of the Peoples Republic of China? We would have no choice but to boycott because it would be illegal for the athletes to even travel to the island nation.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hillary On The Cross
Bill Richardson’s endorsement of Obama seems to have Klinton Inc in a tailspin. James Carville came out and said Richardson is a Judas Goat. This could set Hillary up to come out in full sympathy mode. Being that the Clintons already have a messiah complex, she can play herself as a martyr being led to the cross, with Obama as the roman emperor, and Richardson counting his 30 pieces of silver.
I have a feeling that Richardson just wanted to wash the blood off of his hands. He has been a lap dog for the Clintons for a long time, and there is no telling what atrocities his eyes have seen and he has been a party to.
I’m sure the Obama camp is hoping Richardson can start wrangling more super delegates away from Clinton. He should have no trouble doing this, as he seems to be popular among the party elite.
The question is, is he Vice President material? I’m not so sure of that. Not for a lack of qualifications. He certainly is qualified, to be VP or the head honcho for that matter. But for all of the talk of “Change” from Obama even he knows that an
African American/Hispanic ticket would not be sustainable at this time. Just not going to happen.
I have a feeling that Richardson just wanted to wash the blood off of his hands. He has been a lap dog for the Clintons for a long time, and there is no telling what atrocities his eyes have seen and he has been a party to.
I’m sure the Obama camp is hoping Richardson can start wrangling more super delegates away from Clinton. He should have no trouble doing this, as he seems to be popular among the party elite.
The question is, is he Vice President material? I’m not so sure of that. Not for a lack of qualifications. He certainly is qualified, to be VP or the head honcho for that matter. But for all of the talk of “Change” from Obama even he knows that an
African American/Hispanic ticket would not be sustainable at this time. Just not going to happen.
Friday, March 21, 2008
27 Words
Sorry about not posting the past couple of days, I had to have some oral surgery. If anyone would like to know how it feels to have a chunk of tissue sliced from the roof of your mouth and sewed on to your lower gum just let me know. Now on with the show.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
While in a nice Loritab® funk after my surgery on Tuesday I listened to the to the arguments for the 2nd amendment case now before the Supreme Court on C-SPAN. (yeah, I know, I need to get a life) It seemed to me a lot of this case hinges on one word that the framers did not include. That word is “And” . Had this word been included, and the amendment read like this:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, and the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Then maybe I could fulfill my dream of having a Howitzer stationed in my front yard. But as it stands I can only dream for now.
This case stems from a couple of law abiding residents of Washington DC who are suing to have their “Right To Keep And Bear Arms” returned to them. As it stands now no person who lives within the city limits of DC can own or posses a hand gun of any kind. Also any long guns (rifle or shot gun) under the law may not be operational. This means that it must be unloaded, broken down and have a trigger lock. So in affect, the citizens of the DC metro area are forbidden to protect, and defend themselves. This might not be that big a deal if we all lived the leftest fantasy land of Utopia, where the citizens do not need arms because the government will “protect” you. But this is DC were talking about here. I went there when I was in High School and let me tell you, it is a cesspool. Coming from the the south it was quite a culture shock to see real “hoods”. I’v been to Atlanta many times, but Tech Wood is a country club compared to the area around the National Zoo in DC. I was honestly worried that our charter bus would break down as we drove through Anacostia. The news has had story after story about how bad crime is, and how high the murder rate is in DC.
I own guns. So I guess I am biased on this. And I have made my pro gun argument (see posts from April 07 http://punishtheinocentaswell-aaron.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html) until I’m blue in the face.
Now the Supreme Court could end this argument once and for all. All a majority has to do is come back in June and find that the second amendment does indeed give law abiding citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The same way the court ruled in 1973 that all women have the right to abort their children. If that can be done then why not this? At least the gun thing is written in black and white in the Constitution. Yes all you loonly leftists we gun crazies should be able to use the Constitution to our advantage as well.
But I’m sure the nine idiots will chicken out, this being an election year and all. My prediction is a majority will find for the two plaintiffs, but for some sort of procedural misstep. And we will once again have the question hanging over our heads. Oh well. It’s just our liberty.
Sorry, I did’nt mean to go off on a bumper sticker tirade.
Criminals, people who are judged to be mental incapacitated, and minors should not be able to buy guns legally. And we already have a system and the infrastructure to make sure of this. I have no problem keeping fully automatic weapons illegal also. (well I do because I would love to have one but I understand.)
Laws of course will not keep guns out of the hands of the people who should not have them. Nor will it keep weapons that are deemed illegal off of the streets. The best thing we as law abiding citizens can do is go to our local shooting range and practice, practice, practice, so our aim is true and the only people we hit is the criminal and not innocent bystanders.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
While in a nice Loritab® funk after my surgery on Tuesday I listened to the to the arguments for the 2nd amendment case now before the Supreme Court on C-SPAN. (yeah, I know, I need to get a life) It seemed to me a lot of this case hinges on one word that the framers did not include. That word is “And” . Had this word been included, and the amendment read like this:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, and the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Then maybe I could fulfill my dream of having a Howitzer stationed in my front yard. But as it stands I can only dream for now.
This case stems from a couple of law abiding residents of Washington DC who are suing to have their “Right To Keep And Bear Arms” returned to them. As it stands now no person who lives within the city limits of DC can own or posses a hand gun of any kind. Also any long guns (rifle or shot gun) under the law may not be operational. This means that it must be unloaded, broken down and have a trigger lock. So in affect, the citizens of the DC metro area are forbidden to protect, and defend themselves. This might not be that big a deal if we all lived the leftest fantasy land of Utopia, where the citizens do not need arms because the government will “protect” you. But this is DC were talking about here. I went there when I was in High School and let me tell you, it is a cesspool. Coming from the the south it was quite a culture shock to see real “hoods”. I’v been to Atlanta many times, but Tech Wood is a country club compared to the area around the National Zoo in DC. I was honestly worried that our charter bus would break down as we drove through Anacostia. The news has had story after story about how bad crime is, and how high the murder rate is in DC.
I own guns. So I guess I am biased on this. And I have made my pro gun argument (see posts from April 07 http://punishtheinocentaswell-aaron.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html) until I’m blue in the face.
Now the Supreme Court could end this argument once and for all. All a majority has to do is come back in June and find that the second amendment does indeed give law abiding citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The same way the court ruled in 1973 that all women have the right to abort their children. If that can be done then why not this? At least the gun thing is written in black and white in the Constitution. Yes all you loonly leftists we gun crazies should be able to use the Constitution to our advantage as well.
But I’m sure the nine idiots will chicken out, this being an election year and all. My prediction is a majority will find for the two plaintiffs, but for some sort of procedural misstep. And we will once again have the question hanging over our heads. Oh well. It’s just our liberty.
Sorry, I did’nt mean to go off on a bumper sticker tirade.
Criminals, people who are judged to be mental incapacitated, and minors should not be able to buy guns legally. And we already have a system and the infrastructure to make sure of this. I have no problem keeping fully automatic weapons illegal also. (well I do because I would love to have one but I understand.)
Laws of course will not keep guns out of the hands of the people who should not have them. Nor will it keep weapons that are deemed illegal off of the streets. The best thing we as law abiding citizens can do is go to our local shooting range and practice, practice, practice, so our aim is true and the only people we hit is the criminal and not innocent bystanders.
Gun control,
Spreme Court
Monday, March 17, 2008
Jeremiah Wright
Undoubtedly you have heard the quotes from Obama’s “spiritual mentor”. The questions are will these hate filled diatribes hurt him, and how badly. In a lot of ways I feel he should embrace these comments and not shy away from them. Why you ask? Well if you read and listen to the rhetoric from the mainstream organizations of the Left like Code Pink and Move On you will hear astounding similarities in what they and the preacher have to say. And these are the people Obama (and Hillary for that matter) have to woo and win over if they want to be El’ Presidenti.
But alas, this has been the problem for the democrats for a long time. Not being able to say what they really feel in there heart. The last one who did this was Mondale, when he said he would raise taxes. Of course we know how that turned out.
Deep down inside I have a feeling that both Obama and Hillary are seething to just come out and defend what the preacher said, because it is what they and the rest of the left believe.
But alas, this has been the problem for the democrats for a long time. Not being able to say what they really feel in there heart. The last one who did this was Mondale, when he said he would raise taxes. Of course we know how that turned out.
Deep down inside I have a feeling that both Obama and Hillary are seething to just come out and defend what the preacher said, because it is what they and the rest of the left believe.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Client # 9
Ok, my problem is not the fact Eliot Spitzer (Democrat NY) hired a hooker(s), but the amount of money he paid for these hookers. One report clams he spent over five grand for 3 hours. For that kind of money the whore better bring her work clothes because she’s painting my house, and mowing my yard.
Do men not pay enough mentally for legitimate sex? Is our shame at the lies we have to tell women at bars not enough payment?
I guess not for some people. I hope he at least got a Cleveland Steamer (Google it) out of the deal.
Now, on to his wife. What is it about politician’s wives that no matter what kind of sick, perverted nasty crap they get caught doing. The wife is there right beside him, with a look on her face as if to say, “look how brave he is standing there before god and the press corps confessing his sins”
Give me a break. Now I’m not married but most women I know that are would not be so……. let’s say understanding. I don’t know if I’m coining this phrase or not, but maybe the cult of politics has a stepford wife syndrome. I’m not saying they are preprogrammed robots, but maybe they just have mutual understanding that they (the wives) are just for show. They just mask the husbands underlying perversions.
Of course I may be putting too much thought in to this. Spitzer (Democrat NY) may just be a man who likes the thrill of it all. Maybe Mrs. Spitzer will not do the things that he pays a whore to do. Now we don’t know for sure about Eliot Spitzer’s sexual tastes. We cannot confirm that a strap-on, and ball gag were used. Or that Mr. Spitzer has a diaper fetish. All we do know is that he is a politician. And politicians are the most deviant monsters who walk among us.
Do men not pay enough mentally for legitimate sex? Is our shame at the lies we have to tell women at bars not enough payment?
I guess not for some people. I hope he at least got a Cleveland Steamer (Google it) out of the deal.
Now, on to his wife. What is it about politician’s wives that no matter what kind of sick, perverted nasty crap they get caught doing. The wife is there right beside him, with a look on her face as if to say, “look how brave he is standing there before god and the press corps confessing his sins”
Give me a break. Now I’m not married but most women I know that are would not be so……. let’s say understanding. I don’t know if I’m coining this phrase or not, but maybe the cult of politics has a stepford wife syndrome. I’m not saying they are preprogrammed robots, but maybe they just have mutual understanding that they (the wives) are just for show. They just mask the husbands underlying perversions.
Of course I may be putting too much thought in to this. Spitzer (Democrat NY) may just be a man who likes the thrill of it all. Maybe Mrs. Spitzer will not do the things that he pays a whore to do. Now we don’t know for sure about Eliot Spitzer’s sexual tastes. We cannot confirm that a strap-on, and ball gag were used. Or that Mr. Spitzer has a diaper fetish. All we do know is that he is a politician. And politicians are the most deviant monsters who walk among us.
Monday, March 3, 2008
I ran house lights for the Kid Rock show Saturday. Not really a fan of his music but he really seems like a down to earth guy in interviews I have seen and read. The High lights of the show were when Dickey Betts and his son, Duane joined Kid on stage to do a few renditions of Allman Brothers classics. Also making an appearance was Joey Simmons, aka DJ Run from Run DMC fame. This I have to say was pretty awesome as I am a big fan of old school rap pioneers. It would be awesome if Run DMC could get together for a tour, but with the untimely death of Jam Master Jay, and the voice problems that Darryl McDaniels has had it seems unlikely.
Other than that, the show was Robert Ritchie playing whatever persona he happens be right at this moment. He played to the packed out crowd and the crowd liked what they saw.
Other than that, the show was Robert Ritchie playing whatever persona he happens be right at this moment. He played to the packed out crowd and the crowd liked what they saw.
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